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Helpful Flags for Running a Node on Moonbeam


When spinning up your own Moonbeam node, there are some required and optional flags that can be used. This guide will cover some of the most common flags and show you how to access all of the available flags.

Common Flags

  • --collator - enables collator mode for collator candidates and, if eligible, allows the node to actively participate in block production
  • --port - specifies the peer-to-peer protocol TCP port. The default port for parachains is 30333 and 30334 for the embedded relay chain
  • --rpc-port - sets the unified port for both HTTP and WS connections. The default port for parachains is 9944 and 9945 for the embedded relay chain
  • --ws-port - - deprecated as of client v0.33.0, use --rpc-port for HTTP and WS connections instead - sets the unified port for both HTTP and WS connections. The default port for parachains is 9944 and 9945 for the embedded relay chain
  • --rpc-max-connections - specifies the maximum number of HTTP and WS server connections. The default is 100
  • --ws-max-connections - deprecated as of client v0.33.0, use --rpc-max-connections to adjust the combined HTTP and WS connection limit instead - specifies the maximum number of HTTP and WS server connections. The default is 100
  • --wasm-execution - specifies the method for executing Wasm runtime code. The available options are:
    • compiled - this is the default and uses the Wasmtime compiled runtime
    • interpreted-i-know-what-i-do - uses the wasmi interpreter
  • --state-pruning - specifies the state pruning mode. For client versions prior to v0.27.0, the --state-pruning flag was named --pruning. If running a node with the --collator flag, the default is to keep the full state of all blocks. Otherwise, the state is only kept for the last 256 blocks. The available options are:
    • archive - keeps the full state of all blocks
    • <number-of-blocks> - specifies a custom number of blocks to keep the state for
  • --trie-cache-size - specifies the size of the internal state cache. The default is 67108864. You can try setting this value to 1073741824 (1GB) to improve collator performance. However, this value may be too low and need to be adjusted. For client versions prior to v0.27.0, the --trie-cache-size flag was named --state-cache-size
  • --db-cache - specifies the memory the database cache is limited to use. It is recommended to set it to 50% of the actual RAM your server has. For example, for 32 GB RAM, the value should be set to 16000. The minimum value is 2000, but it is below the recommended specs
  • --base-path - specifies the base path where your chain data is stored
  • --chain - specifies the chain specification to use. It can be a predefined chainspec such as moonbeam, moonriver, or alphanet. Or it can be a path to a file with the chainspec (such as the one exported by the build-spec command)
  • --name - specifies a human-readable name for the node, which can be seen on telemetry, if enabled
  • --telemetry-url - specifies the URL of the telemetry server to connect to. This flag can be passed multiple times as a means to specify multiple telemetry endpoints. This flag takes two parameters: the URL and the verbosity level. Verbosity levels range from 0-9, with 0 denoting the least verbosity. Expected format is '', e.g. --telemetry-url 'wss://foo/bar 0'.
  • --in-peers - specifies the maximum amount of accepted incoming connections. The default is 25
  • --out-peers - specifies the maximum amount of outgoing connections to maintain. The default is 25
  • --runtime-cache-size 64 - configures the number of different runtime versions preserved in the in-memory cache to 64
  • --eth-log-block-cache - size in bytes the LRU cache for block data is limited to use. This flag mostly pertains to RPC providers. The default is 300000000
  • --eth-statuses-cache - size in bytes the LRU cache for transaction statuses data is limited to use. This flag mostly pertains to RPC providers. The default is 300000000
  • --sync - sets the blockchain syncing mode, which can allow for the blockchain to be synced faster. The available options are:
    • full - downloads and validates the full blockchain history
    • fast - downloads blocks without executing them and downloads the latest state with proofs
    • fast-unsafe - same as fast, but skips downloading the state proofs
    • warp - downloads the latest state and proof
  • --prometheus-port - specifies a custom Prometheus port
  • --lazy-loading-remote-rpc - allows lazy loading by relying on a specified RPC endpoint for network state until the node is fully synchronized e.g. --lazy-loading-remote-rpc '', as long as the specified RPC endpoint has sufficient rate limits to handle the expected load. Private (API key) endpoints are strongly recommended over public endpoints
  • --lazy-loading-block - optional parameter to specify the block hash for lazy loading. This parameter allows you to specify a block hash from which to start loading data. If not provided, the latest block will be used
  • --lazy-loading-state-overrides - optional parameter to specify state overrides during lazy loading. This parameter allows you to provide a path to a file containing state overrides. The file can contain any custom state modifications that should be applied
  • --lazy-loading-runtime-override - optional parameter to specify a runtime override when starting the lazy loading. If not provided, it will fetch the runtime from the block being forked
  • --lazy-loading-delay-between-requests - the delay (in milliseconds) between RPC requests when using lazy loading. This parameter controls the amount of time to wait between consecutive RPC requests. This can help manage request rate and avoid overwhelming the server. Default value is 100 milliseconds
  • --lazy-loading-max-retries-per-request - the maximum number of retries for an RPC request when using lazy loading. Default value is 10 retries
  • --experimental-block-import-strategy - defaults the client to operating in low latency mode. When this flag is added, the client will derive the "best" block from the imported block instead of the included blocks, resulting in a substantially faster, "snappier" feeling end-user experience. Note that finalization is unchanged when using this flag - finality is derived from the relay chain

Flags for Configuring a SQL Backend

  • --frontier-backend-type - sets the Frontier backend type to one of the following options:
    • key-value - uses either RocksDB or ParityDB as per inherited from the global backend settings. This is the default option and RocksDB is the default backend
    • sql - uses a SQL database with custom log indexing
  • frontier-sql-backend-pool-size - sets the Frontier SQL backend's maximum number of database connections that a connection pool can simultaneously handle. The default is 100
  • frontier-sql-backend-num-ops-timeout - sets the Frontier SQL backend's query timeout in number of VM operations. The default is 10000000
  • frontier-sql-backend-thread-count - sets the Frontier SQL backend's auxiliary thread limit. The default is 4
  • frontier-sql-backend-cache-size - sets the Frontier SQL backend's cache size in bytes. The default value is 200MB, which is 209715200 bytes

How to Access All of the Available Flags

For a complete list of the available flags, you can spin up your Moonbeam node with --help added to the end of the command. The command will vary depending on how you choose to spin up your node, and if you're using Docker or Systemd.


docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/moonbeam-data:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
moonbeamfoundation/moonbeam:v0.43.0 \
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/moonriver-data:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
moonbeamfoundation/moonbeam:v0.43.0 \
docker run --network="host" -v "/var/lib/alphanet-data:/data" \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
moonbeamfoundation/moonbeam:v0.43.0 \


# If you used the release binary
./moonbeam --help

# Or if you compiled the binary
./target/release/moonbeam --help
# If you used the release binary
./moonbeam --help

# Or if you compiled the binary
./target/release/moonbeam --help
# If you used the release binary
./moonbeam --help

# Or if you compiled the binary
./target/release/moonbeam --help
Last update: February 5, 2025
| Created: February 15, 2022