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Interacting with the Proxy Precompile


The Proxy Precompile on Moonbeam allows accounts to set proxy accounts that can perform specific limited actions on their behalf, such as governance, staking, or balance transfers.

If a user wanted to provide a second user access to a limited number of actions on their behalf, traditionally the only method to do so would be by providing the first account's private key to the second. However, Moonbeam has included the Substrate Proxy Pallet, which enables proxy accounts. Proxy accounts ought to be used due to the additional layer of security that they provide, where many accounts can perform actions for a main account. This is best if, for example, a user wants to keep their wallet safe in cold storage but still wants to access parts of the wallet's functionality like governance or staking.

The Proxy Precompile can only be called from an Externally Owned Account (EOA) or by the Batch Precompile.

To learn more about proxy accounts and how to set them up for your own purposes without use of the Proxy Precompile, view the Setting up a Proxy Account page.

The Proxy Precompile is located at the following address:



There can be some unintended consequences when using the precompiled contracts on Moonbeam. Please refer to the Security Considerations page for more information.

The Proxy Solidity Interface

Proxy.sol is an interface through which Solidity contracts can interact with the Proxy Pallet. You do not have to be familiar with the Substrate API since you can interact with it using the Ethereum interface you're familiar with.

The interface includes the following functions:

  • addProxy(address delegate, ProxyType proxyType, uint32 delay) — registers a proxy account for the sender after a specified number of delay blocks (generally zero). Will fail if a proxy for the caller already exists
  • removeProxy(address delegate, ProxyType proxyType, uint32 delay) — removes a registered proxy for the sender
  • removeProxies() — removes all of the proxy accounts delegated to the sender
  • isProxy(address real, address delegate, ProxyType proxyType, uint32 delay) — returns a boolean, true if the delegate address is a proxy of type proxyType, for address real, with the specified delay

The proxyType parameter is defined by the following ProxyType enum, where the values start at 0 with the most permissive proxy type and are represented as uint8 values:

enum ProxyType {

Proxy Types

There are multiple types of proxy roles that can be delegated to accounts, where are represented in Proxy.sol through the ProxyType enum. The following list includes all of the possible proxies and the type of transactions they can make on behalf of the primary account:

  • Any — the any proxy will allow the proxy account to make any type of transaction that the Governance, Staking, Balances, and AuthorMapping proxy types can perform. Note that balance transfers are only allowed to EOAs, not contracts or Precompiles
  • NonTransfer — the non-transfer proxy will allow the proxy account to make any type of transaction through the Governance, Staking and AuthorMapping Precompiles, where the msg.value is checked to be zero
  • Governance - the governance proxy will allow the proxy account to make any type of governance related transaction (includes both democracy or council pallets)
  • Staking - the staking proxy will allow the proxy account to make staking related transactions through the Staking Precompile, including calls to the AuthorMapping Precompile
  • CancelProxy - the cancel proxy will allow the proxy account to reject and remove delayed proxy announcements (of the primary account). Currently, this is not an action supported by the Proxy Precompile
  • Balances - the balances proxy will allow the proxy account to only make balance transfers to EOAs
  • AuthorMapping - this type of proxy account is used by collators to migrate services from one server to another
  • IdentityJudgement - the identity judgement proxy will allow the proxy account to judge and certify the personal information associated with accounts on Polkadot. Currently, this is not an action supported by the Proxy Precompile

Interact with the Solidity Interface

The following section will cover how to interact with the Proxy Precompile from Remix. Please note that the Proxy Precompile can only be called from an EOA or by the Batch Precompile.

Checking Prerequisites

The below example is demonstrated on Moonbase Alpha, however, similar steps can be taken for Moonbeam and Moonriver. You should:

  • Have MetaMask installed and connected to Moonbase Alpha
  • Have an account with some DEV tokens. You can get DEV tokens for testing on Moonbase Alpha once every 24 hours from the Moonbase Alpha Faucet
  • Have a second account that you control to use as a proxy account (funding optional)

Remix Set Up

To get started, get a copy of Proxy.sol and take the following steps:

  1. Click on the File explorer tab
  2. Copy and paste the file contents into a Remix file named Proxy.sol

Copying and Pasting the Proxy Interface into Remix

Compile the Contract

  1. Click on the Compile tab, second from top
  2. Then to compile the interface, click on Compile Proxy.sol

Compiling Proxy.sol

Access the Contract

  1. Click on the Deploy and Run tab, directly below the Compile tab in Remix. Note: you are not deploying a contract here, instead you are accessing a precompiled contract that is already deployed
  2. Make sure Injected Provider - Metamask is selected in the ENVIRONMENT drop down
  3. Ensure Proxy.sol is selected in the CONTRACT dropdown. Since this is a precompiled contract there is no need to deploy, instead you are going to provide the address of the Precompile in the At Address field
  4. Provide the address of the Proxy Precompile for Moonbase Alpha: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000080b and click At Address
  5. The Proxy Precompile will appear in the list of Deployed Contracts

Provide the address

Add a Proxy

You can add a proxy for your account via the Proxy Precompile if your account doesn't already have a proxy. In this example, you will add a balances proxy to an account by taking the following steps:

  1. Expand the Proxy Precompile contract to see the available functions
  2. Find the addProxy function and press the button to expand the section
  3. Insert your second account's address as the delegate, 5 as proxyType, 0 and as delay
  4. Press transact and confirm the transaction in MetaMask


When constructing the transaction in Remix, the proxyType is represented as a uint8, instead of the expected enum ProxyType. In Solidity, enums are compiled as uint8, so when you pass in 5 for proxyType, you indicate the sixth element in the ProxyType enum, which is the balances proxy.

Call the addProxy function

Check a Proxy's Existence

You can determine whether or not an account is a proxy account for a primary account. In this example, you will insert the parameters of the previously added proxy to determine if the proxy account was successfully added:

  1. Find the isProxy function and press the button to expand the section
  2. Insert your primary account's address as real, your second account's address as delegate, 5 as proxyType, and 0 as delay
  3. Press call

If everything went correctly, the output should be true.

Call the isProxy function

Remove a Proxy

You can remove a proxy from your account via the Proxy Precompile. In this example, you will remove the balances proxy previously added to your delegate account by taking the following steps:

  1. Expand the Proxy Precompile contract to see the available functions
  2. Find the removeProxy function and press the button to expand the section
  3. Insert your second account's address as the delegate, 5 as proxyType, 0 and as delay
  4. Press transact and confirm the transaction in MetaMask

After the transaction is confirmed, if you repeat the steps to check for a proxy's existence, the result should be false.

Call the removeProxy function

And that's it! You've completed your introduction to the Proxy Precompile. Additional information on setting up proxies is available on the Setting up a Proxy Account page and the Proxy Accounts page on Polkadot's documentation. Feel free to reach out on Discord if you have any questions about any aspect of the Proxy Precompile.

Last update: June 10, 2024
| Created: February 3, 2022