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作者:Erin Shaben


Moonbeam使用可验证随机函数(Verifiable Random Functions,VRF)生成可以在链上验证的随机数。VRF是一种加密函数,它接受一些输入并产生随机值以及这些随机值是由提交者生成的真实性证明。此证明可以由任何人验证,以确保生成的随机数值计算正确。

目前有两种可用随机数来源,他们基于区块生产者的VRF密钥以及过去的随机数结果提供随机输入:本地VRFBABE Epoch随机数。本地VRF直接在Moonbeam中使用区块收集人的VRF密钥以及最新区块的VRF输出值决定。而BABE Epoch随机数是基于由中继链验证人在一个完整Epoch期间生产的所有VRF。


Moonbeam提供随机数预编译,这是一个Solidity接口,使智能合约开发者能够使用以太坊API通过本地VRF或BABE epoch随机数生成随机数。Moonbeam也提供一个随机数消费者Solidity合约,您的合约必须继承自该合约才能使用已履行的随机数请求。




  • 在Moonbase Alpha上创建/拥有三个账户,用于测试彩票合约
  • 所有账户必须拥有一些DEV Token 您可以每24小时一次从Moonbase Alpha水龙头上获取DEV代币以在Moonbase Alpha上进行测试
  • 一个已配置Moonbase Alpha测试网的空白Hardhat项目。要获取分步操作教程,请参考创建一个Hardhat项目和我们Hardhat文档页面的Hardhat配置文件部分
  • 安装Hardhat Ethers插件。这将为您提供更简便的方式以使用Ethers.js库与Hardhat项目中的网络交互:

    npm install @nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers ethers@6





  • Randomness.sol - 随机数预编译,这是一个Solidity接口,允许您请求随机数、获取关于随机数请求的信息、并履行请求等
  • RandomnessConsumer.sol - 随机数消费者,是一个抽象的Solidity合约,用于与随机数预编译交互。此合约负责验证随机数请求的origin(来源),确保随机数预编译始终是origin,并履行请求
  • Lottery.sol - 一个示例彩票合约,我们将在本教程中构建此合约。它将依靠随机数预编译和随机数消费者来请求用于挑选彩票获胜者的随机词


mkdir contracts && cd contracts


touch Randomness.sol RandomnessConsumer.sol Lottery.sol


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.3;

/// @dev The Randomness contract's address.
address constant RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000809;

/// @dev The Randomness contract's instance.

/// @dev Maximum number of random words being requested
uint32 constant MAX_RANDOM_WORDS = 100;
/// @dev Minimum number of blocks before a request can be fulfilled for Local VRF Request
uint32 constant MIN_VRF_BLOCKS_DELAY = 2;
/// @dev Maximum number of blocks before a request can be fulfilled for Local VRF Request
uint32 constant MAX_VRF_BLOCKS_DELAY = 2000;
/// @dev The deposit amount needed to request random words. There is 1 deposit per request
uint256 constant REQUEST_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = 1000000000000000000;

/// @author The Moonbeam Team
/// @title Pallet Randomness Interface
/// @dev The interface through which solidity contracts will interact with Randomness
/// @custom:address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000809
interface Randomness {
    /// @notice Event emitted when the request has been successfully executed
    event FulFillmentSucceeded();
    /// @notice Event emitted when the request has failed to execute fulfillment
    event FulFillmentFailed();

    /// @notice The status of the request
    /// @param DoesNotExist The request doesn't exist
    /// @param Pending The request cannot be fulfilled yet
    /// @param Ready The request is ready to be fulfilled
    /// @param Expired The request has expired
    enum RequestStatus {

    /// @notice The type of randomness source
    /// @param LocalVRF Randomness VRF using the parachain material as seed
    /// @param RelayBabeEpoch Randomness VRF using relay material from previous epoch
    enum RandomnessSource {

    /// @notice The request details
    /// @param id The id of the request (is always < 2**64)
    /// @param refundAddress The address receiving the left-over fees after the fulfillment
    /// @param contractAddress The address of the contract being called back during fulfillment
    /// @param fee The amount to set aside to pay for the fulfillment
    /// @param gasLimit The gas limit to use for the fulfillment
    /// @param salt A string being mixed with the randomness seed to obtain different random words. This should be as unique as possible; using the same salt will lead to same randomness result.
    /// @param numWords The number of random words requested (from 1 to MAX_RANDOM_WORDS)
    /// @param randomnessSource The type of randomness source used to generate the random words
    /// @param fulfillmentBlock The parachain block number at which the request can be fulfilled (for LocalVRF only)
    /// @param fulfillmentEpochIndex The relay epoch index at which the request can be fulfilled (for RelayBabeEpoch)
    /// @param expirationBlock The parachain block number at which the request expires (for LocalVRF only)
    /// @param expirationEpochIndex The relay epoch index at which the request expires (for RelayBabeEpoch)
    /// @param status The current status of the request
    struct Request {
        uint256 id;
        address refundAddress;
        address contractAddress;
        uint256 fee;
        uint256 gasLimit;
        bytes32 salt;
        uint32 numWords;
        RandomnessSource randomnessSource;
        uint32 fulfillmentBlock;
        uint64 fulfillmentEpochIndex;
        uint32 expirationBlock;
        uint64 expirationEpochIndex;
        RequestStatus status;

    /// Return the current relay epoch index
    /// @dev An epoch represents real time and not a block number
    /// @dev Currently, time between epoch changes cannot be longer than:
    /// @dev  - Kusama/Westend/Rococo: 600 relay blocks (1 hour)
    /// @dev  - Polkadot: 2400 relay blocks (4 hours)
    /// @custom:selector 81797566
    function relayEpochIndex() external view returns (uint64);

    /// Return the deposit required to perform a request
    /// @dev Each request will need a deposit.
    /// @custom:selector fb7cfdd7
    function requiredDeposit() external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Returns the request status
    /// @param requestId The id of the request to check (must be < 2**64)
    /// @return status Status of the request
    /// @custom:selector d8a4676f
    function getRequestStatus(uint256 requestId)
        returns (RequestStatus status);

    /// @notice Returns the request or revert
    /// @param requestId The id of the request to check (must be < 2**64)
    /// @return request The request
    /// @custom:selector c58343ef
    function getRequest(uint256 requestId)
        returns (Request memory request);

    /// @notice Request random words generated from the parachain VRF
    /// @dev This is using pseudo-random VRF executed by the collator at the fulfillment
    /// @dev Warning:
    /// @dev The collator in charge of producing the block at fulfillment can decide to skip
    /// @dev producing the block in order to have a different random word generated by the next
    /// @dev collator, at the cost of a block reward. It is therefore economically viable to use
    /// @dev this randomness source only if the financial reward at stake is lower than the block
    /// @dev reward.
    /// @dev In order to reduce the risk of a collator being able to predict the random words
    /// @dev when the request is performed, it is possible to increase the delay to multiple blocks
    /// @dev The higher the delay is, the less likely the collator will be able to know which
    /// @dev collator will be in charge of fulfilling the request.
    /// @dev Fulfillment is manual and can be executed by anyone (for free) after the given delay
    /// @param refundAddress The address receiving the left-over fees after the fulfillment
    /// @param fee The amount to set aside to pay for the fulfillment
    /// @param gasLimit The gas limit to use for the fulfillment
    /// @param salt A string being mixed with the randomness seed to obtain different random words
    /// @param numWords The number of random words requested (from 1 to MAX_RANDOM_WORDS)
    /// @param delay The number of blocks until the request can be fulfilled (between MIN_DELAY_BLOCKS and MAX_DELAY_BLOCKS)
    /// @return requestId The id of the request requestLocalVRFRandomWords
    /// @custom:selector 9478430c
    function requestLocalVRFRandomWords(
        address refundAddress,
        uint256 fee,
        uint64 gasLimit,
        bytes32 salt,
        uint8 numWords,
        uint64 delay
    ) external returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Request random words generated from the relaychain Babe consensus
    /// @dev The random words are generated from the hash of the all the VRF provided by the
    /// @dev relaychain validator during 1 epoch.
    /// @dev It requires a delay of at least 1 epoch after the current epoch to be unpredictable
    /// @dev at the time the request is performed.
    /// @dev Warning:
    /// @dev The validator (on the relaychain) of the last block of an epoch can decide to skip
    /// @dev producing the block in order to choose the previous generated epoch random number
    /// @dev at the cost of a relaychain block rewards. It is therefore economically viable to use
    /// @dev this randomness source only if the financial reward at stake is lower than the relaychain
    /// @dev block reward.
    /// @dev (see
    /// @dev Fulfillment is manual and can be executed by anyone (for free) at
    /// @dev the beginning of the 2nd relay epoch following the current one
    /// @param refundAddress The address receiving the left-over fees after the fulfillment
    /// @param fee Amount to set aside to pay for the fulfillment. Those fees are taken from the contract
    /// @param gasLimit Gas limit for the fulfillment
    /// @param salt Salt to be mixed with raw randomness to get output
    /// @param numWords Number of random words to be returned (limited to MAX_RANDOM_WORDS)
    /// @return requestId The id of the request
    /// @custom:selector 33c14a63
    function requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords(
        address refundAddress,
        uint256 fee,
        uint64 gasLimit,
        bytes32 salt,
        uint8 numWords
    ) external returns (uint256);

    /// @dev fulFill the request which will call the contract method "fulfillRandomWords"
    /// @dev Fees of the caller are refunded if the request is fulfillable
    /// @param requestId Request to be fulfilled (must be < 2**64)
    /// @custom:selector 9a91eb0d
    function fulfillRequest(uint256 requestId) external;

    /// @param requestId Request receiving the additional fees (must be < 2**64)
    /// @param feeIncrease Amount to increase
    /// @custom:selector d0408a7f
    function increaseRequestFee(uint256 requestId, uint256 feeIncrease)

    /// @param requestId Request to be purged (must be < 2**64)
    /// @custom:selector 1d26cbab
    function purgeExpiredRequest(uint256 requestId) external;


// Inspired by:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.3;

/// @dev The Randomness contract's address.
address constant RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000809;

/** ****************************************************************************
 * @notice Interface for contracts using VRF randomness
 * *****************************************************************************
 * @dev PURPOSE
 * @dev The purpose of this contract is to make it easy for contracts to talk to
 * @dev the Randomness Precompile. It ensures 2 things:
 * @dev 1. The fulfillment came from the Randomness Precompile
 * @dev 2. The consumer contract implements fulfillRandomWords.
 * *****************************************************************************
 * @dev USAGE
 * @dev Calling contracts must inherit from RandomnessConsumer
 * @dev Call one of the randomness request functions:
 * @dev 1. requestLocalVRFRandomWords(refundAddress, fee, gasLimit, salt
 * @dev numWords, delay),
 * @dev 2. requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords(refundAddress, fee, gasLimit, salt
 * @dev numWords),
 * @dev see (Randomness.sol for a description of each function and their arguments).
 * @dev Once the request has been registered and the minimum delay is passed, the
 * @dev request then can be executed (for 0 fee) by anyone. it will call your
 * @dev contract's fulfillRandomWords method.
 * @dev The randomness argument to fulfillRandomWords is a set of random words
 * @dev generated from your requestId.
 * @dev If your contract could have concurrent requests open, you can use the
 * @dev requestId returned from requestRandomWords to track which response is associated
 * @dev with which randomness request.
 * @dev See "SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS" for principles to keep in mind,
 * @dev if your contract could have multiple requests in flight simultaneously.
 * @dev Colliding `requestId`s are cryptographically impossible as long as seeds
 * @dev differ.
 * *****************************************************************************
 * @dev A method with the ability to call your fulfillRandomness method directly
 * @dev could spoof a VRF response with any random value, so it's critical that
 * @dev it cannot be directly called by anything other than this base contract
 * @dev (specifically, by the RandomnessConsumer.rawFulfillRandomness method).
 * @dev For your users to trust that your contract's random behavior is free
 * @dev from malicious interference, it's best if you can write it so that all
 * @dev behaviors implied by a VRF response are executed *during* your
 * @dev fulfillRandomness method. If your contract must store the response (or
 * @dev anything derived from it) and use it later, you must ensure that any
 * @dev user-significant behavior which depends on that stored value cannot be
 * @dev manipulated by a subsequent VRF request.
 * @dev Similarly, the collators have some influence over the order in which
 * @dev VRF responses appear on the blockchain, so if your contract could have
 * @dev multiple VRF requests in flight simultaneously, you must ensure that
 * @dev the order in which the VRF responses arrive cannot be used to manipulate
 * @dev your contract's user-significant behavior.
 * @dev Since the output of the random words generated for
 * @dev *requestLocalVRFRandomWords* is dependant of the collator producing the
 * @dev block at fulfillment, the collator could skip its block forcing the
 * @dev fulfillment to be executed by a different collator, and therefore
 * @dev generating a different VRF.
 * @dev However, such an attack would incur the cost of losing the block reward to
 * @dev the collator.
 * @dev It is also possible for a collator to be able to predict some of the
 * @dev possible outcome of the VRF if the delay between the request and the
 * @dev fulfillment is too short. It is for this reason that we allow to provide
 * @dev a higher delay
 * @dev Since the output of the random words generated for
 * @dev *requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords* is dependant of the relaychain
 * @dev validator producing the blocks during an epoch, it is possible for
 * @dev the last validator of an epoch to choose between 2 possible VRF
 * @dev outputs by skipping the production of a block.
 * @dev However, such an attack would incur the cost of losing the block reward to
 * @dev the validator
 * @dev It is not possible for a parachain collator to predict nor influence
 * @dev the output of the relaychain VRF, not to censor the fulfillment as long as
 * @dev there is one honest collator.
abstract contract RandomnessConsumer {
    error OnlyRandomnessPrecompileCanFulfill(address have, address want);

     * @notice fulfillRandomness handles the VRF response. Your contract must
     * @notice implement it. See "SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS" above for important
     * @notice principles to keep in mind when implementing your fulfillRandomness
     * @notice method.
     * @dev RandomnessConsumer expects its subcontracts to have a method with this
     * @dev signature, and will call it once it has verified the proof
     * @dev associated with the randomness. (It is triggered via a call to
     * @dev rawFulfillRandomness, below.)
     * @param requestId The Id initially returned by requestLocalVRFRandomWords or requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords
     * @param randomWords The VRF output expanded to the requested number of words
    function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 requestId, uint256[] memory randomWords)

    // rawFulfillRandomness is called by Randomness Precompile when the executeFulfillement
    // is called. rawFulfillRandomness then calls fulfillRandomness, after validating
    // the origin of the call
    function rawFulfillRandomWords(
        uint256 requestId,
        uint256[] memory randomWords
    ) external {
        if (msg.sender != RANDOMNESS_ADDRESS) {
            revert OnlyRandomnessPrecompileCanFulfill(
        fulfillRandomWords(requestId, randomWords);




Diagram of the Lottery process.



  • 导入Randomness.sol预编译和RandomnessConsumer.sol接口
  • 继承RandomnessConsumer接口
  • 创建一个随机数预编译变量randomness,以便我们后续轻松访问其函数
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import "./Randomness.sol";
import {RandomnessConsumer} from "./RandomnessConsumer.sol";

contract Lottery is RandomnessConsumer {
    // Randomness Precompile interface
    Randomness public randomness =



  • 参与费
  • 最低/最高参与人数
  • 彩票的最短长度
  • 获胜者人数


// 中奖人数。此数字对应多少个随机词将被请求。不能超过MAX_RANDOM_WORDS(来自随机数预编译)
uint8 public NUM_WINNERS = 2;

// 可以履行请求之前的区块数(针对本地VRF随机数)。MIN_VRF_BLOCKS_DELAY(来自随机数预编译)
// 为经济价值低的游戏提供足够安全的最小数量。稍微增加延迟会降低收集人能够预测伪随机数的本已很低的概率

// 开始抽奖的最低参与人数
uint256 public MIN_PARTICIPANTS = 3;

// 允许的最高参与人数。 重要的是限制总累积奖池(通过限制参与者数量)以保证收集人的经济激励
// 以避免试图影响伪随机数。(有关详细信息,请参阅 Randomness.sol)
uint256 public MAX_PARTICIPANTS = 20;

// 参与抽奖所需的费用。将进入累积奖池
uint256 public PARTICIPATION_FEE = 100000 gwei;


  • 履行随机数请求的交易的gas限制
  • 开始抽奖并请求随机词所需的最低费用。每个随机数请求都需要支付执行费用。此费用的目的是支付随机数请求的执行费用,这样就可以允许任何人履行请求,因为该请求的费用已支付。当提交随机数请求时,需要指定退款账户,用于接收多余的退款。设置合约时需要设置彩票合约的所有者将收到退款
  • salt前缀和全局请求计数都将用于生成唯一的随机数请求


// 用于执行的gas限制,其取决于执行的代码和请求的字词个数。
// 根据请求的大小和fulfillRandomWords()函数中回调请求的处理来测试和调整这个限制
uint64 public FULFILLMENT_GAS_LIMIT = 100000;

// 开始抽奖所需的最低费用。这并不能保证有足够的费用来支付履行所使用的gas。
// 理想情况下,考虑到可能的gas价格波动,应该设一个较大的值。额外费用将退还给调用者
uint256 public MIN_FEE = FULFILLMENT_GAS_LIMIT * 150 gwei;

// 一个字符串,用于允许使用与其他合约不同的salt
bytes32 public SALT_PREFIX = "my_demo_salt_change_me";

// 存储提交的请求的全局数量。这个数字被用作使每个请求唯一的salt
uint256 public globalRequestCount;


  • 当前的请求ID
  • 当前的参与者列表
  • 奖池设置
  • 彩票合约的所有者。这是必不可少的,因为只有合约所有者才有权限开启抽奖
  • 所使用的随机数来源(本地VRF或BABE epoch)
// The current request id
uint256 public requestId;

// The list of current participants
address[] public participants;

// The current amount of token at stake in the lottery
uint256 public jackpot;

// the owner of the contract
address owner;

// Which randomness source to use. This correlates to the values in the
// RandomnessSource enum in the Randomness Precompile
Randomness.RandomnessSource randomnessSource;



构造函数接受一个uint8参数作为随机数来源,这对应位于随机数预编译中的RandomnessSource enum中定义的随机数类型的索引。因此,我们需要为本地VRF传入0或者为BABE epoch随机数传入1。此函数将是payable,因为我们需要在部署时提交保证金并在后续用于执行随机数请求


    Randomness.RandomnessSource source
) payable RandomnessConsumer() {
    // Because this contract can only perform one randomness request at a time,
    // we only need to have one required deposit
    uint256 requiredDeposit = randomness.requiredDeposit();
    if (msg.value < requiredDeposit) {
        revert("Deposit too Low");
    // Update parameters
    randomnessSource = source;
    owner = msg.sender;
    globalRequestCount = 0;
    jackpot = 0;
    // Set the requestId to the maximum allowed value by the precompile (64 bits)
    requestId = 2 ** 64 - 1;




  • 使用随机数预编译的getRequestStatus函数检查彩票是否尚未开始。此函数将返回通过RequestStatus enum定义的状态。如果状态不是DoesNotExist,则表示彩票已开始
  • 检查参与费是否满足要求
  • 如果上述两项都符合要求,则参与者将被添加至参与者列表当中,他们的参与费将被加入到奖池中
function participate() external payable {
    // We check that the lottery hasn't started yet
    if (
        randomness.getRequestStatus(requestId) !=
    ) {
        revert("Request already initiated");

    // Each player must submit a fee to participate, which is added to
    // the jackpot
    if (msg.value != PARTICIPATION_FEE) {
        revert("Invalid participation fee");
    jackpot += msg.value;






  • 检查彩票是否尚未开始,操作方式如participate函数所示
  • 检查是否达到要求的参与者数量
  • 检查执行费用是否满足最低要求
  • 检查合约余额是否足够支付保证金。还记得构造函数是如何接受请求保证金的吗?保证金将存储于合约中直到此函数被调用
  • 如果上述条件均返回true,我们将通过随机数预编译连同履行费用一起提交随机数请求。根据随机数来源,随机数预编译的requestLocalVRFRandomWordsrequestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords函数将和以下参数一起被调用:
    • 接收多余费用退款的地址
    • 履行费用
    • 履行请求的gas上限
    • salt,这是一个字符串,与随机数种子(randomness seed)共同使用以获取不同的随机词。globalRequestCount用于确保独特性
    • 请求随机词的数量,基于挑选的获胜者数量设定
    • (仅支持本地VRF)延迟时间,在履行请求之前必须通过的区块数量


function startLottery() external payable onlyOwner {
    // Check we haven't started the randomness request yet
    if (
        randomness.getRequestStatus(requestId) !=
    ) {
        revert("Request already initiated");
    // Check that the number of participants is acceptable
    if (participants.length < MIN_PARTICIPANTS) {
        revert("Not enough participants");
    if (participants.length >= MAX_PARTICIPANTS) {
        revert("Too many participants");
    // Check the fulfillment fee is enough
    uint256 fee = msg.value;
    if (fee < MIN_FEE) {
        revert("Not enough fee");
    // Check there is enough balance on the contract to pay for the deposit.
    // This would fail only if the deposit amount required is changed in the
    // Randomness Precompile.
    uint256 requiredDeposit = randomness.requiredDeposit();
    if (address(this).balance < jackpot + requiredDeposit) {
        revert("Deposit too low");

    if (randomnessSource == Randomness.RandomnessSource.LocalVRF) {
        // Request random words using local VRF randomness
        requestId = randomness.requestLocalVRFRandomWords(
            SALT_PREFIX ^ bytes32(globalRequestCount++),
    } else {
        // Requesting random words using BABE Epoch randomness
        requestId = randomness.requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords(
            SALT_PREFIX ^ bytes32(globalRequestCount++),

modifier onlyOwner() {
    require(msg.sender == owner);






function fulfillRequest() public {

function fulfillRandomWords(
    uint256 /* requestId */,
    uint256[] memory randomWords
) internal override {







  • 根据奖池中的数量和获胜者总人数计算获胜者的奖金数量
  • 使用随机词确定获胜者
  • 为每位获胜者分发奖励,确保在分发之前将奖励从奖池中移除
// This function is called only by the fulfillment callback
function pickWinners(uint256[] memory randomWords) internal {
    // Get the total number of winners to select
    uint256 totalWinners = NUM_WINNERS < participants.length
        ? NUM_WINNERS
        : participants.length;

    // The amount distributed to each winner
    uint256 amountAwarded = jackpot / totalWinners;
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < totalWinners; i++) {
        // This is safe to index randomWords with i because we requested
        // NUM_WINNERS random words
        uint256 randomWord = randomWords[i];

        // Using modulo is not totally fair, but fair enough for this demo
        uint256 index = randomWord % participants.length;
        address payable winner = payable(participants[index]);
        delete participants[index];
        jackpot -= amountAwarded;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import "./Randomness.sol";
import {RandomnessConsumer} from "./RandomnessConsumer.sol";

contract Lottery is RandomnessConsumer {
    // Randomness Precompile interface
    Randomness public randomness =

    // The number of winners. This number corresponds to how many random words
    // will be requested. Cannot exceed MAX_RANDOM_WORDS (from the Randomness
    // Precompile)
    uint8 public NUM_WINNERS = 2;

    // The number of blocks before the request can be fulfilled (for Local VRF
    // randomness). The MIN_VRF_BLOCKS_DELAY (from the Randomness Precompile)
    // provides a minimum number that is safe enough for games with low economical
    // value at stake. Increasing the delay slightly reduces the probability
    // (already very low) of a collator being able to predict the pseudo-random number

    // The minimum number of participants to start the lottery
    uint256 public MIN_PARTICIPANTS = 3;

    // The maximum number of participants allowed to participate. It is important
    // to limit the total jackpot (by limiting the number of participants) to
    // guarantee the economic incentive of a collator to avoid trying to influence
    // the pseudo-random. (See Randomness.sol for more details)
    uint256 public MAX_PARTICIPANTS = 20;

    // The fee needed to participate in the lottery. Will go into the jackpot
    uint256 public PARTICIPATION_FEE = 100000 gwei;

    // The gas limit allowed to be used for the fulfillment, which depends on the
    // code that is executed and the number of words requested. Test and adjust
    // this limit based on the size of the request and the processing of the
    // callback request in the fulfillRandomWords() function
    uint64 public FULFILLMENT_GAS_LIMIT = 100000;

    // The minimum fee needed to start the lottery. This does not guarantee that
    // there will be enough fee to pay for the gas used by the fulfillment.
    // Ideally it should be over-estimated considering possible fluctuation of
    // the gas price. Additional fee will be refunded to the caller
    uint256 public MIN_FEE = FULFILLMENT_GAS_LIMIT * 150 gwei;

    // A string used to allow having different salt than other contracts

    // Stores the global number of requests submitted. This number is used as a
    // salt to make each request unique
    uint256 public globalRequestCount;

    // The current request id
    uint256 public requestId;

    // The list of current participants
    address[] public participants;

    // The current amount of token at stake in the lottery
    uint256 public jackpot;

    // the owner of the contract
    address owner;

    // Which randomness source to use. This correlates to the values in the
    // RandomnessSource enum in the Randomness Precompile
    Randomness.RandomnessSource randomnessSource;

        Randomness.RandomnessSource source
    ) payable RandomnessConsumer() {
        // Because this contract can only perform one randomness request at a time,
        // we only need to have one required deposit
        uint256 requiredDeposit = randomness.requiredDeposit();
        if (msg.value < requiredDeposit) {
            revert("Deposit too Low");
        // Update parameters
        randomnessSource = source;
        owner = msg.sender;
        globalRequestCount = 0;
        jackpot = 0;
        // Set the requestId to the maximum allowed value by the precompile (64 bits)
        requestId = 2 ** 64 - 1;

    function participate() external payable {
        // We check that the lottery hasn't started yet
        if (
            randomness.getRequestStatus(requestId) !=
        ) {
            revert("Request already initiated");

        // Each player must submit a fee to participate, which is added to
        // the jackpot
        if (msg.value != PARTICIPATION_FEE) {
            revert("Invalid participation fee");
        jackpot += msg.value;

    function startLottery() external payable onlyOwner {
        // Check we haven't started the randomness request yet
        if (
            randomness.getRequestStatus(requestId) !=
        ) {
            revert("Request already initiated");
        // Check that the number of participants is acceptable
        if (participants.length < MIN_PARTICIPANTS) {
            revert("Not enough participants");
        if (participants.length >= MAX_PARTICIPANTS) {
            revert("Too many participants");
        // Check the fulfillment fee is enough
        uint256 fee = msg.value;
        if (fee < MIN_FEE) {
            revert("Not enough fee");
        // Check there is enough balance on the contract to pay for the deposit.
        // This would fail only if the deposit amount required is changed in the
        // Randomness Precompile.
        uint256 requiredDeposit = randomness.requiredDeposit();
        if (address(this).balance < jackpot + requiredDeposit) {
            revert("Deposit too low");

        if (randomnessSource == Randomness.RandomnessSource.LocalVRF) {
            // Request random words using local VRF randomness
            requestId = randomness.requestLocalVRFRandomWords(
                SALT_PREFIX ^ bytes32(globalRequestCount++),
        } else {
            // Requesting random words using BABE Epoch randomness
            requestId = randomness.requestRelayBabeEpochRandomWords(
                SALT_PREFIX ^ bytes32(globalRequestCount++),

    function fulfillRequest() public {

    function fulfillRandomWords(
        uint256 /* requestId */,
        uint256[] memory randomWords
    ) internal override {

    // This function is called only by the fulfillment callback
    function pickWinners(uint256[] memory randomWords) internal {
        // Get the total number of winners to select
        uint256 totalWinners = NUM_WINNERS < participants.length
            ? NUM_WINNERS
            : participants.length;

        // The amount distributed to each winner
        uint256 amountAwarded = jackpot / totalWinners;
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < totalWinners; i++) {
            // This is safe to index randomWords with i because we requested
            // NUM_WINNERS random words
            uint256 randomWord = randomWords[i];

            // Using modulo is not totally fair, but fair enough for this demo
            uint256 index = randomWord % participants.length;
            address payable winner = payable(participants[index]);
            delete participants[index];
            jackpot -= amountAwarded;

    modifier onlyOwner() {
        require(msg.sender == owner);







npx hardhat compile

Compile the contracts using Hardhat's compile command.




mkdir scripts && 
touch scripts/deploy.js


  1. 使用getContractFactory函数创建一个彩票合约的本地示例
  2. 使用随机数预编译的requiredDeposit函数获取随机数请求所需的保证金
  3. 使用存在于本实例中的deploy函数以实例化智能合约。您可以传入0以使用本地VRF随机数或者传入1以使用BABE epoch随机数。在本示例中,我们使用的是本地VRF随机数。我们也需要在部署时提交保证金
  4. 使用waitForDeployment等待部署
  5. 部署好后,我们可以使用合约实例获取合约地址
async function main() {
  // 1. Get the contract to deploy
  const Lottery = await ethers.getContractFactory('Lottery');

  // 2. Get the required deposit amount from the Randomness Precompile
  const Randomness = await ethers.getContractAt(
  const deposit = await Randomness.requiredDeposit();

  // 3. Instantiate a new Lottery smart contract that uses local VRF
  // randomness and pass in the required deposit
  const lottery = await Lottery.deploy(0, { value: deposit });
  console.log('Deploying Lottery...');

  // 4. Waiting for the deployment to resolve
  await lottery.waitForDeployment();

  // 5. Use the contract instance to get the contract address
  console.log('Lottery deployed to:',;

  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {


npx hardhat run --network moonbase scripts/deploy.js



Deploy the Lottery contract using Hardhat's run command.



touch participate.js


async function participate() {
  const lottery = await ethers.getContractAt(
  const participationFee = await lottery.PARTICIPATION_FEE();
  const tx = await lottery.participate({ value: participationFee });
  console.log('Participation transaction hash:', tx.hash);
  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch((error) => {


npx hardhat run --network moonbase scripts/participate.js


Run the partipation script using Hardhat's run command.


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Last update: January 25, 2024
| Created: April 20, 2023