Get Started with Smart Contracts [ChatGPT] Use GPT-4 to Write and Debug Smart Contracts Learn how you can use OpenAI's ChatGPT (GPT-4) generative AI LLM to write, debug, and deploy Solidity smart contracts on the Moonbeam network. [Ethers.js] How to Build a DApp Learn about the frontend, smart contracts, and storage system of Decentralized Applications (DApp) by dissecting an entire example project. [Foundry] Development Life Cycle from Start to End Follow a step-by-step tutorial on how to use Foundry to build a project on Moonbeam, from writing smart contracts and tests to deploying on TestNet and MainNet. [Hardhat] Development Life Cycle from Start to End Learn how to develop, test, and deploy smart contracts with Hardhat and how to take your contracts from a local development node to Moonbeam MainNet. [Tenderly] Using Tenderly to Debug and Simulate Transactions Follow a step-by-step guide on getting started with Tenderly, including using the debugger, forking and simulating transactions, and monitoring smart contracts. [thirdweb] Building a DApp with thirdweb Learn how to build an NFT marketplace DApp with thirdweb, including both frontend and smart contract components, in an end-to-end fashion.