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Get Started with Moonriver

Network Endpoints

Moonriver has two types of endpoints available for users to connect to: one for HTTPS and one for WSS.

If you're looking for your own endpoints suitable for production use, you can check out the Endpoint Providers section of our documentation. Otherwise, to get started quickly you can use one of the following public HTTPS or WSS endpoints:

Provider RPC URL Limits
80 req/sec
20 req/sec
40 req/sec
32 req/sec
Provider RPC URL Limits
80 req/sec
20 req/sec
40 req/sec
32 req/sec

Quick Start

Before getting started, make sure you've retrieved your own endpoint and API key from one of the custom Endpoint Providers. Then for the Web3.js library, you can create a local Web3 instance and set the provider to connect to Moonriver (both HTTP and WS are supported):

const { Web3 } = require('web3'); // Load Web3 library
// Create local Web3 instance - set Moonriver as provider
const web3 = new Web3('INSERT_RPC_API_ENDPOINT'); // Insert your RPC URL here

For the Ethers.js library, define the provider by using ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerURL, {object}) and setting the provider URL to Moonriver:

const ethers = require('ethers'); // Load Ethers library

const providerURL = 'INSERT_RPC_API_ENDPOINT'; // Insert your RPC URL here

// Define provider
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerURL, {
    chainId: 1285,
    name: 'moonriver'

Any Ethereum wallet should be able to generate a valid address for Moonbeam (for example, MetaMask).

Chain ID

Moonriver chain ID is: 1285, or 0x505 in hex.

Block Explorers

For Moonriver, you can use any of the following block explorers:

For more information on each of the available block explorers, please head to the Block Explorers section of the documentation.

Connect MetaMask

If you already have MetaMask installed, you can easily connect MetaMask to Moonriver:


MetaMask will popup asking for permission to add Moonriver as a custom network. Once you approve permissions, MetaMask will switch your current network to Moonriver.

If you do not have MetaMask installed, or would like to follow a tutorial to get started, please check out the Interacting with Moonbeam using MetaMask guide.

Last update: May 10, 2024
| Created: July 7, 2021