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Interacting with the Staking Precompile


Moonbeam uses a Delegated Proof of Stake system through the Parachain Staking Pallet, allowing token holders (delegators) to express exactly which collator candidates they would like to support and with what quantity of stake. The design of the Parachain Staking Pallet is such that it enforces shared risk/reward on chain between delegators and candidates. For general information on staking, such as general terminology, staking variables, and more, please refer to the Staking on Moonbeam page.

The staking module is coded in Rust and it is part of a pallet that is normally not accessible from the Ethereum side of Moonbeam. However, a staking precompile allows developers to access the staking features using the Ethereum API in a precompiled contract located at address:


This guide will cover the available methods in the staking precompile interface. In addition, it will show you how to interact with the Parachain Staking Pallet through the staking precompile and the Ethereum API. The examples in this guide are done on Moonbase Alpha, but they can be adapted for Moonbeam or Moonriver.


There can be some unintended consequences when using the precompiled contracts on Moonbeam. Please refer to the Security Considerations page for more information.

Exit Delays

Some of the Parachain Staking Pallet extrinsics include exit delays that you must wait before the request can be executed. The exit delays to note are as follows:

Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 28 rounds (168 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 28 rounds (168 hours)
Revoke delegation 28 rounds (168 hours)
Leave candidates 28 rounds (168 hours)
Leave delegators 28 rounds (168 hours)
Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 24 rounds (48 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 24 rounds (48 hours)
Revoke delegation 24 rounds (48 hours)
Leave candidates 24 rounds (48 hours)
Leave delegators 24 rounds (48 hours)
Variable Value
Decrease candidate bond 2 rounds (4 hours)
Decrease delegator bond 2 rounds (4 hours)
Revoke delegation 2 rounds (4 hours)
Leave candidates 2 rounds (4 hours)
Leave delegators 2 rounds (4 hours)

Parachain Staking Solidity Interface

StakingInterface.sol is an interface through which Solidity contracts can interact with parachain-staking. The beauty is that Solidity developers don’t have to learn the Substrate API. Instead, they can interact with staking functions using the Ethereum interface they are familiar with.

The Solidity interface includes the following functions:

  • isDelegator(address delegator) — read-only function that checks whether the specified address is currently a staking delegator. Uses the delegatorState method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • isCandidate(address candidate) — read-only function that checks whether the specified address is currently a collator candidate. Uses the candidateState method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • isSelectedCandidate(address candidate) - read-only function that checks whether the specified address is currently part of the active collator set. Uses the selectedCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • points(uint256 round) - read-only function that gets the total points awarded to all collators in a given round. Uses the points method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • awardedPoints(uint32 round, address candidate) - read-only function that returns the total points awarded in a given round to a given collator. If 0 is returned, it could be because no blocks were produced or the storage for that round has been removed. Uses the points method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegationAmount(address delegator, address candidate) - read-only function that returns the amount delegated by a given delegator in support of a given candidate. Uses the delegatorState method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • isInTopDelegations(address delegator, address candidate) - read-only function that returns a boolean indicating whether the given delegator is in the top delegations for the given candidate. Uses the topDelegations method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • minDelegation() — read-only function that gets the minimum delegation amount. Uses the minDelegation method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • candidateCount() - read-only function that gets the current amount of collator candidates. Uses the candidatePool method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • round() - read-only function that returns the current round number. Uses the round method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • candidateDelegationCount(address candidate) - read-only function that returns the number of delegations for the specified collator candidate address. Uses the candidateInfo method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCount(address candidate) - a read-only function that returns the number of auto-compounding delegations for the specified candidate. Uses the autoCompoundingDelegations method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegatorDelegationCount(address delegator) - read-only function that returns the number of delegations for the specified delegator address. Uses the delegatorState method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • selectedCandidates() - read-only function that gets the selected candidates for the current round. Uses the selectedCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegationRequestIsPending(address delegator, address candidate) - returns a boolean to indicate whether there is a pending delegation request made by a given delegator for a given candidate
  • candidateExitIsPending(address candidate) - returns a boolean to indicate whether a pending exit exists for a specific candidate. Uses the candidateInfo method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • candidateRequestIsPending(address candidate) - returns a boolean to indicate whether there is a pending bond less request made by a given candidate. Uses the candidateInfo method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegationAutoCompound(address delegator, address candidate) - returns the auto-compound percentage for a delegation given the delegator and candidate
  • joinCandidates(uint256 amount, uint256 candidateCount) — allows the account to join the set of collator candidates with the specified bond amount and the current candidate count. Uses the joinCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • scheduleLeaveCandidates(uint256 candidateCount) - schedules a request for a candidate to remove themselves from the candidate pool. Scheduling the request does not automatically execute it. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeLeaveCandidates extrinsic. Uses the scheduleLeaveCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • executeLeaveCandidates(address candidate, uint256 candidateDelegationCount) - executes the due request to leave the set of collator candidates. Uses the executeLeaveCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • cancelLeaveCandidates(uint256 candidateCount) - allows a candidate to cancel a pending scheduled request to leave the candidate pool. Given the current number of candidates in the pool. Uses the cancelLeaveCandidates method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • goOffline() — temporarily leave the set of collator candidates without unbonding. Uses the goOffline method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • goOnline() — rejoin the set of collator candidates after previously calling goOffline(). Uses the goOnline method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • candidateBondMore(uint256 more) — collator candidate increases bond by the specified amount. Uses the candidateBondMore method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • scheduleCandidateBondLess(uint256 less) - schedules a request to decrease a candidates bond by the specified amount. Scheduling the request does not automatically execute it. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the execute_candidate_bond_request extrinsic. Uses the scheduleCandidateBondLess method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • executeCandidateBondLess(address candidate) - executes any due requests to decrease a specified candidate's bond amount. Uses the executeCandidateBondLess method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • cancelCandidateBondLess() - allows a candidate to cancel a pending scheduled request to decrease a candidates bond. Uses the cancelCandidateBondLess method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegateWithAutoCompound(address candidate, uint256 amount, uint8 autoCompound, uint256 candidateDelegationCount, uint256 candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCount, uint256 delegatorDelegationCount) - makes a delegation in support of a collator candidate and automatically sets the percent of rewards to auto-compound given an integer (no decimals) for autoCompound between 0-100. Uses the delegateWithAutoCompound method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • scheduleRevokeDelegation(address candidate) — schedules a request to revoke a delegation given the address of a candidate. Scheduling the request does not automatically execute it. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeDelegationRequest extrinsic. Uses the scheduleRevokeDelegation method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • delegatorBondMore(address candidate, uint256 more) — delegator increases bond to a collator by the specified amount. Uses the delegatorBondMore method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • scheduleDelegatorBondLess(address candidate, uint256 less) — schedules a request for a delegator to bond less with respect to a specific candidate. Scheduling the request does not automatically execute it. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeDelegationRequest extrinsic. Uses the scheduleDelegatorBondLess method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • executeDelegationRequest(address delegator, address candidate) - executes any due delegation requests provided the address of a delegator and a candidate. Uses the executeDelegationRequest method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • cancelDelegationRequest(address candidate) - cancels any pending delegation requests provided the address of a candidate. Uses the cancelDelegationRequest method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • setAutoCompound(address candidate, uint8 value, uint256 candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCount, uint256 delegatorDelegationCount) - sets an auto-compound value for an existing delegation given an integer (no decimals) for the value between 0-100. Uses the setAutoCompound method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • getDelegatorTotalStaked(address delegator) - read-only function that returns the total staked amount of a given delegator, regardless of the candidate. Uses the delegatorState method of the Parachain Staking Pallet
  • getCandidateTotalCounted(address candidate) - read-only function that returns the total amount staked for a given candidate. Uses the candidateInfo method of the Parachain Staking Pallet

As of runtime 2400, the following methods are deprecated:

  • delegate(address candidate, uint256 amount, uint256 candidateDelegationCount, uint256 delegatorDelegationCount) - makes a delegation in support of a collator candidate and automatically sets the percent of rewards to auto-compound to 0. Use delegateWithAutoCompound instead

As of runtime 1800, the following methods are deprecated and, as of runtime 2500, have been removed:

  • scheduleLeaveDelegators() — schedules a request to leave the set of delegators and revoke all ongoing delegations. Scheduling the request does not automatically execute it. There is an exit delay that must be waited before you can execute the request via the executeLeaveDelegators extrinsic. Use the batch utility with scheduleRevokeDelegation for all delegations instead
  • executeLeaveDelegators(address delegator, uint256 delegatorDelegationCount) - executes the due request to leave the set of delegators and revoke all delegations. Use the batch utility with executeDelegationRequest for all delegations instead
  • cancelLeaveDelegators() - cancels a pending scheduled request to leave the set of delegators. Use the batch utility with cancelDelegationRequest for all delegations instead

As of runtime 1001, the following methods are deprecated and, as of runtime 1800, have been removed:

  • is_nominator(address nominator) — read-only function that checks whether the specified address is currently a staking delegator. Use isDelegator instead
  • min_nomination() — read-only function that gets the minimum delegation amount. Use minDelegation instead
  • collator_nomination_count(address collator) - read-only function that returns the number of delegations for the specified collator address. Use candidateDelegationCount instead
  • nominator_nomination_count(address nominator) - read-only function that returns the number of delegations for the specified delegator address. Use delegatorDelegationCount instead
  • leave_candidates(uint256 amount, uint256 candidateCount) — immediately removes the account from the candidate pool to prevent others from selecting it as a collator and triggers unbonding. Use scheduleLeaveCandidates and executeLeaveCandidates instead
  • candidate_bond_less(uint256 less) — collator candidate decreases bond by the specified amount. Use scheduleCandidateBondLess and executeCandidateBondLess instead
  • nominate(address collator, uint256 amount, uint256 collatorNominationCount, uint256 nominatorNominationCount) — if the caller is not a delegator, this function adds them to the set of delegators. If the caller is already a delegator, then it adjusts their delegation amount. Use delegateWithWithAutoCompound instead
  • leave_nominators(uint256 nominatorNominationCount) — leave the set of delegators and revoke all ongoing delegations. Use the batch utility with scheduleRevokeDelegation for all delegations instead
  • revoke_nominations(address collator) — revoke a specific delegation. Use scheduleRevokeDelegation and executeDelegationRequest instead
  • nominator_bond_more(address collator, uint256 more) — delegator increases bond to a collator by the specified amount. Use delegatorBondMore instead
  • nominator_bond_less(address collator, uint256 less) — delegator decreases bond to a collator by the specified amount. Use scheduleDelegatorBondLess and executeDelegationRequest instead

Interact with the Solidity Interface

Checking Prerequisites

The below example is demonstrated on Moonbase Alpha, however, similar steps can be taken for Moonbeam and Moonriver.


The example below requires more than 1 token due to the minimum delegation amount plus gas fees. If you need more than the faucet dispenses, please contact us on Discord and we will be happy to help you.

Remix Set Up

  1. Click on the File explorer tab
  2. Get a copy of StakingInterface.sol and paste the file contents into a Remix file named StakingInterface.sol

Copying and Pasting the Staking Interface into Remix

Compile the Contract

  1. Click on the Compile tab, second from top
  2. Then to compile the interface, click on Compile StakingInterface.sol

Compiling StakingInteface.sol

Access the Contract

  1. Click on the Deploy and Run tab, directly below the Compile tab in Remix. Note: you are not deploying a contract here, instead you are accessing a precompiled contract that is already deployed
  2. Make sure Injected Provider - Metamask is selected in the ENVIRONMENT drop down
  3. Ensure ParachainStaking - StakingInterface.sol is selected in the CONTRACT dropdown. Since this is a precompiled contract there is no need to deploy, instead you are going to provide the address of the precompile in the At Address field
  4. Provide the address of the staking precompile for Moonbase Alpha: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800 and click At Address
  5. The Parachain Staking precompile will appear in the list of Deployed Contracts

Provide the address

Delegate a Collator with Auto-Compounding

For this example, you are going to be delegating a collator and setting up the percentage of rewards to auto-compound on Moonbase Alpha. Delegators are token holders who stake tokens, vouching for specific candidates. Any user that holds a minimum amount of 1 token in their free balance can become a delegator. When delegating a candidate, you can simultaneously set up auto-compounding. You'll be able to specify a percentage of your rewards that will automatically be applied to your total delegation. You don't have to set up auto-compounding right away, you can always do it at a later time.

You can do your own research and select the candidate you desire. For this guide, the following candidate address will be used: 0x12E7BCCA9b1B15f33585b5fc898B967149BDb9a5.

In order to delegate a candidate, you'll need to determine the candidate's current delegation count, their auto-compounding delegation count, and your own delegation count.

The candidate delegation count is the number of delegations backing a specific candidate. To obtain the candidate delegator count, you can call a function that the staking precompile provides. Expand the PARACHAINSTAKING contract found under the Deployed Contracts list, then:

  1. Find and expand the candidateDelegationCount function
  2. Enter the candidate address (0x12E7BCCA9b1B15f33585b5fc898B967149BDb9a5)
  3. Click call
  4. After the call is complete, the results will be displayed

Call collator delegation count

The auto-compounding delegation count is the amount of delegations that have auto-compounding configured. To determine the number of delegations that have auto-compounding set up, you can

  1. Find and expand the candidateAutoCompoundingDelegationCount function
  2. Enter the candidate address (0x12E7BCCA9b1B15f33585b5fc898B967149BDb9a5)
  3. Click call
  4. After the call is complete, the results will be displayed

Get candidate auto-compounding delegation count

The last item you'll need to retrieve is your delegation count. If you don't know your existing number of delegations, you can easily get them by following these steps:

  1. Find and expand the delegatorDelegationCount function
  2. Enter your address
  3. Click call
  4. After the call is complete, the results will be displayed

Call delegator delegation count

Now that you have obtained the candidate delegator count, the auto-compounding delegation count, and your number of existing delegations, you have all of the information you need to delegate a candidate and set up auto-compounding. To get started:

  1. Find and expand the delegateWithAutoCompound function
  2. Enter the candidate address you would like to delegate. For this example you can use 0x12E7BCCA9b1B15f33585b5fc898B967149BDb9a5
  3. Provide the amount to delegate in Wei. There is a minimum of 1 token to delegate, so the lowest amount in Wei is 1000000000000000000
  4. Enter an integer (no decimals) between 0-100 to represent the percentage of rewards to auto-compound
  5. Enter the delegation count for the candidate
  6. Enter the auto-compounding delegation count for the candidate
  7. Enter your delegation count
  8. Press transact
  9. MetaMask will pop-up, you can review the details and confirm the transaction

Delegate a Collator

If you want to delegate without setting up auto-compounding, you can follow the previous steps, but instead of using delegateWithAutoCompound, you can use the delegate extrinsic.

Verify Delegation

To verify your delegation was successful, you can check the chain state in Polkadot.js Apps. First, add your MetaMask address to the address book in Polkadot.js Apps.

Navigate to Accounts and then Address Book, click on Add contact, and enter the following information:

  1. Add your MetaMask address
  2. Provide a nickname for the account
  3. Click Save

Add to Address Book

To verify your delegation was successful, head to Polkadot.js Apps and navigate to Developer and then Chain State

  1. Select the parachainStaking pallet
  2. Select the delegatorState query
  3. Enter your address
  4. Optionally, you can enable the include option slider if you want to provide a specific blockhash to query
  5. Click the + button to return the results and verify your delegation


You do not have to enter anything in the blockhash to query at field if you are looking for an overview of your delegations.

Verify delegation

Confirm Auto-Compounding Percentage

You can confirm the percentage of rewards you've set to auto-compound in Remix using the delegationAutoCompound function of the Solidity interface:

  1. Find and expand the delegationAutoCompound function
  2. Enter your account you used to delegate with
  3. Enter the candidate you've delegated
  4. Click call
  5. The response will appear below the call button

Verify auto-compound percentage

Set or Change the Auto-Compounding Percentage

If you initially set up your delegation without auto-compounding or if you want to update the percentage on an existing delegation with auto-compounding set up, you can use the setAutoCompound function of the Solidity interface.

You'll need to get the number of delegations with auto-compounding set up for the candidate you want to set or update auto-compounding for. You'll also need to retrieve your own delegation count. You can follow the instructions in the Delegate a Collator with Auto-Compounding section to get both of these items.

Once you have the necessary information, you can take the following steps in Remix:

  1. Find and expand the setAutoCompound function
  2. Enter the candidate's account you want to set or update auto-compounding for
  3. Enter a number 0-100 to represent the percentage of rewards you want to auto-compound
  4. Enter the auto-compounding delegation count for the candidate
  5. Enter your delegation count
  6. Press transact
  7. MetaMask will pop-up, you can review the details and confirm the transaction

Set or update auto-compound percentage

Revoke a Delegation

As of runtime version 1001, there have been significant changes to the way users can interact with various staking features. Including the way staking exits are handled.

Exits now require you to schedule a request to exit or revoke a delegation, wait a delay period, and then execute the request.

To revoke a delegation for a specific candidate and receive your tokens back, you can use the scheduleRevokeDelegation extrinsic. Scheduling a request does not automatically revoke your delegation, you must wait an exit delay, and then execute the request by using the executeDelegationRequest method.

To revoke a delegation and receive your tokens back, head back over to Remix, then:

  1. Find and expand the scheduleRevokeDelegation function
  2. Enter the candidate address you would like to revoke the delegation for
  3. Click transact
  4. MetaMask will pop, you can review the transaction details, and click Confirm

Revoke delegation

Once the transaction is confirmed, you must wait the duration of the exit delay before you can execute and revoke the delegation request. If you try to revoke it before the exit delay is up, your extrinsic will fail.

After the exit delay has passed, you can go back to Remix and follow these steps to execute the due request:

  1. Find and expand the executeDelegationRequest function
  2. Enter the address of the delegator you would like to revoke the delegation for
  3. Enter the candidate address you would like to revoke the delegation from
  4. Click transact
  5. MetaMask will pop, you can review the transaction details, and click Confirm

After the call is complete, the results will be displayed and the delegation will be revoked for the given delegator and from the specified candidate. You can also check your delegator state again on Polkadot.js Apps to confirm.

If for any reason you need to cancel a pending scheduled request to revoke a delegation, you can do so by following these steps in Remix:

  1. Find and expand the cancelDelegationRequest function
  2. Enter the candidate address you would like to cancel the pending request for
  3. Click transact
  4. MetaMask will pop, you can review the transaction details, and click Confirm

You can check your delegator state again on Polkadot.js Apps to confirm that your delegation is still intact.

Last update: June 10, 2024
| Created: June 24, 2021