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Overview of XC-20s


The Cross-Consensus Message (XCM) format provides a universal way for blockchains to exchange messages and transfer assets. To extend this interoperability to the EVM, Moonbeam introduced XC-20s, ERC-20 tokens on Moonbeam that are fully compatible with XCM transfers.

Any ERC-20 deployed on Moonbeam can be configured as an XC-20, making it accessible to any chain connected via XCM. This allows EVM-focused developers to work with familiar ERC-20 workflows while benefiting from Polkadot’s native cross-chain functionality, all without needing Substrate-specific expertise.

From a technical standpoint, local XC-20s are ERC-20 tokens originating on Moonbeam (including bridged tokens deemed native once issued on Moonbeam), whereas external XC-20s are wrapped representations of tokens whose canonical ledger exists on another parachain or the relay chain. In all cases, XC-20s function just like standard ERC-20s—supporting common EVM-based use cases (such as DeFi, DEXs, and lending platforms)—but with the added advantage of seamless cross-chain operability.

Moonbeam XC-20 XCM Integration With Polkadot

This page aims to cover the basics on XC-20s; if you want to learn how to interact with or transfer XC-20s, please refer to the Send XC-20s guide.

Types of XC-20s

There are two types of XC-20s: local and external.

What are Local XC-20s?

Local XC-20s are all ERC-20s that exist on the EVM, and that can be transferred cross-chain through XCM. For local XC-20s to be transferred to another parachain, the asset must be registered on that chain. When transferring local XC-20s, the underlying tokens reside in the destination chain's Sovereign account on Moonbeam. A sovereign account is a keyless account governed by a blockchain runtime—rather than an individual—that can hold assets and interact with other chains. Local XC-20s must follow the ERC-20 interface outlined in this guide. They must implement the standard ERC-20 function signatures, including the correct function selector of the transfer function as described in EIP-20. However, additional functionality can still be added as long as it doesn’t break the base methods.

Creating a local XC-20 is equivalent to deploying a standard ERC-20 and enabling cross-chain features on any Moonbeam network.

What are External XC-20s?

External XC-20s are cross-chain tokens originating from another parachain or the relay chain, and they are represented on Moonbeam as ERC-20 tokens. The original tokens remain locked in a Moonbeam sovereign account on their home chain, while the wrapped ERC-20 representation can be freely utilized on Moonbeam. When you transfer external XC-20s, the canonical assets remain in the sovereign account on their source chain, while the ERC-20 representation is what circulates on Moonbeam.

External XC-20s all have xc prepended to their names to distinguish them as cross-chain assets. For example, DOT, native to the Polkadot relay chain, is known as xcDOT when represented as an XC-20 on Moonbeam.

Local XC-20s vs External XC-20s

Local XC-20s are EVM-native ERC-20 tokens whose “home” (or reserve chain) is Moonbeam from a Polkadot perspective. This includes tokens originally bridged in from outside Polkadot (for example, Wormhole-wrapped ETH), because once they’re issued on Moonbeam as ERC-20s, Polkadot views them as local to Moonbeam. When local XC-20s are transferred to another parachain, the tokens move into that chain’s sovereign account on Moonbeam.

External XC-20s, on the other hand, are ERC-20 representations of tokens whose canonical ledger remains on another parachain or the relay chain. Moonbeam holds the “wrapped” version, while the underlying tokens stay locked in Moonbeam’s sovereign account on the originating chain.

From a cross-chain transfer perspective, local and external XC-20s can be sent through Polkadot’s XCM infrastructure using the Ethereum or Substrate API. Because the underlying asset is an ERC-20 with EVM bytecode following the EIP-20 token standard, both transfers initiated via the Substrate and Ehereum APIs generate EVM logs visible to EVM-based explorers such as Moonscan. In contrast, you can't send a regular ERC-20 transfer using the Substrate API. Aside from cross-chain transfers through XCM, all other XC-20 interactions (such as querying balances or adjusting allowances) must occur in the EVM.

Cross-chain transfers of XC-20s are executed via the Polkadot XCM Pallet, which utilizes regular mint, burn, and transfer mechanisms of ERC-20s for the XCM asset flow. If you’d like to learn how to send XC-20s using that pallet, refer to the Using the Polkadot XCM Pallet guide.

Asset Reserves

When transferring tokens across chains in the Polkadot or Kusama ecosystems, each token has a “reserve” chain that holds its canonical ledger—the source of truth for minting, burning, and supply management. For XC-20s, understanding which chain is the reserve determines whether the asset is managed locally on Moonbeam or remotely on another chain.

Regardless of where the reserve is located, XC-20s on Moonbeam are still ERC-20 tokens that developers and users can interact with in the EVM. However, from an XCM perspective, the reserve chain determines how the tokens are locked, unlocked, minted, or burned behind the scenes when performing cross-chain operations.

Local Reserve Assets

A local reserve asset on Moonbeam is a token whose canonical ledger—from an XCM perspective—resides natively on Moonbeam. In other words, Moonbeam is the asset’s home chain, where minting and burning take place.

For example, Wormhole-wrapped ETH (wETH) is considered a local reserve asset on Moonbeam, even though Ethereum is the ultimate source of ETH. Once ETH is wrapped by Wormhole and enters the Polkadot ecosystem via Moonbeam, wETH can be transferred to other parachains through Moonbeam Routed Liquidity (MRL).

The important caveat is that, on a purely Ethereum-level view, ETH remains governed by and minted on Ethereum. However, from an XCM standpoint, wETH on Moonbeam is treated as a local reserve asset, meaning the canonical supply of wETH (as far as Polkadot ecosystems are concerned) exists on Moonbeam.

Remote Reserve Assets

A remote reserve asset is a token whose canonical ledger—the source of truth for minting and burning—resides on a chain different from where it’s currently in use. In the case of xcDOT on Moonbeam, the underlying DOT tokens representing the xcDOT remain locked in Moonbeam’s sovereign account on the Polkadot relay chain, while xcDOT functions as a wrapped representation in Moonbeam’s EVM environment.

Users can hold and transact with xcDOT on Moonbeam (for DeFi, governance, and more), knowing that the underlying DOT is safely locked on the relay chain. At any point, the wrapped xcDOT can be redeemed for the original DOT, effectively burning the xcDOT and unlocking the corresponding DOT tokens on Polkadot.

Current List of External XC-20s

The current list of available external XC-20 assets per network is as follows:

Origin Symbol XC-20 Address
Polkadot xcDOT 0xFfFFfFff1FcaCBd218EDc0EbA20Fc2308C778080
Acala xcaSEED 0xfFfFFFFF52C56A9257bB97f4B2b6F7B2D624ecda
Acala xcACA 0xffffFFffa922Fef94566104a6e5A35a4fCDDAA9f
Acala xcLDOT 0xFFfFfFffA9cfFfa9834235Fe53f4733F1b8B28d4
Apillon xcNCTR 0xFfFFfFfF8A9736B44EbF188972725bED67BF694E
Astar xcASTR 0xFfFFFfffA893AD19e540E172C10d78D4d479B5Cf
Bifrost xcBNC 0xFFffffFf7cC06abdF7201b350A1265c62C8601d2
Bifrost xcBNCS 0xfFfffffF6aF229AE7f0F4e0188157e189a487D59
Bifrost xcFIL 0xfFFfFFFF6C57e17D210DF507c82807149fFd70B2
Bifrost xcvASTR 0xFffFffff55C732C47639231a4C4373245763d26E
Bifrost xcvBNC 0xffFffFff31d724194b6A76e1d639C8787E16796b
Bifrost xcvDOT 0xFFFfffFf15e1b7E3dF971DD813Bc394deB899aBf
Bifrost xcvFIL 0xFffffFffCd0aD0EA6576B7b285295c85E94cf4c1
Bifrost xcvGLMR 0xFfFfFFff99dABE1a8De0EA22bAa6FD48fdE96F6c
Bifrost xcvMANTA 0xFFfFFfFfdA2a05FB50e7ae99275F4341AEd43379
Centrifuge xcCFG 0xFFfFfFff44bD9D2FFEE20B25D1Cf9E78Edb6Eae3
Composable xcIBCMOVR 0xFfFfffFF3AFcd2cAd6174387df17180a0362E592
Composable xcIBCPICA 0xfFFFFfFFABe9934e61db3b11be4251E6e869cf59
Composable xcIBCIST 0xfFfFffff6A3977d5B65D1044FD744B14D9Cef932
Composable xcIBCBLD 0xFffFffff9664be0234ea4dc64558F695C4f2A9EE
Composable xcIBCTIA 0xFFFfFfff644a12F6F01b754987D175F5A780A75B
Composable xcIBCATOM 0xffFFFffF6807D5082ff2f6F86BdE409245e2D953
Darwinia xcRING 0xFfffFfff5e90e365eDcA87fB4c8306Df1E91464f
DED xcDED 0xfFffFFFf5da2d7214D268375cf8fb1715705FdC6
Equilibrium xcEQ 0xFffFFfFf8f6267e040D8a0638C576dfBa4F0F6D6
Equilibrium xcEQD 0xFFffFfFF8cdA1707bAF23834d211B08726B1E499
HydraDX xcHDX 0xFFFfFfff345Dc44DDAE98Df024Eb494321E73FcC
Interlay xcIBTC 0xFFFFFfFf5AC1f9A51A93F5C527385edF7Fe98A52
Interlay xcINTR 0xFffFFFFF4C1cbCd97597339702436d4F18a375Ab
Manta xcMANTA 0xfFFffFFf7D3875460d4509eb8d0362c611B4E841
Nodle xcNODL 0xfffffffFe896ba7Cb118b9Fa571c6dC0a99dEfF1
OriginTrail Parachain xcNEURO 0xFfffffFfB3229c8E7657eABEA704d5e75246e544
Parallel xcPARA 0xFfFffFFF18898CB5Fe1E88E668152B4f4052A947
Peaq xcPEAQ 0xFffFFFFFEC4908b74688a01374f789B48E9a3eab
Pendulum xcPEN 0xffFFfFFf2257622F345E1ACDe0D4f46D7d1D77D0
Phala xcPHA 0xFFFfFfFf63d24eCc8eB8a7b5D0803e900F7b6cED
Polkadex xcPDEX 0xfFffFFFF43e0d9b84010b1b67bA501bc81e33C7A
Polkadot Asset Hub xcPINK 0xfFfFFfFf30478fAFBE935e466da114E14fB3563d
Polkadot Asset Hub xcSTINK 0xFffFffFf54c556bD1d0F64ec6c78f1B477525E56
Polkadot Asset Hub xcUSDC 0xFFfffffF7D2B0B761Af01Ca8e25242976ac0aD7D
Polkadot Asset Hub xcUSDT 0xFFFFFFfFea09FB06d082fd1275CD48b191cbCD1d
Polkadot Asset Hub xcWIFD 0xfffffffF2e1D1ac9eA1686255bEfe995B31abc96
Snowbridge WBTC.e 0xfFffFFFf1B4Bb1ac5749F73D866FfC91a3432c47
Snowbridge wstETH.e 0xFfFFFfFF5D5DEB44BF7278DEE5381BEB24CB6573
Snowbridge WETH.e 0xfFffFFFF86829AFE1521AD2296719DF3ACE8DED7
Subsocial xcSUB 0xfFfFffFf43B4560Bc0C451a3386E082bff50aC90
Unique xcUNQ 0xFffffFFFD58f77E6693CFB99EbE273d73C678DC2
Zeitgeist xcZTG 0xFFFFfffF71815ab6142E0E20c7259126C6B40612

*You can check each Asset ID on Polkadot.js Apps

Origin Symbol XC-20 Address
Relay Chain Alphanet xcUNIT 0xFfFFfFff1FcaCBd218EDc0EbA20Fc2308C778080

*You can check each Asset ID on Polkadot.js Apps

Retrieve List of External XC-20s and Their Metadata

To fetch a list of the currently available external XC-20s along with their associated metadata, you can query the chain state using the Polkadot.js API. You'll take the following steps:

  1. Create an API provider for the network you'd like to get the list of assets for. You can use the following WSS endpoints for each network:

  2. Query the assets pallet for all assets

  3. Iterate over the list of assets to get all of the asset IDs along with their associated metadata
import { ApiPromise, WsProvider } from '@polkadot/api';

const getXc20s = async () => {
  try {
    const substrateProvider = new WsProvider('INSERT_WSS_ENDPOINT');
    const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: substrateProvider });

    const assets = await api.query.assets.asset.entries();

    await Promise.all( ([{ args: [id] }]) => {
        try {
          const metadata = await api.query.assets.metadata(id);
          const humanMetadata = metadata.toHuman();

          console.log(`\nAsset ID: ${id}`);
          console.log('  Name:',;
          console.log('  Symbol:', humanMetadata.symbol);
          console.log('  Decimals:', humanMetadata.decimals);
          console.log('  Deposit:', humanMetadata.deposit);
          console.log('  IsFrozen:', humanMetadata.isFrozen);
        } catch (error) {
          console.error(`Error fetching metadata for asset ${id}:`, error);

    await api.disconnect();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error in getXc20s:', error);


The result will display the asset ID along with some additional information for all of the registered external XC-20s.

Retrieve Local XC-20 Metadata

Since local XC-20s are ERC-20s on Moonbeam that can be transferred via XCM to another parachain, you can interact with local XC-20s like you would an ERC-20. As long as you have the address and the ABI of the ERC-20, you can retrieve its metadata by interacting with its ERC-20 interface to retrieve the name, symbol, and decimals for the asset.

The following is an example that retrieves the asset metadata for the Jupiter token on Moonbase Alpha:

import { ethers } from 'ethers';

const providerRPC = {
  moonbase: {
    name: 'moonbase',
    rpc: '', // Insert your RPC URL here
    chainId: 1287, // 0x507 in hex,

const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerRPC.moonbase.rpc, {
  chainId: providerRPC.moonbase.chainId,

// Replace with the address of the ERC-20 token
const tokenAddress = '0x9Aac6FB41773af877a2Be73c99897F3DdFACf576';
const tokenABI = [
  'function name() view returns (string)',
  'function symbol() view returns (string)',
  'function decimals() view returns (uint8)',

const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(tokenAddress, tokenABI, provider);
async function getTokenMetadata() {
  try {
    const [name, symbol, decimals] = await Promise.all([,
    console.log(`Name: ${name}`);
    console.log(`Symbol: ${symbol}`);
    console.log(`Decimals: ${decimals}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching token metadata:', error);
import { Web3 } from 'web3';

// Insert your RPC URL here
const web3 = new Web3('');

// Replace with the address of the ERC-20 token
const tokenAddress = '0x9Aac6FB41773af877a2Be73c99897F3DdFACf576';
const tokenABI = [
  // ERC-20 ABI
    constant: true,
    inputs: [],
    name: 'name',
    outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'string' }],
    payable: false,
    stateMutability: 'view',
    type: 'function',
    constant: true,
    inputs: [],
    name: 'symbol',
    outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'string' }],
    payable: false,
    stateMutability: 'view',
    type: 'function',
    constant: true,
    inputs: [],
    name: 'decimals',
    outputs: [{ name: '', type: 'uint8' }],
    payable: false,
    stateMutability: 'view',
    type: 'function',
const tokenContract = new web3.eth.Contract(tokenABI, tokenAddress);
async function getTokenMetadata() {
  try {
    const [name, symbol, decimals] = await Promise.all([,
    console.log(`Name: ${name}`);
    console.log(`Symbol: ${symbol}`);
    console.log(`Decimals: ${decimals}`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching token metadata:', error);
from web3 import Web3

web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))

# Replace with the address of the ERC-20 token
token_address = "0x9Aac6FB41773af877a2Be73c99897F3DdFACf576"
token_abi = [  # ERC-20 ABI
        "constant": True,
        "inputs": [],
        "name": "name",
        "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "string"}],
        "payable": False,
        "stateMutability": "view",
        "type": "function",
        "constant": True,
        "inputs": [],
        "name": "symbol",
        "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "string"}],
        "payable": False,
        "stateMutability": "view",
        "type": "function",
        "constant": True,
        "inputs": [],
        "name": "decimals",
        "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "uint8"}],
        "payable": False,
        "stateMutability": "view",
        "type": "function",
token_contract = web3.eth.contract(address=token_address, abi=token_abi)

def get_token_metadata():
        name =
        symbol = token_contract.functions.symbol().call()
        decimals = token_contract.functions.decimals().call()
        print(f"Name: {name}")
        print(f"Symbol: {symbol}")
        print(f"Decimals: {decimals}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error fetching token metadata: {e}")

Last update: February 12, 2025
| Created: December 22, 2021