The Referenda Pallet¶
The Referenda Pallet allows token holders to make, delegate, and manage Conviction-weighted votes on referenda.
Governance-related functionality is based on three new pallets and precompiles: the Preimage Pallet and Preimage Precompile, the Referenda Pallet and Referenda Precompile, and the Conviction Voting Pallet and Conviction Voting Precompile. The aforementioned precompiles are Solidity interfaces that enable you to perform governance functions using the Ethereum API.
This guide will provide an overview of the extrinsics, storage methods, and getters for the pallet constants available in the Referenda Pallet on Moonbeam. This guide assumes you are familiar with governance-related terminology, if not, please check out the governance overview page for more information.
Referenda Pallet Interface¶
The Referenda Pallet provides the following extrinsics (functions):
cancel(index) - cancels an ongoing referendum given the index of the referendum to cancel. This type of action requires a proposal to be created and assigned to either the Root Track or the Emergency Canceller Track
- the index of the referendum to cancel
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.cancel(index);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
kill(index) - cancels an ongoing referendum and slashes the deposits given the index of the referendum to cancel. This type of action requires a proposal to be created and assigned to either the Root Track or the Emergency Killer Track
- the index of the referendum to kill
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.kill(index);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
placeDecisionDeposit(index) - posts the Decision Deposit for a referendum, given the index of the referendum
- the index of the referendum to place the Decision Deposit for
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.placeDecisionDeposit(index);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
refundDecisionDeposit(index) - refunds the Decision Deposit for a closed referendum back to the depositor, given the index of the referendum
- the index of the referendum to refund the Decision Deposit for
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.refundDecisionDeposit(index);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
refundSubmissionDeposit(index) - refunds the Submission Deposit for a closed referendum back to the depositor, given the index of the referendum
- the index of the referendum to refund the Submission Deposit for
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.refundSubmissionDeposit(index);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
submit(proposalOrigin, proposal, enactmentMoment) - proposes a referendum on a privileged action given the Origin from which the proposal should be executed, the proposal, and the moment that the proposal should be enacted
- the Origin and, by extension, the Track from which the proposal should be executed. Typically, this should be set to one of the following:system
- indicates the proposal should be executed by a system-level Origin. You can specify the name of the Origin or the index associated with the Origin:Root
- submits a proposal to the Root Track
- indicates the proposal should be executed by one of the governance Origins. To submit a proposal to any of the Tracks aside from Root, you can specify the name of the Origin or the index associated with the Origin:WhitelistedCaller
- submits a proposal to the Whitelisted TrackGeneralAdmin
- submits a proposal to the General Admin TrackReferendumCanceller
- submits a proposal to the Emergency Canceller TrackReferendumKiller
- submits a proposal to the Emergency Killer Track
- the action being proposed. To define the proposal to submit, you can use the following method:Lookup
- defines the preimage associated with the proposal using the following arguments:hash_
- the hash of the preimagelen
- the length of the preimage
- when the proposal will be executed, either at a specific block or after a specific number of blocks:At
- a specific block to enact the proposal atAfter
- the number of blocks to delay enactment after proposal approval
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const proposalOrigin = INSERT_PROPOSAL_ORIGIN;
For Root Origin, use the following format:
const proposalOrigin = { system: 'Root' };
For all other OpenGov Origins, use the following format:
const proposalOrigin = { Origins: 'INSERT_ORIGIN_NAME_OR_INDEX' };
const proposal = {
Lookup: {
const enactmentMoment = { At: INSERT_BLOCK };
Or for After, use the following:
const enactmentMoment = { After: INSERT_BLOCK }
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tx = api.tx.referenda.submit(proposalOrigin, proposal, enactmentMoment);
const txHash = await tx.signAndSend('INSERT_ACCOUNT_OR_KEYRING');
Storage Methods¶
The Referenda Pallet includes the following read-only storage methods to obtain chain state data:
decidingCount(index) - returns the number of referenda being decided currently
- the index of the Track to get the deciding count for. The index for each Track is as follows:0
- Root Track1
- Whitelisted Track2
- General Admin Track3
- Emergency Canceller Track4
- Emergency Killer Track
The number of referenda currently being decided on for the given Track.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const track = INSERT_TRACK_INDEX;
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const statusFor = await api.query.referenda.decidingCount(track);
palletVersion() - returns the current pallet version
A number representing the current version of the pallet.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const palletVersion = await api.query.referenda.palletVersion();
referendumCount() - returns the number of referenda started so far
The number of referenda started so far.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const statusFor = await api.query.referenda.referendumCount();
referendumInfoFor(index) - returns information concerning any given referendum
- the index of the referendum to get the information for
The status of the referendum and additional information depending on the status. The status can be any of the following:
The referendum has been submitted and is being voted on. The returned data includes information on the proposal, the deposits, the current state of the referendum, and more.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
ongoing: {
track: 2,
origin: { origins: 'GeneralAdmin' },
proposal: {
lookup: {
hash: '0xa5d90079f950888dabb2ef77e159096701784141dd2c8c95a67ced96ec0c1c21',
len: 15
enactment: { after: 100 },
submitted: 5724140,
submissionDeposit: {
who: '0xD720165D294224A7d16F22ffc6320eb31f3006e1',
amount: '0x00000000000000008ac7230489e80000'
decisionDeposit: {
who: '0xD720165D294224A7d16F22ffc6320eb31f3006e1',
amount: '0x000000000000001b1ae4d6e2ef500000'
deciding: { since: 5724440, confirming: null },
tally: { ayes: 0, nays: 0, support: 0 },
inQueue: false,
alarm: [ 5825240, [ 5825240, 0 ] ]
The referendum finished with approval. The returned data includes the block at which the proposal was approved and deposit information, including the account(s) that placed a deposit and the deposit amount for that account.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
approved: [
3715966, // Block at which the proposal was approved
{ // Deposit information
who: '0xE6c5B9500035cb5557E8FDBAa758d78a15361A0E',
amount: '0x00000000000000056bc75e2d63100000'
null // Additional deposit information or null if there isn't any
The referendum ended with a rejection. The returned data includes the block at which the proposal was approved and deposit information, including the account(s) that placed a deposit and the deposit amount for that account.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
rejected: [
5213165, // Block at which the proposal was rejected
{ // Deposit information
who: '0xb926E36D439106090Be1151347CFB916E44AFE00',
amount: '0x00000000000000008ac7230489e80000'
null // Additional deposit information or null if there isn't any
The referendum ended with a cancellation. The returned data includes the block at which the proposal was approved and deposit information, including the account(s) that placed a deposit and the deposit amount for that account.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
cancelled: [
3613947, // Block at which the proposal was cancelled
{ // Deposit information
who: '0xE6c5B9500035cb5557E8FDBAa758d78a15361A0E',
amount: '0x00000000000000056bc75e2d63100000'
null // Additional deposit information or null if there isn't any
The referendum ended and was never decided. The returned data includes the block at which the proposal was approved and deposit information, including the account(s) that placed a deposit and the deposit amount for that account.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
timedOut: [
4585127, // Block at which the proposal timed out
{ // Deposit information
who: '0x657a901AFC4d85A28eEf0F6696E42ae2099219cd',
amount: '0x00000000000000008ac7230489e80000'
null // Additional deposit information or null if there isn't any
The referendum ended with a kill. The block at which the referendum was killed is returned.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
{ killed: 1806494 } // The block at which the referendum was killed
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const referendumInfoFor = await api.query.referenda.referendumInfoFor(index);
trackQueue(index) - returns the sorted list of referenda ready to be decided but not yet being decided on for a given Track. The referenda are sorted by Conviction-weighted approvals
- the index of the Track to get the queue information for. The index for each Track is as follows:0
- Root Track1
- Whitelisted Track2
- General Admin Track3
- Emergency Canceller Track4
- Emergency Killer Track
The list of referenda queued for a given Track. This should return an empty array if the deciding count is less than the maximum number of referenda that can be decided on.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
5, // Referendum Index
0 // Track Index
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const index = INSERT_TRACK_INDEX;
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const trackQueue = await api.query.referenda.trackQueue(index);
Pallet Constants¶
The Referenda Pallet includes the following read-only functions to obtain pallet constants:
maxQueued() - returns the maximum size of the referendum queue for a single Track
The maximum number of queued referenda for a single Track.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const maxQueued = api.consts.referenda.maxQueued;
submissionDeposit() - returns the minimum amount to be used as a deposit for a public referendum proposal
The minimum amount required for the Submission Deposit.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const submissionDeposit = api.consts.referenda.submissionDeposit;
tracks() - returns information concerning the different referendum Tracks
Information on each Track. This includes general, period, and Approval and Support parameters.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
0, // Track Index
name: 'root',
maxDeciding: 5,
decisionDeposit: '0x000000000000152d02c7e14af6800000',
preparePeriod: 7200,
decisionPeriod: 100800,
confirmPeriod: 7200,
minEnactmentPeriod: 7200,
minApproval: {
reciprocal: { factor: 999999999, xOffset: 999999999, yOffset: 0 }
minSupport: {
linearDecreasing: { length: 1000000000, floor: 5000000, ceil: 250000000 }
name: 'whitelisted_caller',
maxDeciding: 100,
decisionDeposit: '0x000000000000021e19e0c9bab2400000',
preparePeriod: 50,
decisionPeriod: 100800,
confirmPeriod: 50,
minEnactmentPeriod: 150,
minApproval: {
reciprocal: { factor: 999999999, xOffset: 999999999, yOffset: 0 }
minSupport: {
reciprocal: { factor: 60061, xOffset: 2994150, yOffset: -59882 }
name: 'general_admin',
maxDeciding: 10,
decisionDeposit: '0x000000000000001b1ae4d6e2ef500000',
preparePeriod: 300,
decisionPeriod: 100800,
confirmPeriod: 7200,
minEnactmentPeriod: 7200,
minApproval: {
reciprocal: { factor: 999999999, xOffset: 999999999, yOffset: 0 }
minSupport: {
reciprocal: { factor: 222222224, xOffset: 333333335, yOffset: -166666668 }
name: 'referendum_canceller',
maxDeciding: 20,
decisionDeposit: '0x000000000000021e19e0c9bab2400000',
preparePeriod: 300,
decisionPeriod: 100800,
confirmPeriod: 900,
minEnactmentPeriod: 50,
minApproval: {
reciprocal: { factor: 999999999, xOffset: 999999999, yOffset: 0 }
minSupport: {
reciprocal: { factor: 787400, xOffset: 1572327, yOffset: -786164 }
name: 'referendum_killer',
maxDeciding: 100,
decisionDeposit: '0x000000000000043c33c1937564800000',
preparePeriod: 300,
decisionPeriod: 100800,
confirmPeriod: 900,
minEnactmentPeriod: 50,
minApproval: {
reciprocal: { factor: 999999999, xOffset: 999999999, yOffset: 0 }
minSupport: {
reciprocal: { factor: 869501, xOffset: 8620680, yOffset: -862069 }
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const tracks = api.consts.referenda.tracks;
undecidingTimeout() - the number of blocks after submission that a referendum must begin being decided by. Once this passes, then anyone may cancel the referendum
The number of blocks before a timeout occurs.
// If using Polkadot.js API and calling toJSON() on the query results
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';
const main = async () => {
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT'),
const undecidingTimeout = api.consts.referenda.undecidingTimeout;
| Created: February 15, 2023