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Debug API & Trace Module


Geth's debug and txpool APIs and OpenEthereum's trace module provide non-standard RPC methods for deeper insight into transaction processing. Some of these non-standard RPC methods are supported as part of Moonbeam's goal of providing a seamless Ethereum experience for developers. Supporting these RPC methods is an essential milestone because many projects like The Graph rely on them to index blockchain data.

This guide will cover the supported RPC methods available on Moonbeam and how to invoke them using curl commands against a tracing node with the debug, txpool, and tracing flags enabled. You can access a tracing node in one of two ways: through a supported tracing RPC provider or by spinning up a tracing node of your own.

To view a list of tracing RPC providers, please check out the Network Endpoints page.

If you wish to set up your own tracing node, you can follow the Running a Tracing Node guide. The RPC HTTP endpoint of your tracing node should be at and your node should display similar logs to the following:

docker run --network host \
-u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \ moonbeamfoundation/moonbeam-tracing:v0.43.0-3501-906e \
--name="Moonbean-Tracing-Tutorial" \
--unsafe-rpc-external \
--ethapi=debug,trace,txpool \
--wasm-runtime-overrides=/moonbeam/moonbase-substitutes-tracing \
--runtime-cache-size 64 \

2025-03-11 13:52:00 Moonbeam Parachain Collator
2025-03-11 13:52:00 ✌️ version 0.43.0-dfb669d6f65
2025-03-11 13:52:00 ❤️ by PureStake, 2019-2025
2025-03-11 13:52:00 📋 Chain specification: Moonbase Development Testnet
2025-03-11 13:52:00 🏷 Node name: Moonbean-Tracing-Tutorial
2025-03-11 13:52:00 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2025-03-11 13:52:00 💾 Database: RocksDb at /tmp/substrateO3YeRz/chains/moonbase_dev/db/full
2025-03-11 14:52:13 Found wasm override. version=moonbase-300 (moonbase-0.tx2.au3) file=/moonbeam/moonbase-substitutes-tracing/moonbase-runtime-300-substitute-tracing.wasm
2025-03-11 14:56:34 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x18e6…2eb1), finalized #0 (0x18e6…2eb1), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0

Supported Debug and Trace JSON-RPC Methods


This method attempts to replay a transaction in the same manner as it was executed on the network. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.

  • transaction_hash string - the hash of the transaction to be traced
  • tracer_config string - (optional) a JSON object for configuring the tracer that contains the following field:
    • tracer string - sets the type of tracer

If no tracer_config is provided, the opcode logger will be the default tracer. The opcode logger provides the following additional fields:

  • opcode_config string - (optional) a JSON object for configuring the opcode logger:
    • disableStorage boolean — (optional, default: false) setting this to true disables storage capture
    • disableMemory boolean — (optional, default: false) setting this to true disables memory capture
    • disableStack boolean — (optional, default: false) setting this to true disables stack capture

If you supplied a tracer_config, the result object contains the following fields:

  • type - the type of the call
  • from - the address the transaction is sent from
  • to - the address the transaction is directed to
  • value - the integer of the value sent with this transaction
  • gas - the integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
  • gasUsed - the integer of the gas used
  • input - the data given at the time of input
  • output - the data which is returned as an output
  • error - the type of error, if any
  • revertReason - the type solidity revert reason, if any
  • calls - a list of sub-calls, if any

If you used the default opcode logger, the result object contains the following fields:

  • gas- the integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
  • returnValue - the output produced by the execution of the transaction
  • structLogs - an array of objects containing a detailed log of each opcode executed during the transaction
  • failed - a boolean indicating whether the transaction execution failed or succeeded

Using the tracer_config:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
  "id": 1,
  "method": "debug_traceTransaction",
  "params": ["INSERT_TRANSACTION_HASH", {"tracer": "callTracer"}]

Using the default opcode logger:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
  "id": 1,
  "method": "debug_traceTransaction",

This method attempts to replay a block in the same manner as it was executed on the network. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.

  • block_number string - the block number of the block to be traced
  • tracer_config string - a JSON object for configuring the tracer that contains the following field:
    • tracer string - sets the type of tracer. This must be set to callTracer, which only returns transactions and sub-calls. Otherwise, the tracer will attempt to default to the opcode logger, which is not supported at this time due to the heavy nature of the call

The method returns a JSON object with a top-level result property that is an array. Each element in this array corresponds to a single transaction in the block and includes a txHash and a result object as follows:

  • txHash - the transaction hash

The result object contains the following fields:

  • type - the type of the call
  • from - the address the transaction is sent from
  • to - the address the transaction is directed to
  • value - the integer of the value sent with this transaction
  • gas - the integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
  • gasUsed - the integer of the gas used
  • input - the data given at the time of input
  • output - the data which is returned as an output
  • error - the type of error, if any
  • revertReason - the type solidity revert reason, if any
  • calls - a list of sub-calls, if any
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "debug_traceBlockByNumber",
    "params": ["INSERT_BLOCK_NUMBER", {"tracer": "callTracer"}]

This method attempts to replay a block in the same manner as it was executed on the network. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.

  • block_hash string - the block hash of the block to be traced
  • tracer_config string - a JSON object for configuring the tracer that contains the following field:
    • tracer string - sets the type of tracer. This must be set to callTracer, which only returns transactions and sub-calls. Otherwise, the tracer will attempt to default to the opcode logger, which is not supported at this time due to the heavy nature of the call

The method returns a JSON object with a top-level result property that is an array. Each element in this array corresponds to a single transaction in the block and includes a txHash and a result object as follows:

  • txHash - the transaction hash

The result object contains the following fields:

  • type - the type of the call
  • from - the address the transaction is sent from
  • to - the address the transaction is directed to
  • value - the integer of the value sent with this transaction
  • gas - the integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
  • gasUsed - the integer of the gas used
  • input - the data given at the time of input
  • output - the data which is returned as an output
  • error - the type of error, if any
  • revertReason - the type solidity revert reason, if any
  • calls - a list of sub-calls
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "debug_traceBlockByHash",
    "params": ["INSERT_BLOCK_HASH", {"tracer": "callTracer"}]

This method executes an eth_call within the context of the given block using the final state of the parent block as the base. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.

  • call_object object the transaction object to be executed
  • block_hash string - the block hash of the base block
  • gas- the integer of the gas provided for the transaction execution
  • returnValue - the output produced by the execution of the transaction
  • structLogs - an array of objects containing a detailed log of each opcode executed during the transaction
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "debug_traceCall",
    "params": [{
        "from": "INSERT_FROM_ADDRESS",
        }, "INSERT_BLOCK_HASH"]

This method returns matching traces for the given filters. Refer to Open Ethereum's documentation for more information.

  • fromBlock string — (optional) either block number (hex), earliest, which is the genesis block, or latest (default), which is the best block available. The trace starting block
  • toBlock string — (optional) either block number (hex), earliest, which is the genesis block, or latest, which is the best block available. The trace-ending block
  • fromAddress array — (optional) filter transactions from these addresses only. If an empty array is provided, no filtering is done with this field
  • toAddress array — (optional) filter transactions to these addresses only. If an empty array is provided, no filtering is done with this field
  • after uint — (optional) the default offset is 0. The trace offset (or starting) number
  • count uint — (optional) number of traces to display in a batch

There are a couple of default values that you should be aware of:

  • The maximum number of trace entries a single request of trace_filter is allowed to return is 500. A request exceeding this limit will return an error
  • Blocks processed by requests are temporarily stored in the cache for 300 seconds, after which they are deleted

You can configure additional flags when spinning up your tracing node to change the default values.

The result array contains an array of objects for the block traces. All objects will contain the following fields:

  • blockHash- the hash of the block where this transaction was in
  • blockNumber - the block number where this transaction was in
  • subtraces - the traces of contract calls made by the transaction
  • traceAddress - the list of addresses where the call was executed, the address of the parents, and the order of the current sub-call
  • transactionHash - the hash of the transaction
  • transactionPosition - the transaction position
  • type - the value of the method, such as call or create

If the type of the transaction is a call, these additional fields will exist:

  • action - an object containing the call information:
    • from - the address of the sender
    • callType - the type of method, such as call and delegatecall
    • gas - the gas provided by the sender, encoded as hexadecimal
    • input - the data sent along with the transaction
    • to - the address of the receiver
    • value - the integer of the value sent with this transaction, encoded as hexadecimal
  • result - an object containing the result of the transaction
    • gasUsed- the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone
    • output- the value returned by the contract call, and it only contains the actual value sent by the return method. If the return method was not executed, the output is empty bytes

If the type of the transaction is a create, these additional fields will exist:

  • action - an object containing information on the contract creation:
    • from - the address of the sender
    • creationMethod - the creation method, such as create
    • gas - the gas provided by the sender, encoded as hexadecimal
    • init - the initialization code of the contract
    • value - the integer of the value sent with this transaction, encoded as hexadecimal
  • result - an object containing the result of the transaction
    • address - the address of the contract
    • code - the bytecode of the contract
    • gasUsed- the amount of gas used by this specific transaction alone

This example starts with a zero offset and provides the first 20 traces:

curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "trace_filter", "params": 
      "fromBlock": "INSERT_FROM_BLOCK",
      "toBlock": "INSERT_TO_BLOCK",
      "toAddress": ["INSERT_ADDRESS_TO_FILTER"],
      "after": 0,
      "count": 20

Returns the details for all currently pending transactions waiting to be included in the next block(s) and all queued transactions for future execution. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.


The result object contains the following fields:

  • pending - an object containing the pending transaction details, which maps an address to a batch of scheduled transactions
    • address - the address initiating a transaction, which maps the addresses' associating nonces with their transactions
      • nonce - the nonce of the sending address
        • blockHash - the hash of the block where this transaction was included. For pending transactions, this is an empty 32-byte string in hexadecimal format
        • blockNumber - the block number where this transaction was added encoded as a hexadecimal. For pending transactions, this is null
        • from - the address of the sender
        • gas - the total amount of gas units used in the transaction
        • gasPrice - the total amount in Wei the sender is willing to pay for the transaction
        • maxFeePerGas - the maximum amount of gas willing to be paid for the transaction
        • maxPriorityFeePerGas - the maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the miner
        • hash - the hash of the transaction
        • input - the encoded transaction input data
        • nonce - the number of transactions the sender has sent till now
        • to - the address of the receiver. null when it's a contract creation transaction
        • transactionIndex - an integer of the transactions index position in the block encoded as a hexadecimal format. For pending transactions, this is null
        • value - the value transferred in Wei encoded as a hexadecimal format
  • queued - an object containing the queued transaction details, which maps an address to a batch of scheduled transactions
    • address - the address initiating a transaction, which maps the addresses' associating nonces with their transactions
      • nonce - the nonce of the sending address
        • blockHash - the hash of the block where this transaction was included. For queued transactions, this is an empty 32-byte string in hexadecimal format
        • blockNumber - the block number where this transaction was added encoded as a hexadecimal. For queued transactions, this is null
        • from - the address of the sender
        • gas - the total amount of gas units used in the transaction
        • gasPrice - the total amount in wei the sender is willing to pay for the transaction
        • maxFeePerGas - the maximum amount of gas willing to be paid for the transaction
        • maxPriorityFeePerGas - the maximum amount of gas to be included as a tip to the miner
        • hash - the hash of the transaction
        • input - the encoded transaction input data
        • nonce - the number of transactions the sender has sent till now
        • to - the address of the receiver. null when it's a contract creation transaction
        • transactionIndex - an integer of the transactions index position in the block encoded as a hexadecimal format. For queued transactions, this is null
        • value - the value transferred in Wei encoded as a hexadecimal format
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "txpool_content", "params":[]

Returns a summary for all currently pending transactions waiting to be included in the next block(s) and all queued transactions for future execution. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.


The result object contains the following fields:

  • pending - an object containing the pending transaction summary strings, which maps an address to a batch of scheduled transactions
    • address - the address initiating a transaction, which maps the addresses' associating nonces with their transaction summary strings
  • queued - an object containing the queued transaction summary strings, which maps an address to a batch of scheduled transactions
    • address - the address initiating a transaction, which maps the addresses' associating nonces with their transaction summary strings
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method" "txpool_inspect", "params":[]

Returns the total number of transactions currently pending transactions waiting to be included in the next block(s) and all queued transactions for future execution. Refer to Geth's documentation for more information.


The result object contains the following fields:

  • pending - a counter representing the number of pending transactions
  • queued - a counter representing the number of queued transactions
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d \
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "txpool_status", "params":[]
Last update: January 23, 2025
| Created: April 17, 2024