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Using Substrate API Sidecar with Moonbeam


Substrate API Sidecar allows applications to access blocks, account balance, and other information of Substrate-based blockchains through a REST API. This can be useful for exchanges, wallets or other types of applications that need to keep track of account balance and other state changes on a Moonbeam network. This page will describe how to install and run a Substrate API Sidecar for Moonbeam, and the commonly used API endpoints.

Installing and Running Substrate API Sidecar

There are multiple ways of installing and running the Substrate API Sidecar. This guide will describe the steps for installing and running it locally through NPM. For running Substrate API Sidecar through Docker, or building and running it from source, please refer to the Substrate API Sidecar Github Repository.

Checking Prerequisites

Running this service locally through NPM requires Node.js to be installed.

You need to install Node.js (for this example, you can use v16.x) and the npm package manager. You can download directly from Node.js or in your terminal:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

sudo apt install -y nodejs
# You can use homebrew (
brew install node

# Or you can use nvm (
nvm install node

You can verify that everything is installed correctly by querying the version for each package:

node -v
npm -v

Installing the Substrate API Sidecar

To install the Substrate API Sidecar service locally in the current directory, run this from the command line:

npm install @substrate/api-sidecar@19.3.1


If the current folder does not already have a Node.js project structure, you need to manually created the node_modules directory by typing mkdir node_modules.

Substrate API Sidecar v19.3.1 is the current stable version that has been tested to work with Moonbeam networks. You can verify the installation was successful by typing from the installation directory root:

node_modules/.bin/substrate-api-sidecar --version

Setting up the Substrate API Sidecar

In the terminal that Sidecar will run, export the environmental variable for the WS endpoint of the network. Examples:

export SAS_SUBSTRATE_URL=wss://
export SAS_SUBSTRATE_URL=wss://
export SAS_SUBSTRATE_URL=wss://
export SAS_SUBSTRATE_URL=ws://

Please reference the Public Endpoints page for a full list of Moonbeam network endpoints.

After setting the environmental variable, you can use the echo command to check that the environmental variable has been set correctly, by typing:


And it should display the network endpoint you have just set.

Generating the Types Bundle

Moonbeam introduces custom types that differ from the standard Substrate types. For API clients like Substrate API Sidecar to properly understand and decode these custom types, you must provide Substrate API Sidecar with the corresponding custom types bundle for the respective network you're interacting with. Generating and associating the custom types bundle with Substrate API Sidecar is quick.

First, ensure that you installed Parity's generate-types-bundle package:

npm install -g @substrate/generate-type-bundle

Then, navigate to the following directory within your project:

cd ./node_modules/@substrate/api-sidecar/build/src/

Then, run the following command to generate the types bundle for the respective network:

generate-type-bundle -p . -s moonbeam
generate-type-bundle -p . -s moonriver
generate-type-bundle -p . -s moonbase

Note that running subsequent commands will overwrite the existing typesBundle.json. You'll then need to set the SAS_SUBSTRATE_TYPES_BUNDLE environment variable as shown below. If you've renamed the typesBundle.json, ensure you use the correct file name.

export SAS_SUBSTRATE_TYPES_BUNDLE="./typesBundle.json"

After setting the environment variable, you can verify that you set it correctly by using the following echo command:


Running Substrate API Sidecar

Navigate back to the root directory of the project:

cd ../../../../..

With the network endpoint environmental variable set, and from the installation directory root, run:


If the installation and configuration are successful, you should see this output in the console:

v0.42.1: Pulling from moonbeamfoundation/moonbeam
πŸ“¦ LOG:
βœ… LEVEL: "info"
βœ… JSON: false
βœ… FILTER_RPC: false
βœ… STRIP_ANSI: false
βœ… WRITE: false
βœ… WRITE_PATH: "/temp/node_modules/@substrate/api-sidecar/build/src/logs"
βœ… WRITE_MAX_FILE_SIZE: 5242880
βœ… URL: "wss://"
βœ… TYPES_BUNDLE: undefined
βœ… TYPES_CHAIN: undefined
βœ… TYPES_SPEC: undefined
βœ… TYPES: undefined
βœ… BIND_HOST: ""
βœ… PORT: 8080
2024-05-07 11:29:54 info: Version: 18.0.0
2024-05-07 11:29:55 warn: API/INIT: RPC methods not decorated: eth_getBlockReceipts, moon_isBlockFinalized, moon_isTxFinalized
2024-05-07 11:29:55 warn: API/INIT: moonbeam/3300: Not decorating unknown runtime apis: 0xd0399cd053adda2b/1, 0xa33d43f58731ad84/2, 0xba8173bf23b2e6f8/1
2024-05-07 11:29:55 info: Connected to chain Moonbeam on the moonbeam client at wss://
2024-05-07 11:29:55 info: Listening on
2024-05-07 11:29:55 info: Check the root endpoint ( to see the available endpoints for the current node

Substrate API Sidecar Endpoints

Some of the commonly used Substrate API Sidecar endpoints include:

  • GET /blocks​/head β€” Get the most recently finalized block. The optional parameter finalized can be set to false to the get the newest known block, which may not be finalized
  • GET /blocks/head/header β€” Get the most recently finalized block header. The optional parameter finalized can be set to false to the get the newest known block header, which may not be finalized
  • GET /blocks/{blockId} β€” Get a block by its height or hash
  • GET /accounts/{accountId}/balance-info β€” Get balance information for an account
  • GET /node/version β€” Get information about the Substrates node's implementation and versioning
  • GET /runtime/metadata β€” Get the runtime metadata in decoded, JSON form.

For a full list of API endpoints available on Substrate API Sidecar, please refer to the official documentation.

EVM Field Mapping in Block JSON Object

Substrate API Sidecar returns Moonbeam blocks as a JSON object. Information related to EVM execution of Moonbeam transactions is under the extrinsics top level field, where individual extrinsics are organized numerically as nested JSON objects. The nesting structure is as following:

                |--pallet: "ethereum"
                |--method: "transact"
                        |--pallet: "ethereum"
                        |--method: "Executed"

Moonbeam EVM transactions can be identify by the method field under the current extrinsic object, where it is set to:

{extrinsic_number}.method.pallet = "ethereum"
{extrinsic_number}.method.method = "transact"

Transaction Types and Payload

The Moonbeam EVM currently supports three transaction standards: legacy, eip1559, and eip2930. These correspond to the transaction type field in the above JSON object diagram. For each transaction type, the transaction payload contains the following fields:


For more information on the new EIP1559 and EIP2930 transaction types and what each field means, please refer to the respective official Ethereum proposal specs.

Transaction Field Mappings

To obtain the EVM sender address, recipient address, and EVM hash of any EVM transaction type, check the events field under the current extrinsic object, and identify the event where the method field is set to:

{event_number}.method.pallet: "ethereum"
{event_number}.method.method: "Executed" 

The EVM field mappings are then summarized as the following:

EVM Field Block JSON Field
Chain ID extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.chainId
Nonce extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.nonce
Max priority fee per gas extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.maxPriorityFeePerGas
Max fee per gas extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.maxFeePerGas
Gas limit extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.gasLimit
Access list extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.accessList
Signature extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip1559.oddYParity/r/s
Sender address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0]
Recipient address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[1]
EVM hash extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[2]
EVM execution status extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[3]
EVM Field Block JSON Field
Nonce extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.nonce
Gas price extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.gasPrice
Gas limit extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.gasLimit
Value extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.value
Signature extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.legacy.signature
Sender address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0]
Recipient address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[1]
EVM hash extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[2]
EVM execution status extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[3]
EVM Field Block JSON Field
Chain ID extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.chainId
Nonce extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.nonce
Gas price extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.gasPrice
Gas limit extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.gasLimit
Value extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.value
Access list extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.accessList
Signature extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction.eip2930.oddYParity/r/s
Sender address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0]
Recipient address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[1]
EVM hash extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[2]
EVM execution status extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[3]


For Substrate transactions, the "Nonce" and "Signature" fields are under extrinsics[extrinsic_number]. For EVM transactions, the "Nonce" and "Signature" fields are under extrinsics[extrinsic_number].args.transaction[transaction_type], leaving the "Nonce" and "Signature" under extrinsics[extrinsic_number] to be null.

A successfully executed EVM transaction will return either succeed: "Stopped" or succeed: "Returned" under the "EVM Execution Status" field.

ERC-20 Token Transfers

Events emitted by smart contracts such as an ERC-20 token contract deployed on Moonbeam can be decoded from Sidecar block JSON objects. The nesting structure is as following:

                |--pallet: "ethereum"
                |--method: "transact"
                        |--pallet: "evm"
                        |--method: "Log"
                            |-- address
                            |-- topics
                            |-- data

Moonbeam ERC-20 token transfers will emit the Transfer event which can be decoded as the following:

Tx Information Block JSON Field
ERC-20 contract address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0].address
Event signature hash extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0].topics[0]
Sender address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0].topics[1]
Recipient address extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0].topics[2]
Amount extrinsics[extrinsic_number].events[event_number].data[0].data

Other events emitted by EVM smart contracts can be decoded in a similar fashion, but the content of the topics and data fields will change depending on the definition of the specific event.


The amount transferred is given in Wei and in hexadecimal format.

Sample Code for Monitoring Native Token Transfers

The Transfers API page has a code snippet demonstrating how to use Substrate API Sidecar to retrieve and decode native token transfers sent with both Substrate and Ethereum APIs on Moonbeam networks. You can reference that as a starting point to build out backends that utilize Sidecar to listen to transfers on Moonbeam networks.

Calculating Transaction Fees

For more detailed information and sample code on how to calculate the transaction fees of Moonbeam transactions using Substrate Sidecar API, please check the Calculating Transaction Fees on Moonbeam page.

The information presented herein has been provided by third parties and is made available solely for general information purposes. Moonbeam does not endorse any project listed and described on the Moonbeam Doc Website ( Moonbeam Foundation does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Moonbeam Foundation disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on this information by you or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents. All statements and/or opinions expressed in these materials are solely the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Moonbeam Foundation. The information should not be construed as professional or financial advice of any kind. Advice from a suitably qualified professional should always be sought in relation to any particular matter or circumstance. The information herein may link to or integrate with other websites operated or content provided by third parties, and such other websites may link to this website. Moonbeam Foundation has no control over any such other websites or their content and will have no liability arising out of or related to such websites or their content. The existence of any such link does not constitute an endorsement of such websites, the content of the websites, or the operators of the websites. These links are being provided to you only as a convenience and you release and hold Moonbeam Foundation harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of this information or the information provided by any third-party website or service.
Last update: October 22, 2024
| Created: December 9, 2021