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Calculating Transaction Fees on Moonbeam


Similar to the Ethereum and Substrate APIs for sending transfers on Moonbeam, the Substrate and EVM layers on Moonbeam also have distinct transaction fee models that developers should be aware of when they need to calculate and keep track of transaction fees for their transactions.

For starters, Ethereum transactions consume gas units based on their computational complexity and data storage requirements. On the other hand, Substrate transactions use the concept of "weight" to determine fees. In this guide, you'll learn how to calculate the transaction fees for both Substrate and Ethereum transactions. In terms of Ethereum transactions, you'll also learn about the key differences between how transaction fees are calculated on Moonbeam and Ethereum.

Key Differences with Ethereum

There are some key differences between the transaction fee model on Moonbeam and the one on Ethereum that developers should be mindful of when developing on Moonbeam:

  • The dynamic fee mechanism resembles that of EIP-1559 but the implementation is different

  • The amount of gas used in Moonbeam's transaction fee model is mapped from the transaction's Substrate extrinsic refTime component of the transaction weight via a fixed factor of 25000 and proofSize component of the transaction weight via a fixed factor of 16. The transaction weight vector is then multiplied with the unit gas price to calculate the transaction fee. This fee model means it can potentially be significantly cheaper to send transactions such as basic balance transfers via the Ethereum API than the Substrate API.

  • The EVM is designed to solely have capacity for gas and Moonbeam requires additional metrics outside of gas. In particular, Moonbeam needs the ability to record proof size, which is the amount of storage required on Moonbeam for a relay chain validator to verify a state transition. When the capacity limit for proof size has been reached for the current block, which is 25% of the block limit, an "Out of Gas" error will be thrown. This can happen even if there is remaining legacy gas in the gasometer. This additional metric also impacts refunds. Refunds are based on the more consumed resource after the execution. In other words, if more proof size has been consumed proportionally than legacy gas, the refund will be calculated using proof size

  • Moonbeam has implemented a new mechanism defined in MBIP-5 that limits block storage and increases gas usage for transactions that result in an increase in storage

Overview of MBIP-5

MBIP-5 introduced changes to Moonbeam's fee mechanism that account for storage growth on the network, which deviates from the way Ethereum handles fees. By raising the gas needed to execute transactions that increase chain state and by establishing a block storage limit, it controls storage growth.

This impacts contract deployments that add to the chain state, transactions that create new storage entries, and precompiled contract calls that result in the creation of new accounts.

The block storage limit prevents transactions in a single block from collectively increasing the storage state by more than the limit. The limit for each network is as follows:


To determine the amount of gas for storage in bytes, there is a ratio that is defined as:

Ratio = Block Gas Limit / (Block Storage Limit * 1024 Bytes)

The block gas limit for each network is as follows:


Knowing the block gas and storage limits, the ratio of gas to storage is computed as follows:

Ratio = 60000000 / (80 * 1024)
Ratio = 366 
Ratio = 60000000 / (160 * 1024)
Ratio = 366 
Ratio = 60000000 / (160 * 1024)
Ratio = 366 

Then, you can take the storage growth in bytes for a given transaction and multiply it by the gas-to-storage growth ratio to determine how many units of gas to add to the transaction. For example, if you execute a transaction that increases the storage by 500 bytes, the following calculation is used to determine the units of gas to add:

Additional Gas = 500 * 366
Additional Gas = 183000
Additional Gas = 500 * 366
Additional Gas = 183000
Additional Gas = 500 * 366
Additional Gas = 183000

To see how this MBIP differentiates Moonbeam from Ethereum firsthand, you can estimate the gas for two different contract interactions on both networks: one that modifies an item in the chain state and one that doesn't. For example, you can use a greeting contract that allows you to store a name and then use the name to say "Hello".

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SayHello {
    mapping(address => string) public addressToName;

    constructor(string memory _name) {
        addressToName[msg.sender] = _name;

    // Store a name associated to the address of the sender
    function setName(string memory _name) public {
        addressToName[msg.sender] = _name;

    // Use the name in storage associated to the sender
    function sayHello() external view returns (string memory) {
        return string(abi.encodePacked("Hello ", addressToName[msg.sender]));

You can deploy this contract on both Moonriver and Ethereum, or on Moonbeam's TestNet, Moonbase Alpha, and Ethereum's TestNet, Sepolia. The above contract has already been deployed to Moonbase Alpha and Sepolia. You can feel free to access these contracts at the following addresses:


Next, you can use the eth_estimateGas method to check the gas estimate for calling the setName and sayHello functions on each network. To do so, you'll need the bytecode for each transaction, which includes the function selector, and for the setName function, the name to be set. This example bytecode sets the name to "Chloe":


Now, you can use the following curl commands on Moonbase Alpha to return the gas estimate:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "eth_estimateGas",
        "to": "0xDFF8E772A9B212dc4FbA19fa650B440C5c7fd7fd",
        "data": "0xc47f00270000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000543686c6f65000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "eth_estimateGas",
        "to": "0xDFF8E772A9B212dc4FbA19fa650B440C5c7fd7fd",
        "data": "0xef5fb05b"

Then on Sepolia, you can use the same bytecode for the data and modify the RPC URL and contract address to target the contract deployed to Sepolia:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "eth_estimateGas",
        "to": "0x8D0C059d191011E90b963156569A8299d7fE777d",
        "data": "0xc47f00270000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000543686c6f65000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "eth_estimateGas",
        "to": "0x8D0C059d191011E90b963156569A8299d7fE777d",
        "data": "0xef5fb05b"

At the time of writing, the gas estimates for both networks are as follows:

Method Gas Estimate
setName 45977
sayHello 25938
Method Gas Estimate
setName 21520
sayHello 21064

You'll see that on Sepolia, the gas estimates for both calls are very similar, whereas on Moonbase Alpha, there is a noticeable difference between the calls and that the setName call, which modifies the storage, uses more gas than the sayHello call.

Ethereum API Transaction Fees

To calculate the fee incurred on a Moonbeam transaction sent via the Ethereum API, the following formula can be used:

GasPrice = BaseFee + MaxPriorityFeePerGas < MaxFeePerGas ? 
            BaseFee + MaxPriorityFeePerGas : 
Transaction Fee = (GasPrice * TransactionWeight) / 25000
Transaction Fee = (GasPrice * TransactionWeight) / 25000
Transaction Fee = (GasPrice * TransactionWeight) / 25000


EIP-1559 transaction fees on Moonbeam are calculated using the previous block's base fee.

The following sections describe in more detail each of the components needed to calculate the transaction fee.

Base Fee

The BaseFee is the minimum amount charged to send a transaction and is a value set by the network itself. It was introduced in EIP-1559. Moonbeam has its own dynamic fee mechanism for calculating the base fee, which is adjusted based on block congestion. As of runtime 2300, the dynamic fee mechanism has been rolled out to all of the Moonbeam-based networks.

The minimum gas price for each network is as follows:

Variable Value
Minimum Gas Price 31.25 Gwei
Variable Value
Minimum Gas Price 0.3125 Gwei
Variable Value
Minimum Gas Price 0.03125 Gwei

To calculate the dynamic base fee, the following calculation is used:

BaseFee = NextFeeMultiplier * 31250000000 / 10^18
BaseFee = NextFeeMultiplier * 312500000 / 10^18
BaseFee = NextFeeMultiplier * 31250000 / 10^18

The value of NextFeeMultiplier can be retrieved from the Substrate Sidecar API, via the following endpoint:

GET /pallets/transaction-payment/storage/nextFeeMultiplier?at={blockId}

The pallets endpoints for Sidecar returns data relevant to a pallet, such as data in a pallet's storage. You can read more about the pallets endpoint in the official Sidecar documentation. The data at hand that's required from storage is the nextFeeMultiplier, which can be found in the transaction-payment pallet. The stored nextFeeMultiplier value can be read directly from the Sidecar storage schema. Read as a JSON object, the relevant nesting structure is as follows:

RESPONSE JSON Storage Object:

The relevant data will be stored in the value key of the JSON object. This value is a fixed point data type, hence the real value is found by dividing the value by 10^18. This is why the calculation of BaseFee includes such an operation.

GasPrice, MaxFeePerGas, and MaxPriorityFeePerGas

The GasPrice is used to specify the gas price of legacy transactions prior to EIP-1559. The MaxFeePerGas and MaxPriorityFeePerGas were both introduced in EIP-1559 alongside the BaseFee. The MaxFeePerGas defines the maximum fee permitted to be paid per unit of gas and is the sum of the BaseFee and the MaxPriorityFeePerGas. The MaxPriorityFeePerGas is the maximum priority fee configured by the sender of a transaction that is used to incentivize the prioritization of a transaction in a block.

Although Moonbeam is Ethereum-compatible, it is also a Substrate-based chain at its core, and priorities work differently in Substrate than in Ethereum. In Substrate, transactions are not prioritized by gas price. To address this, Moonbeam uses a modified prioritization system that reprioritizes Substrate transactions using an Ethereum-first solution. A Substrate transaction still goes through the validity process, where it is assigned transaction tags, longevity, and a priority. The original priority is then overwritten with a new priority based on the transaction's fee per gas, which is derived from the transaction's tip and weight. If the transaction is an Ethereum transaction, the priority is set according to the priority fee.

It's important to note that priority is not the sole component responsible for determining the order of transactions in a block. Other components, such as the longevity of a transaction, also play a role in the sorting process.

The values of GasPrice, MaxFeePerGas and MaxPriorityFeePerGas for the applicable transaction types can be read from the block JSON object according to the structure described in the Sidecar API page.

The data for an Ethereum transaction in a particular block can be extracted from the following block endpoint:

GET /blocks/{blockId}

The paths to the relevant values have also been truncated and reproduced below:

EVM Field Block JSON Field
MaxFeePerGas extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.maxFeePerGas
MaxPriorityFeePerGas extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.maxPriorityFeePerGas
EVM Field Block JSON Field
GasPrice extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.gasPrice
EVM Field Block JSON Field
GasPrice extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.gasPrice

Transaction Weight

TransactionWeight is a Substrate mechanism used to measure the execution time a given transaction takes to be executed within a block. A transaction's weight is a vector of two components: refTime and proofSize. refTime refers to the amount of computational time that can be used for execution. proofSize refers to the size of the PoV (Proof of Validity) of the Moonbeam block that gets submitted to the Polkadot Relay Chain for validation. Since both refTime and proofSize are integral components of determining a weight, it is impossible to obtain an accurate weight value with just one of these values.

For all transactions types, TransactionWeight can be retrieved under the event of the relevant extrinsic where the method field is set to:

pallet: "system", method: "ExtrinsicSuccess" 

And then TransactionWeight is mapped to the following two fields of the block JSON object. proofSize is mapped as follows:


And refTime is mapped as follows:


Fee History Endpoint

Moonbeam networks implement the eth_feeHistory JSON-RPC endpoint as a part of the support for EIP-1559.

eth_feeHistory returns a collection of historical gas information from which you can reference and calculate what to set for the MaxFeePerGas and MaxPriorityFeePerGas fields when submitting EIP-1559 transactions.

The following curl example will return the gas information of the last 10 blocks starting from the latest block on the respective Moonbeam network using eth_feeHistory:

curl --location \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "eth_feeHistory",
        "params": ["0xa", "latest"]
curl --location \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "eth_feeHistory",
        "params": ["0xa", "latest"]
curl --location \
     --request POST '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "eth_feeHistory",
        "params": ["0xa", "latest"]
curl --location \
     --request POST '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data-raw '{
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "eth_feeHistory",
        "params": ["0xa", "latest"]

Sample Code for Calculating Transaction Fees

The following code snippet uses the Axios HTTP client to query the Sidecar endpoint /blocks/head for the latest finalized block. It then calculates the transaction fees of all transactions in the block according to the transaction type (for Ethereum API: legacy, EIP-1559 or EIP-2930 standards, and for Substrate API), as well as calculating the total transaction fees in the block.


EIP-1559 transaction fees on Moonbeam are calculated using the previous block's base fee.

The following code sample is for demo purposes only and should not be used without modification and further testing in a production environment.

You can use the following snippet for any Moonbeam-based network, but you'll need to modify the baseFee accordingly. You can refer back to the Base Fee section to get the calculation for each network.

import axios from 'axios';

// This script calculates the transaction fees of all transactions in a block
// according to the transaction type (for Ethereum API: legacy, EIP-1559 or
// EIP-2930 standards, and Substrate API) using the dynamic fee mechanism.
// It also calculates the total fees in the block

// Endpoint to retrieve the latest block
const endpointBlock = '';
// Endpoint to retrieve the latest nextFeeMultiplier
const endpointPallet =
// Endpoint to retrieve the node client's information
const endpointNodeVersion = '';

// Define the minimum base fee for each network
const baseFee = {
  moonbeam: 31250000000n,
  moonriver: 312500000n,
  moonbase: 31250000n,

async function main() {
  try {
    // Create a variable to sum the transaction fees in the whole block
    let totalFees = 0n;

    // Find which Moonbeam network the Sidecar is pointing to
    const responseClient = await axios.get(endpointNodeVersion);
    const network =;

    // Retrieve the block from the Sidecar endpoint
    const responseBlock = await axios.get(endpointBlock);
    // Retrieve the block height of the current block
    console.log('Block Height: ' +;

    // Use the previous block's base fee to match the on-chain data
    // Find the block's nextFeeMultiplier
    const prevBlock = Number( - 1;
    const responsePallet = await axios.get(endpointPallet + prevBlock);

    // Iterate through all extrinsics in the block => {
      // Create an object to store transaction information
      let transactionData = new Object();
      // Set the network field
      transactionData['network'] = network;

      // Filter for Ethereum Transfers
      if (
        extrinsic.method.pallet === 'ethereum' &&
        extrinsic.method.method === 'transact'
      ) {
        // Iterate through the events to get non type specific parameters => {
          if (
            event.method.pallet === 'ethereum' &&
            event.method.method === 'Executed'
          ) {
            // Get Transaction Hash
            transactionData['hash'] =[2];
          if (
            event.method.pallet === 'system' &&
            event.method.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess'
          ) {
            // Add correction weight if needed to Transaction Weight!
            transactionData['weight'] = BigInt([0].weight.refTime);

        // Get the transaction type and type specific parameters and compute the
        // transaction fee
        if (extrinsic.args.transaction.legacy) {
          transactionData['txType'] = 'legacy';
          transactionData['gasPrice'] = BigInt(
          transactionData['txFee'] =
            (transactionData['gasPrice'] * transactionData['weight']) / 25000n;
        } else if (extrinsic.args.transaction.eip1559) {
          transactionData['txType'] = 'eip1599';
          transactionData['maxFeePerGas'] = BigInt(
          transactionData['maxPriorityFeePerGas'] = BigInt(
          // Update based on the network you're getting tx fees for
          transactionData['baseFee'] =
            (BigInt( * baseFee.moonbeam) /

          // Gas price dependes on the MaxFeePerGas and MaxPriorityFeePerGas set
          transactionData['gasPrice'] =
            transactionData['baseFee'] +
              transactionData['maxPriorityFeePerGas'] <
              ? transactionData['baseFee'] +
              : transactionData['maxFeePerGas'];

          transactionData['txFee'] =
            (transactionData['gasPrice'] * transactionData['weight']) / 25000n;
        } else if (extrinsic.args.transaction.eip2930) {
          transactionData['txType'] = 'eip2930';
          transactionData['gasPrice'] = BigInt(
          transactionData['txFee'] =
            (transactionData['gasPrice'] * transactionData['weight']) / 25000n;

        // Increment totalFees
        totalFees += transactionData['txFee'];

        // Display the tx information to console
      // Filter for Substrate transactions, check if the extrinsic has a
      // 'TransactionFeePaid' event
      else { => {
          if (
            event.method.pallet === 'transactionPayment' &&
            event.method.method === 'TransactionFeePaid'
          ) {
            transactionData['txType'] = 'substrate';
            transactionData['txFee'] =[1];
            transactionData['tip'] =[1];
          if (
            event.method.pallet === 'system' &&
            event.method.method === 'ExtrinsicSuccess'
          ) {
            transactionData['weight'] =[0].weight.refTime;

    // Output the total amount of fees in the block
    console.log('Total fees in block: ' + totalFees);
  } catch (err) {


Substrate API Transaction Fees

This section of the guide assumes you are interacting with Moonbeam blocks via the Substrate API Sidecar service. There are other ways of interacting with Moonbeam blocks, such as using the Polkadot.js API library. The logic is identical once the blocks are retrieved.

You can reference the Substrate API Sidecar page for information on installing and running your own Sidecar service instance, as well as more details on how to decode Sidecar blocks for Moonbeam transactions.

Note that the information in this section assumes you are running version 19.3.1 of the Substrate Sidecar REST API.

All the information around fee data for transactions sent via the Substrate API can be extracted from the following block endpoint:

GET /blocks/{blockId}

The block endpoints will return data relevant to one or more blocks. You can read more about the block endpoints on the official Sidecar documentation. Read as a JSON object, the relevant nesting structure is as follows:

                        |--pallet: "transactionPayment"
                        |--method: "TransactionFeePaid"

The object mappings are summarized as follows:

Tx Information Block JSON Field
Fee paying account extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0]
Total fees paid extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[1]
Tip extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[2]

The transaction fee related information can be retrieved under the event of the relevant extrinsic where the method field is set to:

pallet: "transactionPayment", method: "TransactionFeePaid" 

And then the total transaction fee paid for this extrinsic is mapped to the following field of the block JSON object:

The information presented herein has been provided by third parties and is made available solely for general information purposes. Moonbeam does not endorse any project listed and described on the Moonbeam Doc Website ( Moonbeam Foundation does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Moonbeam Foundation disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on this information by you or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents. All statements and/or opinions expressed in these materials are solely the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Moonbeam Foundation. The information should not be construed as professional or financial advice of any kind. Advice from a suitably qualified professional should always be sought in relation to any particular matter or circumstance. The information herein may link to or integrate with other websites operated or content provided by third parties, and such other websites may link to this website. Moonbeam Foundation has no control over any such other websites or their content and will have no liability arising out of or related to such websites or their content. The existence of any such link does not constitute an endorsement of such websites, the content of the websites, or the operators of the websites. These links are being provided to you only as a convenience and you release and hold Moonbeam Foundation harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of this information or the information provided by any third-party website or service.
Last update: January 28, 2025
| Created: September 6, 2022