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Integrate MetaMask into a DApp


With the release of MetaMask's Custom Networks API, users can be prompted to add Moonbeam's Testnet, Moonbase Alpha.

This section will take you through the process of adding a "Connect to Moonbase Alpha" button that will prompt users to connect their MetaMask account(s) to Moonbase Alpha. Your users will no longer need to know or worry about Moonbase Alpha's network configurations and adding a custom network to MetaMask. To interact with Moonbeam from your dApp, all users will need to do is click a few buttons to connect to Moonbase Alpha and get started.

MetaMask injects a global Ethereum API into websites users visit at window.ethereum, which allows the websites to read and request the users' blockchain data. You'll be using the Ethereum provider to walk your users through the process of adding Moonbase Alpha as a custom network. In general, you will have to:

  • Check if the Ethereum provider exists and if it's MetaMask
  • Request the user's account address
  • Add Moonbase Alpha as a new chain

This guide is divided into two sections. First, it'll cover adding a button that will be used to trigger MetaMask to pop-up and connect to Moonbase Alpha. The second part of the guide will create the logic for connecting the user to MetaMask. This way when you click the button you can actually test the functionality as you go through the guide.

Checking Prerequisites

To add the Connect MetaMask button you'll need a JavaScript project and the MetaMask browser extension installed for local testing.

It's recommended to use MetaMask's detect-provider utility package to detect the provider injected at window.ethereum. The package handles detecting the provider for the MetaMask extension and MetaMask Mobile. To install the package in your JavaScript project, run:

npm install @metamask/detect-provider

Add a Button

You'll start off by adding a button that will be used to connect MetaMask to Moonbase Alpha. You want to start with the button so when you create the logic in the next step you can test the code as you make your way through the guide.

The function you will create in the next section of the guide will be called configureMoonbaseAlpha. So the button on click should call configureMoonbaseAlpha.

<button onClick={configureMoonbaseAlpha()}>Connect to Moonbase Alpha</button>

Add Logic

Now that you have created the button, you need to add the configureMoonbaseAlpha function that will be used on click.

  1. Detect the provider at window.ethereum and check if it's MetaMask. If you want a simple solution you can directly access window.ethereum. Or you can use MetaMask's detect-provider package and it will detect the provider for MetaMask extension and MetaMask Mobile for you

    import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';
    const configureMoonbaseAlpha = async () => {
      const provider = await detectEthereumProvider({ mustBeMetaMask: true });
      if (provider) {
        // Logic will go here
      } else {
        console.error('Please install MetaMask');
  2. Request the user's accounts by calling the eth_requestAccounts method. This will prompt MetaMask to pop-up and ask the user to select which accounts they would like to connect to. Behind the scenes, permissions are being checked by calling wallet_requestPermissions. Currently the only permissions are for eth_accounts. So you're ultimately verifying that you have access to the user's addresses returned from eth_accounts. If you're interested in learning more about the permissions system, check out EIP-2255

    import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';
    const configureMoonbaseAlpha = async () => {
      const provider = await detectEthereumProvider({ mustBeMetaMask: true });
      if (provider) {
        try {
          await provider.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
        } catch (e) {
      } else {
        console.error('Please install MetaMask');

    Add accounts to MetaMask

  3. Add Moonbase Alpha as a new chain by calling wallet_addEthereumChain. This will prompt the user to provide permission to add Moonbase Alpha as a custom network. Once the network has been successfully added, it will also prompt the user to then switch to Moonbase Alpha

    import detectEthereumProvider from '@metamask/detect-provider';
    const configureMoonbaseAlpha = async () => {
      const provider = await detectEthereumProvider({ mustBeMetaMask: true });
      if (provider) {
        try {
          await provider.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });
          await provider.request({
            method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain',
            params: [
                 // Moonbase Alpha's chainId is 1287, which is 0x507 in hex
                chainId: '0x507',
                chainName: 'Moonbase Alpha',
                nativeCurrency: {
                  name: 'DEV',
                  symbol: 'DEV',
                  decimals: 18,
                rpcUrls: [''],
                blockExplorerUrls: [''],
        } catch (e) {
      } else {
        console.error('Please install MetaMask');

    Add and switch networks in MetaMask

So, now you should have a button that, on click, walks users through the entire process of connecting their MetaMask accounts to Moonbase Alpha.

Confirm Connection

It's possible that you'll have logic that relies on knowing whether a user is connected to Moonbase Alpha or not. Perhaps you want to disable the button if the user is already connected. To confirm a user is connected to Moonbase Alpha, you can call eth_chainId, which will return the users current chain ID:

const chainId = await provider.request({
  method: 'eth_chainId',
// Moonbase Alpha's chainId is 1287, which is 0x507 in hex
if (chainId === '0x507') {
  // At this point, you might want to disable the "Connect" button
  // or inform the user that they are already connected to the
  // Moonbase Alpha testnet

Listen to Account Changes

To ensure that your project or dApp is staying up to date with the latest account information, you can add the accountsChanged event listener that MetaMask provides. MetaMask emits this event when the return value of eth_accounts changes. If an address is returned, it is your user's most recent account that provided access permissions. If no address is returned, that means the user has not provided any accounts with access permissions.

provider.on('accountsChanged', (accounts) => {
  if (accounts.length === 0) {
    // MetaMask is locked or the user doesn't have any connected accounts
    console.log('Please connect to MetaMask.');

Listen to Chain Changes

To keep your project or dApp up to date with any changes to the connected chain, you'll want to subscribe to the chainChanged event. MetaMask emits this event every time the connected chain changes.

provider.on('chainChanged', () => {
  // MetaMask recommends reloading the page unless you have good reason not to

MetaMask recommends reloading the page whenever the chain changes, unless there is a good reason not to, as it's important to always be in sync with chain changes.

Last update: May 28, 2024
| Created: February 8, 2022