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Indexing Moonbeam with SubQuery


SubQuery is a data aggregation layer that operates between the layer-1 blockchains (such as Moonbeam and Polkadot) and DApps. This service unlocks blockchain data and transforms it into a queryable state so that it can be used in intuitive applications. It allows DApp developers to focus on their core use case and front end without needing to waste time on building a custom back end for data processing.

SubQuery supports indexing the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Substrate data for any of the Moonbeam networks. A key advantage of using SubQuery is that you can flexibly collect query data across both Moonbeam's EVM and Substrate code with a single project and tool, and then query this data using GraphQL.

For example, SubQuery can filter and query EVM logs and transactions in addition to Substrate data sources. SubQuery introduces more advanced filters than other indexers, allowing filtering of non-contract transactions, transaction senders, contracts, and indexed log arguments, so developers can build a wide variety of projects that cater to their specific data needs.

This quick-start guide will show you how to create a SubQuery project and configure it to index Substrate and EVM data on Moonbeam.

The information presented herein is for informational purposes only and has been provided by third parties. Moonbeam does not endorse any project listed and described on the Moonbeam docs website (

Checking Prerequisites

Later on in this guide, you have the option of deploying your project to a locally running SubQuery node. To do so, you need to have the following installed on your system:


If Docker Compose was installed for Linux via the sudo apt install docker-compose command, you might run into some errors later on in the guide. Please be sure to follow the instructions for Linux from the official Install Docker Compose guide.

Create a Project

To get started, you'll need to create a SubQuery project:

  1. Globally install the SubQuery CLI:

    npm install -g @subql/cli
    yarn global add @subql/cli


Using yarn to install @subql/cli is discouraged due to its poor dependency management, which can result in various errors.

  1. Initialize your SubQuery project using the following command:

    subql init PROJECT_NAME
  2. You'll be prompted to answer a series of questions:

    1. For the Select a network family question, although Moonbeam is EVM compatible, the Moonbeam templates are under the Polkadot family, so you can choose Polkadot

      The SubQuery CLI choose a network family menu.

    2. The next screen will prompt you to Select a network. You can choose between Moonbeam and Moonriver


      To build a project on Moonbase Alpha, you can select either network and adapt it later on

      The SubQuery CLI choose a network menu.

    3. You'll be prompted to Select a template project. Depending on the network you chose in the prior step, the template options may vary

      Template Description
      moonbeam-evm-starter A starter EVM project that indexes ERC-20 Transfer events and approve calls
      moonbeam-substrate-evm-starter A starter Substrate and EVM project that indexes ERC-20 Transfer events and calls to the Staking Pallet's joinCandidates and executeLeaveCandidates extrinsics
      Moonbeam-starter A starter Substrate project that indexes balance transfers through the Balances Pallet
      Template Description
      moonriver-evm-starter A starter EVM project that indexes ERC-20 Transfer events and approve calls
      Moonriver-starter A starter Substrate project that indexes balance transfers through the Balances Pallet

      The SubQuery CLI choose a template project menu.

    4. You'll be prompted to add additional information, such as the RPC endpoint, the project's author, and the description of the project. For these, you can just hit enter and accept the default or customize them as you see fit


      To avoid hitting the rate limits of public RPC endpoints, it is recommended to have your own endpoint and API key, which you can get from one of the supported Endpoint Providers

      The terminal output after creating a project using the SubQuery CLI.

  3. After you've gone through all of the prompts, the starter project will be cloned. You'll just need to install dependencies from within the project directory:

    cd PROJECT_NAME && npm install
    cd PROJECT_NAME && yarn install

Configure the Network

The template projects already come pre-configured for the network selected while initializing your project. However, if you're working off of an existing project or want to configure your project for Moonbase Alpha instead of Moonbeam or Moonriver, you can update the network configurations in the project.ts file.

The network configuration is as follows for each network:

network: {
  endpoint: ['INSERT_RPC_API_ENDPOINT'],
  chaintypes: {
    file: ./dist/chaintypes.js,
network: {
  chainId: '0x401a1f9dca3da46f5c4091016c8a2f26dcea05865116b286f60f668207d1474b',
  endpoint: ['INSERT_RPC_API_ENDPOINT'],
  chaintypes: {
    file: ./dist/chaintypes.js,
network: {
  chainId: '0x91bc6e169807aaa54802737e1c504b2577d4fafedd5a02c10293b1cd60e39527',
  endpoint: [''],
  chaintypes: {
    file: ./dist/chaintypes.js,

To test out the examples in this guide on Moonbeam or Moonriver, you will need to have your own endpoint and API key, which you can get from one of the supported Endpoint Providers.

Modify the GraphQL Schema

In the schema.graphql file, you can use GraphQL entities to define the shape of your data. Once you've edited the GraphQL schema for your needs, you'll need to generate the required GraphQL models. To do so, you can run the following command:

npm run codegen
yarn codegen

The terminal output after generating the GraphQL models.

The generated models will be created in the src/types/models directory. These models will be used in the mapping handlers that process the indexed data.


If you make changes to the schema.graphql file, you'll need to regenerate your types.

Index Substrate Data

The project.ts file is the entry point into your indexer; it defines what type of data to index and the mapping functions that are responsible for handling and processing the indexed data.

To index Substrate data, you'll need to ensure that the type of the project is SubstrateProject.

const project: SubstrateProject = { ... }

The Substrate Data Source

In the project.dataSources array, you'll define the Substrate data source and the data to be indexed. The format of the data source is as follows:

datasources: [
    kind: 'substrate/Runtime',
    startBlock: INSERT_START_BLOCK,
    endBlock: INSERT_END_BLOCK,
    mapping: {
      file: './dist/index.js',
      handlers: [
          kind: 'INSERT_HANDLER_KIND',
          handler: 'INSERT_HANDLER_FUNCTION_NAME',
          filter: {

Each property can be defined as follows:

  • kind - the kind of data source that you'll use, which for Substrate data is the substrate/Runtime source
  • startBlock - (optional) the block from which the indexer will start processing blocks
  • endBlock - (optional) after this block, the indexer will stop processing blocks
  • mapping - the data to be indexed and the handlers for the data
    • file - the entry path for the mapping
    • handlers - the handlers for specific kinds of data
      • kind - the kind of handler. For Substrate data, there are three kinds: substrateBlockHandler, substrate/EventHandler, and substrate/CallHandler
      • handler - the name of the handler function that will process this data
      • filter - (optional) the filter type and data that will trigger a mapping handler. For example, what block, event, or extrinsic to index

Substrate Mapping Handlers

Using only certain handlers and filters will improve your indexer's efficiency. The handlers available for Substrate data are as follows:

  • The block handler is used to index block data and is called once for every block. As such, this type of handler will slow your project down significantly and should only be used if absolutely necessary. The supported filters for the block handler are: specVersion, modulo, and timestamp

    Filter Description Example
    specVersion Filters the blocks that fall into a spec version range specVersion: [null, 2000]
    # Indexes blocks with a spec
    version between 0 - 2000
    modulo Filters the blocks at an interval modulo: 50 # Indexes every 50 blocks
    timestamp Filters the blocks at a time interval (in UTC).
    Accepts a valid cron expression
    timestamp: '*5/ * * * *'
    # Indexes blocks every 5 minutes
  • The event handler is used to index certain Substrate events that are part of the runtime. The supported filters for the event handler are: module and method

    Filter Description Example
    module Filters the pallet (module) that the event belongs to module: 'balances'
    method Filters the event method: 'Transfer'
  • The call handler is used to index certain Substrate extrinsics. The supported filters for the call handler are: module, method, success, and isSigned

    Filter Description Example
    module Filters the pallet (module) that extrinsic belongs to module: 'balances'
    method Filters the extrinsic method: 'Transfer'
    success Filters extrinsics based on outcome success: true
    isSigned Filters extrinsics based on whether they're signed isSigned: true

Index Ethereum Data

The project.ts file is the entry point into your indexer; it defines what type of data to index and the mapping functions that are responsible for handling and processing the indexed data.

To index Substrate data, you'll need to ensure that the type of the project is SubstrateProject<FrontierEvmDatasource>.

const project: SubstrateProject<FrontierEvmDatasource> = { ... }

The EVM Data Source

In the project.dataSources array, you'll define the EVM data source and the data to be indexed. The EVM data source is powered by a data processor specifically made to work with Moonbeam’s implementation of Frontier. It allows you to reference specific ABI resources used by the processor to parse arguments and the smart contract address that the events are from or the call is made to. In general, it acts as middleware that can provide extra filtering and data transformation.

The format of the data source is as follows:

datasources: [
    kind: 'substrate/FrontierEvm',
    startBlock: INSERT_START_BLOCK,
    endBlock: INSERT_END_BLOCK,
    processor: {
      file: './node_modules/@subql/frontier-evm-processor/dist/bundle.js',
      options: {
        abi: '',
        address: '',
    assets: ''
    mapping: {
      file: './dist/index.js',
      handlers: [
          kind: 'INSERT_HANDLER_KIND',
          handler: 'INSERT_HANDLER_FUNCTION_NAME',
          filter: {

Each property can be defined as follows:

  • kind - the kind of data source that you'll use, which for EVM data is the substrate/FrontierEVM source
  • startBlock - (optional) the block from which the indexer will start processing blocks
  • endBlock - (optional) after this block, the indexer will stop processing blocks
  • processor - the Frontier EVM data processor configuration
    • file - the file where the data processor code lives
    • options - (optional) the processor options specific to the Frontier EVM processor
      • abi - (optional) the ABI that is used to parse arguments. The abi value must be a key in the assets configuration
      • address - (optional) the contract address where the event is emitted from or the call is made to. Using null will capture contract creation calls
    • assets - (optional) an object of external asset ABI files
  • mapping - the data to be indexed and the handlers for the data
    • file - the entry path for the mapping
    • handlers - the handlers for specific kinds of data
      • kind - the kind of handler. For EVM data, there are two kinds: substrate/FrontierEvmCall and substrate/FrontierEvmEvent
      • handler - the name of the handler function that will process this data
      • filter - (optional) the filter type and data that will trigger a mapping handler. For example, what block, event, or extrinsic to index

Frontier EVM Mapping Handlers

Using only certain handlers and filters will improve your indexer's efficiency. The handlers available for EVM data are as follows:

  • The Frontier EVM call handler is used to index transactions that are formatted based on Ethers TransactionResponse type, but varies slightly. For information on the exact changes, please refer to SubQuery's documentation. The supported filters for the call handler are: function and from

    Filter Description Example
    function Filters the call by function signature or selector function: '0x095ea7b3'
    function: 'approve(address to,uint256 value)'
    from Filters the call by the address that sent the transaction from: '0x6bd193ee6d2104f14f94e2ca6efefae561a4334b'
  • The Frontier EVM event handler is used to index certain EVM events. The supported filter for the event handler is: topics

    Filter Description Example
    topics Filters the event log by topics, which follows the Ethereum JSON-RPC log filters topics: 'Transfer(address indexed from,address indexed to,uint256 value)'

Run Your Indexer

To run your indexer locally using Docker, you can take the following steps:

  1. Build your project:

    npm run build
    yarn build

    The terminal output after building your project.


    If you make changes to the project.ts file, you'll need to rebuild your project.

  2. Start up the Docker container for your indexer:

    npm run start:docker
    yarn start:docker

    The terminal output after starting up the Docker container for your project.

  3. Head to http://localhost:3000 to open the GraphQL playground and submit queries. You can open up the DOCS or SCHEMA tab on the playground as a reference when creating your queries


    It may take a few minutes before the GraphQL server is ready. You'll be able to access the playground after you see the following log:

    substrate-demo-graphql-engine-1  | <subql-query> INFO Started playground at `http://localhost:3000`

    The GraphQL playground in the browser.

And that's it! For a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the moonbeam-substrate-evm-starter template project, you can refer to SubQuery's Moonbeam (EVM) Quick Start documentation.

The information presented herein has been provided by third parties and is made available solely for general information purposes. Moonbeam does not endorse any project listed and described on the Moonbeam Doc Website ( Moonbeam Foundation does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Moonbeam Foundation disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on this information by you or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents. All statements and/or opinions expressed in these materials are solely the responsibility of the person or entity providing those materials and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Moonbeam Foundation. The information should not be construed as professional or financial advice of any kind. Advice from a suitably qualified professional should always be sought in relation to any particular matter or circumstance. The information herein may link to or integrate with other websites operated or content provided by third parties, and such other websites may link to this website. Moonbeam Foundation has no control over any such other websites or their content and will have no liability arising out of or related to such websites or their content. The existence of any such link does not constitute an endorsement of such websites, the content of the websites, or the operators of the websites. These links are being provided to you only as a convenience and you release and hold Moonbeam Foundation harmless from any and all liability arising from your use of this information or the information provided by any third-party website or service.
Last update: January 15, 2025
| Created: February 10, 2022