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The Parachain Staking Pallet


Moonbeam uses a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) system that determines which collators are eligible to produce blocks based on their total stake in the network. For general information on staking, such as general terminology, staking variables, and more, please refer to the Staking on Moonbeam page.

The DPoS system is powered by the parachain staking pallet, allowing token holders (delegators) to express exactly which collator candidates they would like to support and with what quantity of stake. The design of the parachain staking pallet is such that it enforces shared risk/reward on chain between delegators and candidates.

Some of the functionality of the parachain staking pallet is also available through a staking precompile. The precompile is a Solidity interface that enables you to perform staking actions through the Ethereum API. Please refer to the Staking Precompile guide for more information.

This guide will provide an overview of the extrinsics, storage methods, and getters for the pallet constants available in the parachain staking pallet.

Exit Delays

Some of the staking pallet extrinsics include exit delays that you must wait before the request can be executed. The exit delays to note are as follows:

Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 28 rounds (168 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 28 rounds (168 hours)
Revoke delegation 28 rounds (168 hours)
Leave candidates 28 rounds (168 hours)
Leave delegators 28 rounds (168 hours)
Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 24 rounds (48 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 24 rounds (48 hours)
Revoke delegation 24 rounds (48 hours)
Leave candidates 24 rounds (48 hours)
Leave delegators 24 rounds (48 hours)
Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 2 rounds (4 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 2 rounds (4 hours)
Revoke delegation 2 rounds (4 hours)
Leave candidates 2 rounds (4 hours)
Leave delegators 2 rounds (4 hours)

Parachain Staking Pallet Interface


The parachain staking pallet provides the following extrinsics (functions):

  • cancelCandidateBondLess() - cancels a pending scheduled request to decrease a candidate's self bond amount
  • cancelDelegationRequest(candidate) - cancels any pending delegation requests provided the address of a candidate
  • cancelLeaveCandidates(candidateCount) - cancels a candidate's pending scheduled request to leave the candidate pool given the current number of candidates in the pool
  • candidateBondMore(more) - request to increase a candidate's self bond by a specified amount
  • delegate(candidate, amount, candidateDelegationCount, delegationCount) - deprecated as of runtime 2400 - request to add a delegation to a specific candidate for a given amount. Use the delegateWithAutoCompound extrinsic instead
  • delegateWithAutoCompound(candidate, amount, autoCompound, candidateDelegationCount, candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCount, delegationCount) - delegates a collator candidate and sets the percentage of rewards to auto-compound given an integer (no decimals) for the amount between 0-100. If the caller is not a delegator, this function adds them to the set of delegators. If the caller is already a delegator, then it adjusts their delegation amount
  • delegatorBondMore(candidate, more) - request to increase a delegator's amount delegated for a specific candidate
  • enableMarkingOffline(value) - enables or disables the mark offline feature for collators. It must be executed via governance through the Root Track
  • executeCandidateBondLess(candidate) - executes any scheduled due requests to decrease a candidate's self bond amount
  • executeDelegationRequest(delegator, candidate) - executes any scheduled due delegation requests for a specific delegator provided the address of the candidate
  • executeLeaveCandidates(candidate, candidateDelegationCount) - executes any scheduled due requests to leave the set of collator candidates
  • goOffline() - allows a collator candidate to temporarily leave the pool of candidates without unbonding
  • goOnline() - allows a collator candidate to rejoin the pool of candidates after previously calling goOffline()
  • joinCandidates(bond, candidateCount) - request to join the set of collator candidates with a specified bond amount and provided the current candidate count
  • notifyInactiveCollator(collator) - marks a collator as inactive if they have not been producing blocks for the maximum number of offline rounds, as returned by the maxOfflineRounds pallet constant
  • scheduleCandidateBondLess(less) - schedules a request to decrease a candidate's self bond by a specified amount. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeCandidateBondLess extrinsic
  • scheduleDelegatorBondLess(candidate, less) - schedules a request for a delegator to bond less with respect to a specific candidate. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeDelegationRequest extrinsic
  • scheduleLeaveCandidates(candidateCount) - schedules a request for a candidate to remove themselves from the candidate pool. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeLeaveCandidates extrinsic
  • scheduleRevokeDelegation(collator) - schedules a request to revoke a delegation given the address of a candidate. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeDelegationRequest extrinsic
  • setAutoCompound(candidate, value, candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCountHint, delegationCountHint) - sets the percentage of rewards to be auto-compounded for an existing delegation given an integer (no decimals) for the value between 0-100
  • setBlocksPerRound(new) - sets the blocks per round. If the new value is less than the length of the current round, the next block will transition immediately
  • setCollatorCommission(new) - sets the commission to a new value for all collators
  • setInflation(schedule) - sets the annual inflation rate to derive per-round inflation
  • setParachainBondAccount(new) - sets the account that will hold funds set aside for parachain bond
  • setParachainBondReservePercent(new) - sets the percent of inflation set aside for parachain bond
  • setStakingExpectations(expectations) - sets the expectations for total staked
  • setTotalSelected(new) - sets the total number of collator candidates selected per round

Storage Methods

The parachain staking pallet includes the following read-only storage methods to obtain chain state data:

  • atStake(u32, AccountId20) - provides a snapshot of a collator's delegation stake and the percentage of rewards set to auto-compound given a round number and, optionally, the collator's address
  • autoCompoundingDelegations(AccountId20) - returns a list of delegators for a given candidate that have set up auto-compounding along with the percentage of rewards set to be auto-compounded
  • awardedPts(u32, AccountId20) - returns the awarded points for each collator per round given a round number and, optionally, the collator's address
  • bottomDelegations(AccountId20) - returns at the most the bottom 50 delegations for all candidates or for a given candidate's address
  • candidateInfo(AccountId20) - returns candidate information such as the candidate's bond, delegation count, and more for all candidates or for a given candidate's address
  • candidatePool() - returns a list of each of the candidates in the pool and their total backing stake
  • candidateState(AccountId20) - deprecated as of runtime 1200 - use candidateInfo instead
  • collatorCommission() - returns the commission percent taken off of rewards for all collators
  • collatorState2(AccountId20) - deprecated as of runtime 1001 - use candidateInfo instead
  • delayedPayouts(u32) - returns the delayed payouts for all rounds or for a given round
  • delegationScheduledRequests(AccountId20) - returns the outstanding scheduled delegation requests for all collators or for a given collator's address
  • delegatorState(AccountId20) - returns delegator information such as their delegations, delegation status, and total delegation amount for all delegators or for a given delegator's address
  • enabledMarkingOffline() - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the marking offline feature for inactive collators is enabled
  • inflationConfig() - returns the inflation configuration
  • nominatorState2(AccountId20) - deprecated as of runtime 1001 - use delegatorState instead
  • palletVersion() - returns the current pallet version
  • parachainBondInfo() - returns the parachain bond reserve account and the percentage of annual inflation
  • points(u32) - returns the total points awarded to collators for block production in all rounds or for a given round
  • round() - returns the current round number, the first block of the current round, and the length of the round
  • selectedCandidates() - returns the collator candidates selected to be in the active set for the current round
  • staked(u32) - returns the total counted stake for collator candidates in the active set for all rounds or for a given round
  • topDelegations(AccountId20) - returns at the most the top 300 delegations for all collators or for a given collator's address
  • total() - returns the total capital locked in the staking pallet
  • totalSelected() - returns the total number of collator candidates that can be selected for the active set

Pallet Constants

The parachain staking pallet includes the following read-only functions to obtain pallet constants:

  • candidateBondLessDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited until a candidate's scheduled request to decrease their self bond can be executed
  • defaultBlocksPerRound() - deprecated as of runtime 1900 - returns the default number of blocks per round
  • defaultCollatorCommission() - deprecated as of runtime 1900 - returns the default commission due to collators
  • defaultParachainBondReservePercent() - deprecated as of runtime 1900 - returns the default percent of inflation set aside for the parachain bond account
  • delegationBondLessDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited until a scheduled request to decrease a delegation can be executed
  • leaveCandidatesDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited before a scheduled request for a candidate to leave the candidate pool can be executed
  • leaveDelegatorsDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited before a scheduled request for a delegator to leave the set of delegators can be executed
  • maxBottomDelegationsPerCandidate() - returns the maximum number of bottom delegations per candidate
  • maxCandidates() - returns the maximum number of candidates allowed in the candidate pool
  • maxDelegationsPerDelegator() - returns the maximum number of delegations per delegator
  • maxOfflineRounds() - returns the number of rounds that must pass before a collator that has stopped producing blocks is marked as inactive
  • maxTopDelegationsPerCandidate() - returns the maximum number of top delegations per candidate
  • minBlocksPerRound() - returns the minimum number of blocks per round
  • minCandidateStk() - returns the minimum stake required for a candidate to be a collator candidate
  • minCollatorStk() - deprecated as of runtime 2400 - returns the minimum stake required for a candidate to be in the active set
  • minDelegation() - returns the minimum delegation amount
  • minDelegatorStk() - deprecated as of runtime 2500 - returns the minimum stake for an account to be a delegator
  • minSelectedCandidates() - returns the minimum number of selected candidates in the active set every round
  • revokeDelegationDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited before a scheduled request to revoke a delegation can be executed
  • rewardPaymentDelay() - returns the number of rounds that must be waited after which block authors are rewarded
Last update: June 10, 2024
| Created: July 9, 2022