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How to List your Project on DappRadar

Introduction to DappRadar

DappRadar was started in 2018 with the goal of delivering high quality, accurate insights on decentralized applications to the world. Since then, DappRadar has become a defacto standard for DApp discovery with nearly ten thousand applications listed across twenty protocols. In their own words, “DappRadar filters through dapp data, removes fake and irrelevant activity and provides actionable market intelligence. Dapps are tracked in terms of their active users, token volume and transaction activity to provide insight into the trends in the dapp ecosystem.”

Moonbeam and Moonriver are now live on DappRadar. DappRadar maintains homepages for the top Moonbeam DApps and the top Moonriver DApps. Prior to the DappRadar integration, a crowd-sourced Moonbeam DApps listing was maintained as part of the Moonbeam docs site. That registry is deprecated and replaced by the listing platforms under the Dapps List section

DappRadar Home Page

You can submit your project to DappRadar by providing background on your project including a short and a full description, website URL, and logo. Only a subset of the fields are required, but you are encouraged to complete as many as possible.


DappRadar contains user-generated content. You should verify any information with your own research. Moonbeam is a permissionless network. Any project can deploy its contracts to Moonbeam.

Required Content

At a minimum, you must include the following information to submit your project/DApp to DappRadar:

  • DApp Name
  • Logo (250 x 250 pixel PNG or JPG)
  • Category
  • Website URL
  • Short Description (160 characters or less)
  • Full Description

How to Submit your DApp

First, you'll need to create a DappRadar account and verify your email. Once ready with the required content, you can head to the Submit a DApp Page where you can take the following steps:

  1. Enter your project’s name
  2. Upload your DApp's logo (250 by 250 pixel PNG or JPG, 150KB max)
  3. Select the relevant category for your DApp
  4. Include the URL for your DApp
  5. Write a short description (160 characters or less)
  6. Specify the protocols your DApp is deployed to. You can select multiple protocols here, such as Moonbeam and Moonriver
  7. After selecting at least one protocol, you'll be prompted to enter your DApp's contract address(es) for each protocol
  8. Write a full description for your DApp
  9. Optionally, provide social media links
  10. It is optional but recommended that you provide screenshots of your DApp. You also have the option of providing a YouTube URL to a demo of your DApp
  11. Review the terms and conditions, and press Submit a dapp

How to Submit your DApp

Submissions are reviewed by the DappRadar team and will be published if the DApp is deemed suitable for listing. For any Moonbeam-related questions you can reach out to us in Discord. For DappRadar questions, support is available in the DappRadar Discord or you can contact

DappRadar contains user-generated content and Moonbeam Foundation has not vetted such user-generated content and Moonbeam does not endorse the project. You are responsible for checking and validating the accuracy and truthfulness of all content. You are also responsible for doing your own diligence to understand the applicable risks present, including selection, performance, security, accuracy, or use of any third-party information. All information contained herein is subject to modification without notice.
Last update: May 28, 2024
| Created: February 1, 2022