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Moonbeam XCM SDK Reference: v1


The Moonbeam XCM SDK enables developers to easily transfer assets between chains, either between parachains or between a parachain and the relay chain, within the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem. With the SDK, you don't need to worry about determining the multilocation of the origin or destination assets or which extrinsics are used on which networks to send XCM transfers.

The SDK provides an API that enables you to get asset information for each of the supported assets, the source chains where a given asset can be sent from, and, given a source chain, the supported destination chains where the given asset can be sent to. The SDK also includes helper methods related to transferring cross-chain assets, such as the ability to get an estimated amount of the asset the destination account will receive, less any execution fees, and asset conversion methods based on the asset and number of decimals it has. All of which enables you to easily and seamlessly transfer assets across chains.

This page includes a list of the interfaces and methods available in the XCM SDK for v1. For information on how to use the XCM SDK interfaces and methods, please refer to the Using the XCM SDK guide.

Core Types and Interfaces

The XCM SDK is based on the premise of defining an asset to transfer and then defining the source chain to send the asset from and the destination chain to send the asset to, which combined builds the transfer data. The following sections cover the types and interfaces you'll interact with when interacting with assets, chains, and transfer data.


  • Asset - defines an asset's key and symbol used on the asset's origin chain

    Name Type Description
    key string Identifies an asset
    originSymbol string The symbol of the asset on the asset's origin chain
  • AssetAmount - defines properties related to an asset, including Asset properties, the decimals and symbol of the asset, and the amount an associated source or destination address has of the asset

    Name Type Description
    amount bigint Identifies a particular amount of the asset (i.e., balance, minimum, maximum, etc.)
    decimals number The number of decimals the asset has
    symbol string The symbol of the asset
    key string Identifies an asset
    originSymbol string The symbol of the asset on the asset's origin chain


    There are a few utility methods that are available for working with AssetAmount class that convert the amount to various formats. Please refer to the Methods for Asset Conversions section.


  • Chain - defines properties related to a chain, used to define the source and destination chains. If a chain is an EVM parachain, there are a couple additional properties

    Name Type Description
    ecosystem Ecosystem Identifies the ecosystem the chain belongs to: polkadot, kusama, or alphanet-relay
    isTestChain boolean Whether the chain is a TestNet
    key string Identifies a chain
    name string The name of the chain
    type ChainType The type of the chain: parachain or evm-parachain
    assetsData Map A list of the assets that the chain supports
    genesisHash string The hash of the genesis block
    parachainId number The ID of the parachain
    ss58Format number The ss58 format for the chain
    usesChainDecimals boolean A flag indicating if the chain uses its own decimals in balance queries for all the assets. Defaults to false
    ws string The WebSocket endpoint for the chain
    id number For EVM parachains only - The chain ID
    rpc string For EVM parachains only - The HTTP RPC endpoint for the chain
  • ChainAssetsData - defines the information needed to target the asset on the chain. This is mostly for internal usage to accommodate how different chains store their assets. The SDK defaults to the asset ID if certain properties are not applicable to the given chain

    Name Type Description
    asset Asset The asset's key and origin symbol
    balanceId ChainAssetId The balance ID of the asset. Defaults to the asset ID
    decimals number The number of decimals the asset has
    id ChainAssetId The asset ID
    metadataId ChainAssetId The metadata ID of the asset
    minId ChainAssetId The minimum ID of the asset
    palletInstance number The number of the pallet instance the asset belongs to
    min number The minimum amount of the asset that is required to be left in the account for it to be active. Similar to the existential deposit except it is for non-native assets

    ChainAssetId is a generic type used to specify the location of the asset on the chain, which is different on every chain, and is defined as:

    type ChainAssetId =
      | string
      | number
      | bigint
      | { [key: string]: ChainAssetId };

Transfer Data

  • TransferData - defines the complete transfer data for transferring an asset, including asset, source chain, and destination chain information, and a few helper functions for the transfer process

    Name Type Description
    destination DestinationChainTransferData The assembled destination chain and address information
    getEstimate function Gets the estimated amount of the asset that will be received by the destination address
    isSwapPossible boolean Returns whether or not the swap is possible
    max AssetAmount The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred
    min AssetAmount The minimum amount of the asset that can be transferred
    source SourceChainTransferData The assembled source chain and address information
    swap function Swaps the destination and the source chains and returns the swapped transfer data
    transfer function Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain
  • DestinationChainTransferData - defines the destination chain data for the transfer

    Name Type Description
    balance AssetAmount The balance of the asset being transferred on the destination address
    chain AnyChain The destination chain information
    existentialDeposit AssetAmount The existential deposit for the asset being transferred on the destination chain
    fee AssetAmount The amount of fees for the asset being transferred on the destination chain
    min AssetAmount The minimum amount of the asset to transfer. This is different than TransferData.min, as this dictates the minimum amount that should be received on the destination chain
  • SourceChainTransferData - defines the source chain data for the transfer

    Name Type Description
    balance AssetAmount The balance of the asset being transferred for the source address
    chain AnyChain The source chain information
    destinationFeeBalance AssetAmount The balance of the asset used to pay for fees in the destination chain
    existentialDeposit AssetAmount The existential deposit for the asset being transferred on the source chain
    fee AssetAmount The amount of fees for the asset being transferred on the source chain
    feeBalance AssetAmount The balance of the asset being transferred on the source chain
    min AssetAmount The minimum amount of the asset that should be kept on the source chain, taking into consideration the existentialDeposit and fee for the transfer
    max AssetAmount The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred

Core Methods

The SDK provides the following core methods:

  • Sdk() - exposes the methods of the XCM SDK. Must be called first to access other SDK methods

    Name Type Description
    options? SdkOptions Allows you to specify an evmSigner or polkadotSigner
    Name Type Description
    assets function Provides an entry point to building the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain
    getTransferData function Builds the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain
  • getTransferData() - builds the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain

    Name Type Description
    destinationAddress string The address of the receiving account on the destination chain
    destinationKeyorChain string | AnyChain The key or Chain data for the destination chain
    evmSigner? EthersSigner | WalletClient The signer for Ethereum-compatible chains that use H160 Ethereum-style accounts. Can be either an Ethers signer or a viem Wallet Client
    keyOrAsset string | Asset The key or Asset data for the asset being transferred
    polkadotSigner? PolkadotSigner | IKeyringPair The Polkadot signer or Keyring pair
    sourceAddress string The address of the sending account on the source chain
    sourceKeyOrChain string | AnyChain The key or Chain data for the source chain
    Name Type Description
    destination DestinationChainTransferData The assembled destination chain and address information
    getEstimate function Gets the estimated amount of the asset that will be received by the destination address
    isSwapPossible boolean Returns whether or not the swap is possible
    max AssetAmount The maximum amount of the asset that can be transferred
    min AssetAmount The minimum amount of the asset that can be transferred
    source SourceChainTransferData The assembled source chain and address information
    swap function Swaps the destination and the source chains and returns the swapped transfer data
    transfer function Transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain
  • assets() - provides an entry point to building the data necessary to transfer an asset between a source chain and a destination chain

    Name Type Description
    ecosystem? Ecosystem Specify the ecosystem for a set of assets: polkadot, kusama, or alphanet-relay
    Name Type Description
    assets Asset[] A list of the supported assets
    asset function Sets the asset to be transferred

    Refer to the following section on how to continue to build the transfer data using the asset function.

Methods for Building Transfer Data Starting with Assets

When building transfer data with the Sdk().assets() function, you'll use multiple methods to build the underlying XCM message and send it.

  • asset() - sets the asset to be transferred. Must call assets() first

    Name Type Description
    keyOrAsset string | Asset The key or Asset data for the asset being transferred
    Name Type Description
    sourceChains AnyChain[] A list of the supported source chains for the specified asset
    source function Sets the source chain to transfer the asset from
  • source() - sets the source chain to transfer the asset from. Must call asset() first

    Name Type Description
    keyOrChain string | AnyChain The key or Chain data for the source chain
    Name Type Description
    destinationChains AnyChain[] A list of the supported destination chains for the specified asset and source chain
    destination function Sets the destination chain to transfer the asset from
  • destination() - sets the destination chain to transfer the asset to. Must call source() first

    Name Type Description
    keyOrChain string | AnyChain The key or Chain data for the destination chain
    Name Type Description
    accounts function Sets the source address, the destination address, and the signer(s) required for the transfer
  • accounts() - sets the source address, the destination address, and the signer(s) required for the transfer. Must call destination() first

    Name Type Description
    sourceAddress string The address of the sending account on the source chain
    destinationAddress string The address of the receiving account on the destination chain
    signers? Partial(signers) The Ethers or Polkadot signers required to sign transactions

    Please refer to the returns section of the getTransferData() method for information on the returned transfer data.

Methods for Consuming Transfer Data

  • swap() - returns the transfer data necessary to swap the asset from the destination chain back to the source chain




    Please refer to the returns section of the getTransferData() method for information on the returned transfer data. Keep in mind that with the swap function, the source and destination in the original transfer data has been swapped.

  • transfer() - transfers a given amount of the asset from the source chain to the destination chain

    Name Type Description
    amount bigint | number | string The amount of the asset to transfer between the source and destination chains
    Name Type Description
    - Promise(string) The transaction hash for the transfer on the source chain
  • getEstimate() - returns an estimated amount of the asset that will be received on the destination chain, less any destination fees

    Name Type Description
    amount number | string The amount of the asset to transfer between the source and destination chains
    Name Type Description
    - AssetAmount An estimated amount of the asset that will be received by the destination address

Methods for Asset Conversions

  • toDecimal() - converts an AssetAmount to a decimal. The number to convert to decimal format and the number of decimals the asset uses are pulled automatically from the AssetAmount

    Name Type Description
    maxDecimal? number The maximum number of decimal places to use. The default is 6
    roundType? RoundingMode Accepts an index that dictates the rounding method to use based on the RoundingMode enum

    Where the RoundingMode enum is defined as:

    enum RoundingMode {
      RoundDown = 0,
      RoundHalfUp = 1,
      RoundHalfEven = 2,
      RoundUp = 3
    Name Type Description
    - string The given amount in decimal format
  • toBig() - converts an AssetAmount to a big number



    Name Type Description
    - Big The given amount in big number format
  • toBigDecimal() - converts an AssetAmount to a decimal and then to a big number. The number to convert to decimal format and the number of decimals the asset uses are pulled automatically from the AssetAmount

    Name Type Description
    maxDecimal? number The maximum number of decimal places to use. The default is 6
    roundType? RoundingMode Accepts an index that dictates the rounding method to use based on the RoundingMode enum

    Where the RoundingMode enum is defined as:

    enum RoundingMode {
      RoundDown = 0,
      RoundHalfUp = 1,
      RoundHalfEven = 2,
      RoundUp = 3
    Name Type Description
    - Big The given amount in big number decimal format
Last update: May 10, 2024
| Created: June 23, 2023