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Building a Cross-Chain DAO with OpenZeppelin's Governor Contract

by Jeremy Boetticher


Moonbeam works hard to support interoperability and cross-chain logic. Its multi-chain initiative requires an updating of previously understood smart contract concepts so that they fit a cross-chain world. While some cross-chain primitives have been available for years, such as cross-chain tokens, others are only now starting to be worked on, such as cross-chain swaps, AMMs, and, of particular interest for this tutorial, DAOs.

In this tutorial, we will work through a thought process of writing smart contracts for a cross-chain DAO. The smart contracts in this example will be based off of OpenZeppelin's Governance smart contracts to demonstrate an evolution from single-chain to cross-chain and to highlight some incompatibilities that one might face when converting a DApp concept from single-chain to cross-chain. The cross-chain protocol used in this example will be LayerZero, but you are encouraged to adapt its concepts to any other protocol that you see fit, since cross-chain concepts often overlap between the protocols that Moonbeam hosts.

The purpose of this tutorial is not to be the end-all, be-all definition of what a cross-chain DAO would be like, but instead to provide an example of thinking about the intricacies of writing a significantly complex cross-chain DApp. The focus of this tutorial will be on architecture, specifically cross-chain smart contract logic, instead of deploying and testing. The following smart contracts are not tested or recommended for production use. That being said, feel free to take inspiration from some of the design choices if you decide to write your cross-chain DAO. The full code base and demonstration of the DAO is available in a GitHub repository, with relevant instructions.

The information presented herein is for informational purposes only and has been provided by third parties. Moonbeam does not endorse any project listed and described on the Moonbeam docs website (

Intuition And Planning

DAO stands for "Decentralized Autonomous Organization." In order for a smart contract to be a DAO, it must be:

  • Decentralized — control is separated and distributed among many actors
  • Autonomous — execution must occur without reliance on a single person, government, or team
  • Organized — there must be a way for actions to be proposed and then taken: code is law

One of the best single-chain DAOs is Compound Finance's DAO. It is organized because the smart contract allows users to propose actions to be taken on chain in the form of transaction parameters, which are later executed with the smart contract as the origin. It is autonomous because the execution of the proposals is permissionless and thus does not depend on any specific person or team. It is decentralized because proposals are voted on by holders of the Compound Finance token.

Let's take a look at the phases that a proposal in a DAO like Compound Finance's takes:

Typical DAO

  1. Proposal — a user proposes that the DAO execute one or more transactions
  2. Voting — after a voting delay time period, a voting period opens, which allows users to vote with their voting weight. The voting weight is determined by a token balance snapshot typically taken sometime between the proposal start and the end of the voting delay period
  3. Timelock — an optional period that allows users to exit the ecosystem (sell their tokens) before the proposal can be executed
  4. Execution — if the vote is successful, any user can trustlessly execute it

But what about a cross-chain DAO? In a cross-chain DAO, the actions that you would typically take should also be available cross-chain: proposals, votes, executions, cancellations, etc. This requires a more complex architecture since a lot of information has to be replicated across chains.

There are many ways to architect a cross-chain DApp. You could make a more distributed system, where data and logic are distributed to multiple chains to maximize their use. On the other end of the spectrum, you could use a hub-and-spoke model, where the main logic and data are stored on a single chain and cross-chain messages will interact with it.

Cross-Chain DAO

Let's break down some of the steps in more detail:

  1. Proposal — a user proposes that the DAO execute one or more transactions on the hub chain. A cross-chain message is sent to the satellite smart contracts on the spoke chains to let them know the parameters of the vote to take place
  2. Voting — after a voting delay time period, a voting period opens, which allows users to vote with their voting weight on every chain. The voting weight is determined by a cross-chain token's balance on each chain at a certain timestamp between the proposal start and end
  3. Collection — after the voting period, the cross-chain DAO on the hub chain sends a request to the spoke chains to send the voting results of each chain to the hub chain
  4. Timelock — an optional period that allows users to exit the ecosystem (sell their tokens) before the proposal can be executed
  5. Execution — if the vote is successful, any user can execute it trustlessly on the hub chain


Take note of the new collection phase. This is where the cross-chain aspect changes the logic the most. Essentially, the votes on each spoke chain must be collected and submitted to the hub chain after the voting period is over.

The process shown here makes it so that anyone can vote from across chains, so long as they hold the DAO token. For holding information that is read-only, we will be storing it on a single chain. Rare one-off actions such as proposals, cancellations, and so on are best done as a hub-and-spoke model. For information regarding voting logic, since users will be voting on multiple chains, voting weight and vote sums will be stored on each spoke chain and only sent to the hub chain after voting is over, since cross-chain actions are generally expensive.

Smart contracts overview

This is, of course, only one way to implement a cross-chain DAO, and you are encouraged to think of alternative and better ways. In the next section, we will look at an implementation.

Checking Prerequisites

Before we start writing the entire project, it's important to note that its finished form can be found in its own cross-chain DAO GitHub repository. It uses Hardhat, so prerequisite knowledge will be helpful for understanding how the repository works. This tutorial will not include information on how to use Hardhat and will instead focus solely on the smart contracts. If you would like to follow along, the prerequisites are as follows:

To install both dependencies, you can run:

npm install @openzeppelin/contracts @layerzerolabs/solidity-examples

Writing the Cross-Chain DAO Token Contract

Let's start at the basics and sort out how users will have their voting power calculated.

In Compound Finance's DAO, a user needs the COMP token to vote, which enables the decentralization aspect of a DAO. OpenZeppelin's Governor smart contract also has this feature, abstracting the tokens to votes feature into an IVotes interface.

The IVotes interface requires a lot of different functions to represent the different weights in a voting scheme. Fortunately, OpenZeppelin provides an ERC-20 implementation of IVotes, called ERC20Votes.

Recall from earlier that we intend to have users vote on each chain and to only send voting data to the hub chain during the collection phase. This means that the voting weights must be stored on each chain. This is very easy, since all we have to do is ensure that the ERC20Votes contract is deployed on each chain, or, in other words, make the DAO token a cross-chain token.

Previously, it was mentioned that LayerZero is being used as the cross-chain protocol for this tutorial. LayerZero was chosen because of their OFT contract, which makes it extremely easy to make an ERC-20 token cross-chain. This doesn't mean that you have to use LayerZero, though; every other cross-chain protocol has its own methods and the ability to create cross-chain assets.

We will create a new file named OFTVotes.sol:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Votes.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";
import "@layerzerolabs/solidity-examples/contracts/token/oft/IOFT.sol";
import "@layerzerolabs/solidity-examples/contracts/token/oft/OFTCore.sol";

abstract contract OFTVotes is OFTCore, ERC20Votes, IOFT {
    constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, address _lzEndpoint) ERC20(_name, _symbol) OFTCore(_lzEndpoint) {}

As you can see, OFTVotes is an abstract smart contract that inherits from the OFTCore, ERC20Votes, and IOFT smart contracts. If properly implemented, this will give it both cross-chain ERC-20 properties as well as voting properties. Let's add the following function overrides to the OFTVotes smart contract:

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(OFTCore, IERC165) returns (bool) {
    return interfaceId == type(IOFT).interfaceId || interfaceId == type(IERC20).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

function token() public view virtual override returns (address) {
    return address(this);

function circulatingSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint) {
    return totalSupply();

function _debitFrom(address _from, uint16, bytes memory, uint _amount) internal virtual override returns(uint) {
    address spender = _msgSender();
    if (_from != spender) _spendAllowance(_from, spender, _amount);
    _burn(_from, _amount);
    return _amount;

function _creditTo(uint16, address _toAddress, uint _amount) internal virtual override returns(uint) {
    _mint(_toAddress, _amount);
    return _amount;

The first few functions are just ensuring compatibility with the smart contracts that they inherit from.

The _debitFrom function is a little spicier: it includes logic to burn tokens so that the token bridge works. Similarly, the _creditTo function includes logic to mint tokens. These two functions are required by the OFTCore smart contract. If you are wondering why minting and burning are involved when most bridges wrap, it's because OFT teleports assets instead of wrapping them (similar to one of the XCM asset protocols).

The OFTVotes contract is abstract, so let's create a final smart contract that we'll deploy. In the contracts folder, create a new smart contract called CrossChainDAOToken.sol and add the following:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./OFTVotes.sol";

contract CrossChainDAOToken is OFTVotes {
    constructor(uint256 _initialSupply, address _lzEndpoint)
        OFTVotes("Cross Chain DAO Token", "CCDT", _lzEndpoint)
        ERC20Permit("Cross Chain DAO Token")
        _mint(msg.sender, _initialSupply);

    // The functions below are overrides required by Solidity

    function _afterTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal override(ERC20Votes) {
        super._afterTokenTransfer(from, to, amount);

    function _mint(address to, uint256 amount) internal override(ERC20Votes) {
        super._mint(to, amount);

    function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal override(ERC20Votes) {
        super._burn(account, amount);

This smart contract isn't very special since all it really does is add metadata in the constructor and mint preliminary tokens to the user. All of the overridden functions are only there because of Solidity rules, and they simply default to a parent contract's implementation. The only reason we didn't add the metadata to OFTVotes is because, in theory, that smart contract could be reused elsewhere.

The CrossChainDAOToken smart contract is now ready for deployment on both spoke and hub chains. You can check its complete version in the example repository.

Writing the Cross-Chain DAO Contract

Now to the meat of this tutorial: the cross-chain DAO. To be clear, not all of the cross-chain logic will be stored in the cross-chain DAO smart contract. Instead, we will separate the hub logic into one contract and the spoke chain logic into another. This makes sense because of the hub-and-spoke model: some of the logic is stored on a single hub chain, while the spoke chains interface with it through a simpler satellite contract. We don't need logic meant to be on spoke chains to be on the hub chain.

We can start off by creating the base for the cross-chain DAO and then edit it so that it becomes cross-chain. To do so, we'll be taking the following steps:

  1. Create the base contract using OpenZeppelin's contract wizard
  2. Add support for cross-chain messaging (through LayerZero in this specific example)
  3. Count votes from spoke chains
  4. Add a new collection phase between voting and execution
    • Requesting the collection of votes from spoke chains
    • Receiving the collection of votes from spoke chains
  5. Add functionality to let spoke chains know when there is a new proposal to vote on
  6. (Optional) Add ability to receive cross-chain messages to do non-voting action(s), like proposing or executing

Starting with the OpenZeppelin Contract Wizard

A logical starting point for thinking about writing a cross-chain DAO is its predecessor: a single-chain DAO. There are many different implementations that exist, but since OpenZeppelin hosts an already popular smart contract repository, we will use their Governance smart contracts. A second reason why we're using OpenZeppelin's smart contracts is because they're based off of Compound Finance's DAO, which we've already investigated in the previous section.

A good way to play with the configurations of the Governor smart contract is to use the OpenZeppelin smart contract wizard. By going to the OpenZeppelin contract page, scrolling down, and clicking on the Governor tab, you can view the different ways that you can configure the Governor smart contract.

We're going to generate as simple of a base smart contract as possible for demonstration purposes:

  1. Name the Governor contract CrossChainDAO
  2. Set the Voting Delay to 0 for simplicity, which also makes it so that the voting weight snapshot is taken as soon as the proposal is made
  3. Set the Voting Period to something short, like 6 minutes
  4. For calculating quorum (the minimum amount of vote weight required for a vote to pass), set Quorum to the number (#) 1
  5. Disable Timelock, since the timelock period is optional anyways

OpenZeppelin Contract Wizard

You should see a contract similar to this in the OpenZeppelin smart contract wizard:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/Governor.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/extensions/GovernorSettings.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/extensions/GovernorCountingSimple.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/extensions/GovernorVotes.sol";

contract CrossChainDAO is Governor, GovernorSettings, GovernorCountingSimple, GovernorVotes {
    constructor(IVotes _token)
        GovernorSettings(0 /* 0 block */, 30 /* 6 minutes */, 0)

    function quorum(uint256 blockNumber) public pure override returns (uint256) {
        return 1e18;

    // The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.

    function votingDelay() public view override(IGovernor, GovernorSettings) returns (uint256) {
        return super.votingDelay();

    function votingPeriod() public view override(IGovernor, GovernorSettings) returns (uint256) {
        return super.votingPeriod();

    function proposalThreshold() public view override(Governor, GovernorSettings) returns (uint256) {
        return super.proposalThreshold();

Let's take this CrossChainDAO smart contract and add it to our working directory as CrossChainDAO.sol.

Adding Cross-Chain Support

Let's tackle our next task: supporting cross-chain messaging. For this implementation, we will use the NonblockingLzApp smart contract provided by LayerZero to make it easy to receive and send cross-chain messages. Most cross-chain protocols will have some smart contract to inherit from to receive a generic bytes payload, so you can use similar logic with a different parent smart contract.

To get started, we'll take the following steps:

  1. Import NonblockingLzApp and add it to the parent smart contracts of CrossChainDAO
  2. Update the constructor as required by the NonblockingLzApp contract by passing in LayerZero's on-chain smart contract as an input
  3. Create a function that overrides the _nonblockingLzReceive function of the NonblockingLzApp contract that will be responsible for receiving cross-chain data
// ...other imports go here
import "@layerzerolabs/solidity-examples/contracts/lzApp/NonblockingLzApp.sol";

contract CrossChainDAO is Governor, GovernorSettings, GovernorCountingSimple, GovernorVotes, NonblockingLzApp {
    constructor(IVotes _token, address lzEndpoint)
        GovernorSettings(0 /* 0 blocks */, 30 /* 6 minutes */, 0)
    { }

    function _nonblockingLzReceive( uint16 _srcChainId, bytes memory, uint64, bytes memory _payload) internal override {
        // TODO: add cross-chain logic

We will come back to fully implement the _nonblockingLzReceive function when implementing the collection phase. Just understand that it is the interface by which LayerZero's cross-chain protocol interacts with when there are incoming messages.

Counting Votes with Cross-Chain Governor Counting Contract

We intend to receive cross-chain voting data via _nonblockingLzReceive, but that is pointless if it is not stored or counted. This logic and data will be housed in a parent contract of the CrossChainDAO. So let's implement this parent contract before beginning to write the _nonblockinglzReceive function.

OpenZeppelin has divided many of the aspects of a DAO into multiple smart contracts, making it easier to replace sections of logic without having to change others. We don't have to go over all of the different smart contracts that came out of the OpenZeppelin smart contract wizard, but we do have to know what the GovernorCountingSimple contract does.

The GovernorCountingSimple contract defines how votes are counted and what votes are. It stores how many votes have been cast per proposal, what a vote can be (for, against, abstain), and it also controls whether or not quorum has been reached.

Fortunately, when converting to a cross-chain version, a lot of the counting logic does not change. The only difference between our cross-chain variant and the single-chain variant is that the cross-chain variant must account for the collection phase and the votes that come with it. Let's add in some of that logic.

Before we write any custom code ourselves, copy and paste the GovernorCountingSimple contract into a new file named CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple.sol. You can get the contract from its repository or within the node_modules folder.

Let's start making changes:

  1. Update the imported contract to use @openzeppelin/contracts instead of using a relative path
  2. Rename the contract to CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple
  3. Add a constructor that will take in a uint16[] to define the spoke chains that the CrossChainDAO smart contract will connect with
  4. Add a struct and a corresponding map of them that will store the vote data received from other chains
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/Governor.sol"

abstract contract CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple is Governor {
    // ...
    // The lz-chain IDs that the DAO expects to receive data from during the 
    // collection phase
    uint16[] public spokeChains;

    constructor(uint16[] memory _spokeChains) {
        spokeChains = _spokeChains;

    struct SpokeProposalVote {
        uint256 forVotes;
        uint256 againstVotes;
        uint256 abstainVotes;
        bool initialized;

    // Maps a proposal ID to a map of a chain ID to summarized spoke voting data
    mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint16 => SpokeProposalVote)) public spokeVotes;
    // ...


In a production-ready cross-chain DAO, you would make the spoke chains modifiable by governance instead of keeping it static. Can you add an additional function that would make this possible? Which address should have access to this function?

Hint: replace the array with a mapping.

You might notice that the SpokeProposalVote is based off of the ProposalVote struct in GovernorCountingSimple. The first difference is that the new struct includes a bool called initialized so that it's possible to check whether or not data was received from the spoke chain by retrieving the struct from the spokeVotes map. The second difference is that SpokeProposalVote does not include a map of users to votes because that information stays on the spoke chains and is not necessary for the calculations of whether or not a vote succeeded.


The new SpokeProposalVote struct is very similar to the ProposalVote struct. Can you think of a more optimal data structure for the smart contract that requires only one struct?

Now we have a place to store the cross-chain data, and we have a data structure to organize it with. We also want the cross-chain data to matter when calculating if a vote reached quorum and if a vote passed. By iterating through the stored cross-chain data from each of the spoke chains, the votes for each spoke chain are being added to the quorum and vote success calculations. To do so, you'll need to edit the _quorumReached and _voteSucceeded functions.

function _quorumReached(uint256 proposalId) internal view virtual override returns (bool) {
    ProposalVote storage proposalVote = _proposalVotes[proposalId];
    uint256 abstainVotes = proposalVote.abstainVotes;
    uint256 forVotes = proposalVote.forVotes;

    for (uint16 i = 0; i < spokeChains.length; i++) {
        SpokeProposalVote storage v = spokeVotes[proposalId][spokeChains[i]];
        abstainVotes += v.abstainVotes;
        forVotes += v.forVotes;

    return quorum(proposalSnapshot(proposalId)) <= forVotes + abstainVotes;

function _voteSucceeded(uint256 proposalId) internal view virtual override returns (bool) {
    ProposalVote storage proposalVote = _proposalVotes[proposalId];
    uint256 againstVotes = proposalVote.againstVotes;
    uint256 forVotes = proposalVote.forVotes;

    for (uint16 i = 0; i < spokeChains.length; i++) {
        SpokeProposalVote storage v = spokeVotes[proposalId][spokeChains[i]];
        againstVotes += v.againstVotes;
        forVotes += v.forVotes;
    return forVotes > againstVotes;

That should be it for changes to how cross-chain votes are counted and stored. You can view the smart contract in its completed state in the GitHub repository.

Now, in the child contract CrossChainDAO, you can import the CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple contract and replace GovernorCountingSimple with it:

// ...
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/extensions/GovernorSettings.sol";
import "./CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/extensions/GovernorVotes.sol";

contract CrossChainDAO is Governor, GovernorSettings, CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple, GovernorVotes, NonblockingLzApp {

    constructor(IVotes _token, address lzEndpoint)
        GovernorSettings(0 /* 0 blocks */, 30 /* 6 minutes */, 0)
    { }

    // ...

Implementing a Collection Phase

If you recall from the initial conception, a new collection phase should be added in between the voting period and the proposal's execution. During this phase:

  1. Execution must be postponed
  2. The hub chain must request voting data from the spoke chains
  3. The spoke chain must subsequently send the voting data

Defining the Collection Phase and Preventing Execution

Let's tackle the first issue: ensuring that execution must be disabled during the collection phase. This will effectively define the collection phase from within the CrossChainDAO contract.

We'll need to:

  1. Add two new mappings, collectionStarted and collectionFinished, which have been defined to track the collection status that we'll use in multiple functions throughout this section
  2. Add a function that overrides the _beforeExecute function of the OpenZeppelin Governor contract that checks whether or not the each of the spoke chains have sent in voting data before a proposal is executed (which is found by checking initialized)
  3. Add a function that marks a collection phase as true if all of the satellite chains have sent a cross-chain message back
mapping(uint256 => bool) public collectionStarted;
mapping(uint256 => bool) public collectionFinished;

function _beforeExecute(
    uint256 proposalId,
    address[] memory targets,
    uint256[] memory values,
    bytes[] memory calldatas,
    bytes32 descriptionHash
) internal override {

        "Collection phase for this proposal is unfinished!"

    super._beforeExecute(proposalId, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);

function finishCollectionPhase(uint256 proposalId) public {
    bool phaseFinished = true;
    for (uint16 i = 0; i < spokeChains.length && phaseFinished; i++) {
        phaseFinished =
            phaseFinished &&

    collectionFinished[proposalId] = phaseFinished;

If you wanted, you could also add the collection phase within the IGovernor state machine. This would require more effort than it would be worth and is more feasible for a cross-chain DAO written from scratch, so we will not be doing it in this tutorial.

Requesting Votes from Spoke Chains

Moving on, let's figure out how to request voting data from spoke chains. We can start by making a new public trustless function to begin the collection phase, similar to the execute function:

// Requests the voting data from all of the spoke chains
function requestCollections(uint256 proposalId) public payable {
        block.number > proposalDeadline(proposalId),
        "Cannot request for vote collection until after the vote period is over!"
        "Collection phase for this proposal has already started!"

    collectionStarted[proposalId] = true;

    // Sends an empty message to each of the aggregators. If they receive a 
    // message at all, it is their cue to send data back
    uint256 crossChainFee = msg.value / spokeChains.length;
    for (uint16 i = 0; i < spokeChains.length; i++) {
        // Using "1" as the function selector
        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(1, abi.encode(proposalId));
            _dstChainId: spokeChains[i],
            _payload: payload,
            _refundAddress: payable(address(this)),
            _zroPaymentAddress: address(0x0),
            _adapterParams: bytes(""),
            _nativeFee: crossChainFee

This function allows any user to start the collection process for a specific proposalId as long as:

  1. The voting phase for the proposal has finished
  2. The collection phase has not yet started

Recall that each spoke chain will have a DAOSatellite smart contract associated with it that can also receive and send cross-chain messages. This function sends a cross-chain message to every registered spoke chain's DAOSatellite during the collection phase. The message contains a function selector, 1, and a proposal ID. The function selector is used to request voting data for the given proposal instead of some other action (we will revisit this concept very soon) from the destination DAOSatellite contract.


By using LayerZero, multiple messages must be sent in a single transaction so that every spoke chain can receive data. LayerZero, along with other cross-chain protocols, is unicast instead of multicast. As in, a cross-chain message can only arrive to a single destination. When designing a hub-and-spoke architecture, research if your protocol supports multicast messaging, as it may be more succinct.

This should be it for requesting data, since most of the logic afterwards will be hosted within the DAO Satellite. Just understand that when sending the proposal to the

Receiving Votes from Spoke Chains

Recall that connected contracts that use LayerZero implement the _nonblockingLzReceive function to receive cross-chain messages. For incoming messages, we must be able to receive the voting data from other chains during the collection phase. Like good software developers, we want to maintain extensibility; we might also want to receive messages from other chains that do other actions, like execute or propose. But we only get one payload in one receiving function! How do we resolve this issue?


For sake of simplicity, we won't implement cross-chain execution or proposals in this tutorial. The function selector concept is being introduced because it is an important topic in cross-chain DApps.

Let's think about the EVM. How does a smart contract know that a transaction wants to call a specific function? Each function has a function selector, a hashed value that is mapped to a specific action. We can do the same thing, but with cross-chain messages and with integers instead of hashes.

We'll update the _nonblockingLzReceive function as follows:

  1. Define the function selector as a uint16 variable stored at the start of the bytes payload. From here on out, we will ensure in our design that every cross-chain message sent will have this uint16 function selector at the start of its payload.
  2. Use assembly to load data at payload's address + 32 bytes into the option variable. Understanding why this is necessary requires a bit of understanding of how abi.encode works. The first 32 bytes of an ABI encoded payload are dedicated to information on the entire payload's size. After these first 32 bytes, the rest of the information is stored, which in this case is the function selector
  3. Based on the input of the option variable, perform some type of cross-chain action. For this example, the number 0 maps to the option to receive the voting data from the other chains. You could add additional functionality to the next number, 1, such as proposing or executing
  4. If the option is 0, we'll need to add functionality to receive the voting data. So, we'll call a function that will receive the voting data and pass in the _srcChainId and the newly unwrapped payload to this function. We'll create this function in the following steps

Add the following code to the _nonblockingLzReceive function:

// Gets a function selector option
uint16 option;
assembly {
    option := mload(add(payload, 32))

// Some options for cross-chain actions are: propose, vote, vote with reason,
// vote with reason and params, cancel, etc.
if (option == 0) {
    onReceiveSpokeVotingData(_srcChainId, payload);
} else if (option == 1) {
    // TODO: Feel free to put your own cross-chain actions (propose, execute, etc.)
} else {
    // TODO: You could revert here if you wanted to

When cross-chain messages are received (from any cross-chain protocol), they come with an arbitrary bytes payload. Typically, this bytes payload is created from an invocation of abi.encode, where multiple types of data are inserted. For the smart contract that receives this data, the data must be decoded with abi.decode, where information is decoded in a manner that is expected. For example, if the receiving smart contract's logic requires a uint16 and an address to function properly, it will decode by including abi.decode(payload, (uint16, address)).

When we have multiple functionalities packed into a message with a single payload, that payload might come in multiple formats, since different functions will require different bytes. Hence, we must examine the function selector before decoding the entire message.


The abi.encode function is used the most because it has the most support for dynamic types, but you could feasibly use abi.encodePacked if your use case permits. Assembly-level logic would have to change if you chose to make this change.

We haven't written the onReceiveSpokeVotingData function yet. To do so, we'll take the following steps:

  1. Create the onReceiveSpokeVotingData function that accepts a _srcChainId and payload
  2. Store the external voting data for future use. We have already defined what type of information we want from spoke chains in CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple via the SpokeProposalVote struct. We want three vote values: forVotes, againstVotes, and abstainVotes. Plus, we want to know for which proposal the data received is for, so we also want a proposal ID
function onReceiveSpokeVotingData(uint16 _srcChainId, bytes memory payload) internal virtual {
        , // uint16 option
        uint256 _proposalId,
        uint256 _for,
        uint256 _against,
        uint256 _abstain
    ) = abi.decode(payload, (uint16, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256));

We can now store the data within the spokeVotes map defined in CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple, so long as that data hasn't already been stored:

    // As long as the received data isn't already initialized...
    if (spokeVotes[_proposalId][_srcChainId].initialized) {
        revert("Already initialized!");
    } else {
        // Add it to the map (while setting initialized true)
        spokeVotes[_proposalId][_srcChainId] = SpokeProposalVote(

At this point, the collection phase has been finished! The collection phase stops the execution before all votes are counted, and a message is sent requesting voting data from spoke chains.

Making Proposals Cross-Chain

OpenZeppelin's Governor smart contract came with a propose function, but unfortunately it doesn't work for our purposes. When a user sends a proposal, the smart contract needs to send cross-chain messages to let the spoke chains know that there is a new proposal to vote on. But the destination chains also need gas to complete the messages' journey. Most cross-chain protocols currently require extra gas paid in the origin chain's native currency for the destination chain's transaction, and that can only be sent via a payable function. The propose function is not payable, hence why we must write our own cross-chain version.


Technically, the cross-chain messages should be sent when the voting delay is over to sync with when the voting weight snapshot is taken. In this instance, the proposal and snapshot are made at the same time.

We'll rename the original propose function included in the Governor smart contract to be crossCahinPropose. Then we'll modify it to send cross-chain messages with information on the proposal to every spoke chain, the IDs of which you may remember being stored in the CrossChainGovernorCountingSimple contract:

function crossChainPropose(address[] memory targets, uint256[] memory values, bytes[] memory calldatas, string memory description) 
    public payable virtual returns (uint256) {
    uint256 proposalId = super.propose(targets, values, calldatas, description);

    // Sends the proposal to all of the other chains
    if (spokeChains.length > 0) {
        uint256 crossChainFee = msg.value / spokeChains.length;

        // Iterate over every spoke chain
        for (uint16 i = 0; i < spokeChains.length; i++) {
            bytes memory payload = abi.encode(
                0, // Function selector "0" for destination contract
                abi.encode(proposalId, block.timestamp) // Encoding the proposal start

            // Send a cross-chain message with LayerZero to the chain in the iterator
                _dstChainId: spokeChains[i],
                _payload: payload,
                _refundAddress: payable(address(this)),
                _zroPaymentAddress: address(0x0),
                _adapterParams: bytes(""),
                _nativeFee: crossChainFee

    return proposalId;

Remember when we designed the CrossChainDAO smart contract's _nonblockingLzReceive function to expect a function selector? This is the same idea, except now we're expecting the satellite smart contract to also implement these features. So in this case, we've defined 0 as receiving a new proposal. We did the same thing when requesting voting information from spoke chains.

At this point, the CrossChainDAO.sol smart contract is finished! If you want to view the completed smart contract, it is available in its GitHub repository.

Writing the DAO Satellite Contract

So far, we've only talked about the cross-chain DAO and its accompanying token. The cross-chain DAO is never deployed on the spoke chains because it wouldn't be efficient to replicate all of the data across each spoke chain. But, we still need an interface to work with the CrossChainDAO smart contract on the spoke chains. Hence, we will create a satellite contract named DAOSatellite.

We'll take the following steps to create the new DAOSatellite contract:

  1. Add dependencies and inherit the NonblockingLzApp contract
  2. Add a constructor that defines what the hub chain is (every chain has its own ID in LayerZero and every other cross-chain protocol), the LayerZero endpoint, the cross-chain token that defines voting weight, and the average seconds per block on this weight (more on that later)
  3. Add some structs, and storage variables to use later. They're mainly stripped-down versions of what are found in the CrossChainDAO and its parent contracts
  4. Add a function to check if a given proposal ID is valid and open to voting
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@layerzerolabs/solidity-examples/contracts/lzApp/NonblockingLzApp.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Timers.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Checkpoints.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/utils/IVotes.sol";

contract DAOSatellite is NonblockingLzApp { 
    struct ProposalVote {
        uint256 againstVotes;
        uint256 forVotes;
        uint256 abstainVotes;
        mapping(address => bool) hasVoted;

    enum VoteType {

    struct RemoteProposal {
        // Blocks provided by the hub chain as to when the local votes should start/finish.
        uint256 localVoteStart;
        bool voteFinished;

    constructor(uint16 _hubChain, address _endpoint, IVotes _token, uint _targetSecondsPerBlock) 
        NonblockingLzApp(_endpoint) payable {
        hubChain = _hubChain;
        token = _token;
        targetSecondsPerBlock = _targetSecondsPerBlock;

    uint16 public immutable hubChain;
    IVotes public immutable token;
    uint256 public immutable targetSecondsPerBlock;
    mapping(uint256 => RemoteProposal) public proposals;
    mapping(uint256 => ProposalVote) public proposalVotes;

    function isProposal(uint256 proposalId) view public returns(bool) {
        return proposals[proposalId].localVoteStart != 0;

Since this smart contract inherits from NonblockingLzApp, it requires _nonblockingLzReceive to receive cross-chain messages. This smart contract communicates with the CrossChainDAO smart contract, and recall that there are currently two instances in which the CrossChainDAO sends a message:

  • When the CrossChainDAO wants to notify the spoke chains of a new proposal (function selector is 0)
  • When the CrossChainDAO wants the spoke chains to send their voting data to the hub chain (function selector is 1)

Keeping that in mind, let's start with writing the receiving function _nonblockingLzReceive with a function selector just like the CrossChainDAO:

function _nonblockingLzReceive(uint16 _srcChainId, bytes memory, uint64, bytes memory _payload) internal override {
    require(_srcChainId == hubChain, "Only messages from the hub chain can be received!");

    uint16 option;
    assembly {
        option := mload(add(_payload, 32))

    if (option == 0) {
        // Begin a proposal on the local chain, with local block times
    else if (option == 1) {
        // Send vote results back to the hub chain

Let's tackle the first action, if (option == 0), beginning a proposal on the local chain:

  1. Decode the payload, which includes a proposal ID and the timestamp of when the proposal was made as mentioned in the CrossChainDAO section
  2. Perform some funky calculations to generate a cutOffBlockEstimation by subtracting blocks from the current block based on the timestamp and a predetermined seconds-per-block estimate
  3. Add a RemoteProposal struct to the proposals map, effectively registering the proposal and its voting-related data on the spoke chain
(, uint256 proposalId, uint256 proposalStart) = abi.decode(_payload, (uint16, uint256, uint256));
require(!isProposal(proposalId), "Proposal ID must be unique.");

uint256 cutOffBlockEstimation = 0;
if(proposalStart < block.timestamp) {
    uint256 blockAdjustment = (block.timestamp - proposalStart) / targetSecondsPerBlock;
    if(blockAdjustment < block.number) {
        cutOffBlockEstimation = block.number - blockAdjustment;
    else {
        cutOffBlockEstimation = block.number;
else {
    cutOffBlockEstimation = block.number;

proposals[proposalId] = RemoteProposal(cutOffBlockEstimation, false);

The calculations in the above snippet are not enough to ensure a correct setup. While it may not matter as much when people can start voting, it does matter when the vote weight snapshot is made. If the vote weight snapshot is made too far apart between the spoke and hub chains, a user could send a token from one chain to another and effectively double their voting weight. Some example mitigation strategies are listed below, but they are too complex to investigate in detail for this tutorial. In the meantime, the only strategy is to subtract blocks from the current block based on the timestamp and a predetermined seconds-per-block estimate.

Now let's add logic to send vote results back to the hub chain:

  1. Retrieve the proposal ID from the cross-chain message
  2. Get the data for said proposal from the relevant map
  3. Encode that data into a payload as defined by the CrossChainDAO
  4. Send that data through LayerZero
uint256 proposalId = abi.decode(_payload, (uint256));
ProposalVote storage votes = proposalVotes[proposalId];
bytes memory votingPayload = abi.encode(
    abi.encode(proposalId, votes.forVotes, votes.againstVotes, votes.abstainVotes)
    _dstChainId: hubChain,
    _payload: votingPayload,
    _refundAddress: payable(address(this)),
    _zroPaymentAddress: address(0x0),
    _adapterParams: bytes(""),
    // NOTE: DAOSatellite needs to be funded beforehand, in the constructor.
    //       There are better solutions, such as cross-chain swaps being built in from the hub chain, but
    //       this is the easiest solution for demonstration purposes.
    _nativeFee: 0.1 ether 
proposals[proposalId].voteFinished = true;

The only issue here is that the gas payment for the cross-chain message's transaction on the hub chain must be included, and there is no simple way to receive it. There are options that could potentially avert this issue, as explained below, but for simplicity's sake, the satellite contract will have to be sent native currency every once in a while.

Finally, the last thing to add is a vote mechanism that allows users to vote. This mechanism is nearly exactly the same as the mechanism in the GovernorCountingSimple smart contract, so much of the code can be copied over:

function castVote(uint256 proposalId, uint8 support) public virtual returns (uint256 balance)
    RemoteProposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId];
        "DAOSatellite: vote not currently active"
        "DAOSatellite: not a started vote"

    uint256 weight = token.getPastVotes(msg.sender, proposal.localVoteStart);
    _countVote(proposalId, msg.sender, support, weight);

    return weight;

function _countVote(uint256 proposalId, address account, uint8 support, uint256 weight) internal virtual 
    ProposalVote storage proposalVote = proposalVotes[proposalId];

    require(!proposalVote.hasVoted[account], "DAOSatellite: vote already cast");
    proposalVote.hasVoted[account] = true;

    if (support == uint8(VoteType.Against)) {
        proposalVote.againstVotes += weight;
    } else if (support == uint8(VoteType.For)) {
        proposalVote.forVotes += weight;
    } else if (support == uint8(VoteType.Abstain)) {
        proposalVote.abstainVotes += weight;
    } else {
        revert("DAOSatellite: invalid value for enum VoteType");

Note that the castVote function requires that:

  • The proposal isn't finished
  • The proposal exists, as in, there is data that's stored within the proposals map.

In fact, the _countVote function is directly copied from the hub chain! Much of the logic of single-chain dApps can be reused in cross-chain dApps with minor tweaks.

That's it for breaking down the satellite contract. It was more or less simple because most of the logic is just a reflection of what happens on the hub chain. You can view the completed smart contract in its GitHub repository.

At this point, every single smart contract has been finished, and a deployment scheme like the one below can be made. If you are interested in seeing this in action, the GitHub repository that hosts the cross-chain DAO allows you to deploy on TestNets.

Smart contracts overview

As a reminder, this tutorial's smart contracts are not tested or recommended for production use.

Caveats and Other Designs

Every single part of the smart contract system has been written, and if you got through it all, good job! It's a lot to soak in, and there are still parts that need to be developed for it to be production-ready.

The design of this cross-chain DAO was created off of OpenZeppelin's Governor base, but that doesn't mean that it's flawless. It's good to work off of preexisting smart contracts for a version 1 cross-chain DApp, but as you get closer to production-ready code, it's best to start from scratch and leave only the parts that are still relevant to the design. Working off of logic that's meant for single-chain can get in the way several times, which you will find a common occurrence when working with cross-chain smart contracts.

For example, the propose function from the Governor smart contract couldn't be used and had to be replaced with a new cross-chain function. It would be best to completely remove the propose function, but that can't be done because of the way the Governor smart contract was designed. This is an obvious issue, and it goes to show that while it's good to prototype cross-chain DApps using preexisting smart contracts, it can be better to completely rewrite them while still reusing some logic.


Can you rewrite the CrossChainDAO smart contract to only include the logic and functions necessary for cross-chain interactions? While you're at it, can you implement any of the alternate designs suggested below?

Division of the Cross-Chain Selector Into Multiple Contracts

The cross-chain function selection method that was used in the CrossChainDAO and DAOSatellite smart contracts works fine enough. But instead of having a selector within a single smart contract, you could have cross-chain messages directed at multiple smart contracts that have special permissions within the CrossChainDAO. You may find this helpful in case you believe in single responsibility (SRP) for smart contracts.

For example, the hub chain's CrossChainDAO could be composed of the main contract that receives cross-chain data as well as two other smart contracts: CrossChainExecutor and CrossChainProposer. So, when interacting with the DAOSatellite contract to send a message to CrossChainDAO, the spoke chain's smart contract could target CrossChainExecutor to execute or CrossChainProposer to propose. This would remove the need to double-wrap payloads and the need to include function-selecting logic in the cross-chain message receiving function. It could even help convert a single-chain DAO into one with cross-chain abilities.

Single Responsibility Principle

Distributed Proposal and Execution

What if you wanted users to be able to execute a proposal on multiple chains instead of just the hub chain? There are a few ways to go about it:

  • Stick with a hub-and-spoke model
  • Completely decentralize

The hub-and-spoke model is already laid out in detail in this tutorial. In such a case where an execution could occur on multiple chains, you would have to have a smart contract on each chain that executes on behalf of the hub chain (which could be added to DAOSatellite). This smart contract would receive a message from the execute function provided by the Governor smart contract. This is simple enough, but it might be too many cross-chain messages to be efficient.

If you decide to completely decentralize the DAO, it would be most likely to remove the DAOSatellite smart contract and deploy a modified CrossChainDAO smart contract on every chain. Each CrossChainDAO could control the proposals meant to be executed on its chain. It would require a redesign of how proposals are made and sent, however.

You may also find an issue when generating the proposal ID. Take a look at how the IDs are being generated now:

function hashProposal(
    address[] memory targets,
    uint256[] memory values,
    bytes[] memory calldatas,
    bytes32 descriptionHash
) public pure virtual override returns (uint256) {
    return uint256(keccak256(abi.encode(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash)));

Conceivably, the same description and transaction details could be sent on both chain A and on chain B. This could cause errors because then there would be conflicting transactions. It may serve best to include another parameter to hash a proposal ID: the chain ID of the chain on which the proposal is meant to execute.

Double-Weight Attack from Snapshot Mismatch

One primary issue with the distribution of voting weight across chains via the CrossChainDAOToken is that blocks are not properly aligned across networks. This can cause a situation where the vote snapshots between multiple chains are not close together enough, resulting in a situation where voting weight is doubled when a cross-chain transfer of the DAO token front-runs a new proposal's voting weight snapshot.

One option is using an oracle that aligns blocks with timestamps to ensure that snapshots on spoke chains are as close to the hub chain's timestamp as possible.

A more simple solution would be to alter the ERC20Votes smart contract to depend on timestamps instead of blocks, but this could still be open to attacks in case the block producers on two chains collude.

Alternatively, you could alter the OFTVotes smart contract to postpone the addition of voting weight until a few blocks after the weight is received.

Chained Cross-Chain Message Fees

One of the flaws overlooked with the spoke chain's DAOSatellite smart contract is that whenever voting data is requested from the hub chain, the destination chain fees must be stored in the smart contract beforehand. Here are two plausible solutions to this:

  • Storing the request for data, and allowing anyone to trustlessly send the data back
  • Sending the gas from the hub chain with the cross-chain message that requests the data

The first is the simplest solution, though it may increase the turn-around time from proposal to execution if you don't plan on running additional infrastructure. Similar to how the execute function can be run by anyone once a proposal has been finished, a new function would be written to allow anyone to send the vote data to the hub chain. Preferably, this would also require a timeout for the collection phase.

Chained Execution

The second is significantly more complex. It would require a setup that sends tokens with a payload instead of just a payload like the current contract does, and for a swap to occur on the destination chain to retrieve native currency for a cross-chain transaction.

Collection Phase Time Out

In case you want to be safe and you believe that a spoke chain might stall or even stop being supported, you would want to include a way to cap the amount of time that the collection phase takes and also add a way for your DAO's governance to add and remove spoke chains.

For example, the hub chain would wait 30 blocks before disregarding voting data from spoke chains. And if the DAO's participants believe that chain A should be removed from future voting, they could start a proposal to do so, similar to OpenZeppelin's GovernorSettings contract.

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Last update: June 10, 2024
| Created: February 7, 2023